…is a cloudy, steamy day caused by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on Woke not working in corporate America.

…is a cloudy, steamy day caused by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on Woke not working in corporate America.
If @leezeldin was a Democrat, his attacker would be facing terror charges from a federal jail and everybody knows it. A two-tiered system of justice is not sustainable.

Seems fair. Right?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Steve Bannon is going to jail.
Dear Elwood:
Not so fast there buckaroo, he hasn’t been sentenced and the appeal process hasn’t even started.
Of course that doesn’t matter to you.
If you were a person who cared about the country you would understand that it is important that all conversations with a president must always be confidential else any advice he received would be impacted by the knowledge that anything said to him could become public.
That’s dangerous.
It’s 90º F at our humble abode, but the normal high here is 88º, so two degrees above is hardly abnormal.
Dear Elwood:
Not so fast there buckaroo, he hasn’t been sentenced and the appeal process hasn’t even started.
Of course that doesn’t matter to you.
If you were a person who cared about the country you would understand that it is important that all conversations with a president must always be confidential else any advice he received would be impacted by the knowledge that anything said to him could become public.
That’s dangerous.
Pretty girl but, seriously, for once she really is in an ugly place. Where is that, NOLA? Something like that. Looks brutally dreary…
That’s the black only swimming pool in Delaware where the notorious showdown between Pedo joe and Corn Pop happened. I think you can now locate it on Google Earth. They even have a link from the original chain for viewing.
The lying filthy pig democrats are about to redefine what a “recession” is due to the fact we are approaching the SECOND quarter in a row of economic decline. Dowd will swear it was always 3 consecutive quarters (until next quarter). Should we wait and see if 20 points mysteriously appear on the government stats around 3 am on August 1st?
If you can steal an election you can steal an economy.
LGB wrote:
While the ‘official’ first guesstimate numbers won’t be released for another week, the Federal reserve Bank of Atlanta is already projecting a GDP decline of 1.6%.
What is a recession:
The NBER is a private, non-profit organization, and is (supposedly) not subject to the orders of President [shudder!] Joe Biden, who would tell them that a recession just ain’t so, but it’s worth noting that NBER headquarters are in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
In the meantime, three teenaged girls, supposedly minors, were told to leave the public swimming pool in Kensington due to their abusive behavior. The girls refused, and started taunting and abusing the lifeguards and other swimmers. Five were treated for minor injuries.
The other guests left the pool, and then the three girls went outside and vandalized automobiles. Two males broke into the pool and stole one of the lifeguard’s purse.
Philly already had a serious shortage of lifeguards, and opened only 15 out of 65 city pools this year. Three were left closed due to remodeling, but 12 stayed closed due to personnel shortages. Now the city has drained the Kensington pool, and shut it down for the rest of the season.
Entire town police force, plus utilities clerk and assistant town manager in Kenly, North Carolina, resigned “due to the environment that was created by town manager Justine Jones, who took the job at the beginning of June. In their resignation letters, the employees cited a “hostile,” “toxic” and stressful work environment.”
According to other reports, if the town manager leaves, the cops will return to duty.
Josh Hawley (R-MO) who raised an encouraging fist to the insurrectionists and worked with tRumpty dUmpty to overturn the election, ran like a frightened rabbit when confronted by his own rioters! Run, Joshua, Run! LOL.
Even better… Regnery Publishing is set to release his new book “Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs” next year. What a laughingstock! Worst Senator in MO history – including Kit Bond, Roy Blunt and John Ashcroft (who lost to a dead man!). This year the disgraced Eric Greitens and Mark “Gunner” McCloskey are among the GOPhers running.
When Hawley was asked if he was running, he asked for clarification. LOL.
Capitol officer Michael Fanone, who was injured in the Jan 6 insurrection said of Hawley:
“Josh Hawley is a bitch. And he ran like a bitch. The fist pump, combined with what he did in the immediate aftermath, just shows [his] true character. You see the way that these guys perform in public, and then what they are in reality ? you get a lot of that nonsense up here on Capitol Hill with these members of Congress that have become a caricature in the media, but in reality they have no character. They have no honor. They have no integrity.”
Manhood, LOL.
Read more at: https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article263718073.html#storylink=cpy
Tough guy Rimjob questioning another’s manhood?

‘Tis to laugh.
Bwaha! Lolgf
You are really a broken person. “you get a lot of that nonsense up here on Capitol Hill with these members of Congress that have become a caricature in the media, but in reality they have no character. They have no honor. They have no integrity.” Do you think that’s exclusive to Republicans? You guys have Soviet style show trials. You leave people in prison for 18 months without trial.
Another commie on the left tried to assassinate a sitting Congressman Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-USSR) in a blatant attempt to overthrow the government. He was immediately released. Commies like Dowd call that “justice”. Meanwhile, Bannon was found guilty of “contempt of congress” and could face 2 months to 2 years in prison. REALLY????? It’s like living in the USSR during Stalins purge!
The man who attacked Rep Zeldin was a disturbed veteran, David Jakubonis, 43. His “weapon” was, according to a, “witness who helped tackle the suspect was a plastic keychain in the shape of a cat’s face with pointy ears“.
Jakubonis was released on his own recognizance.
Bannon was convicted on two misdemeanor counts of contempt. And this time tRumpty can’t pardon him. Bannon will no doubt appeal, but is likely to spend some time in an orange jumpsuit. He’ll figure out a way to make bank from it.
“Tough” guys like Bannon, Hawley and tRumpty are not that tough in the trenches.
Dearest Elwood:
” They were just weird noises,” ”
Define weird.
“a plastic keychain in the shape of a cat’s face with pointy ears“.”
With two finger holes to allow the user to stab their target with the “point ears.”
“indicative of someone experiencing mental health issues.”
Just the type to be let loose to roam free and attack others. Of course you Lefties don’t care if he kills.
And did you serve in the military??
How tough are you?
Mr. Lewis, Dowd is a big fat coward. That’s why he’s always crying about something a conservative did. He’s always afraid. Coward.
They may be on Hunter Biden’s laptop!
She is Rockin!
Most people would feel embarrassed to constantly display their ignorance, but you just keep on putting if out there. A key or credit card is a very effective weapon. Hold it properly and you can severe a carotid. That appeared to be the objective of the liberal nut job.