…is Bad Weather flooding farmlands, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Scepticism, with a post on the Democratic right to be unhappy.
It’s ladies in nature week.

…is Bad Weather flooding farmlands, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Scepticism, with a post on the Democratic right to be unhappy.
It’s ladies in nature week.
Former conservative Republican state house Speaker, Haahr (R-married, 4 kids) accused of having affair with conservative Republican state house Rep ME Coleman (R-married, 6 kids). They worked closely on Missouri’s forced-birth legislation in 2020-21.
“The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.” – Samuel Johnson –> Ralph Waldo Emerson
Same as it ever was.
But more important, Biden and the other communist staged a coup and stole our election. Since them they have taken every action possible to destroy our country, economy, military and economy.
My last month’s check was for 11000 dollars… Everything I did was basic online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this office I found over the web and they paid me 95 bucks each hour… Attempt it yourself….Check this site.. Read more
David you are old bitter and unhappy
Try to enjoy your l the ast years of what you now realize is a pitifully short existence
And stop ruining your families Thsnksgiving dinners as thst crackpot old guy.
Take a lesson from the late Rev Kye
Or possibly from that puppy killing guy
Enjoy your last days
Trying to remember when a loser, stoner, jailbird ever had opinions that meant anything.
Turns out that Ken “The Cooch” Cuccinelli, DonJon’s head of DHS, also lost texts during the tRump insurrection.
“Russia, if you’re listening…”
Was there any part of the tRump regime NOT involved in the failed coup?
DonJon is officially under investigation by the DOJ. And in NY, DC and GA.
The King of the MAGAts is hoping to get “supporters” in positions of power.
So what?

Please show where any laws were broken.
You can’t because none were, dumbass.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The defamation lawsuits filed by that goofy-looking MAGAt, Nicholas (Mr) Sandmann, against The New York Times, ABC News, NBC Universal Media, CBS News, Gannett and Rolling Stone were struck.
Yes Jeff, fascinating the amount of corruption we have as a result of the Dems/ liberals/ communist. Must make you proud. Never fear, the guy will get his day in court with an honest judge.
You always claim that judges ruling against MAGAts are corrupt! Were the judges who ruled against the tRump lawyers over 60 times all corrupt? You’re a cultist!
State Delegate Chris Pritt (R-WV) wants to ban child support payments “reasoning” that potential fathers may “encourage” the girls/women they’ve knocked up to travel to VA to terminate a pregnancy if they’re responsible for child support!
Here’s what the cunservative genius said:
Must make a cunnie proud.
She must have attacked by a gator who ripped up her jeans! Good thing she survived.