It won’t fix inflation, either
The climate bill won’t stop global warming. But it will clean the air.
The higher temperatures observed today across the world, implicated in everything from extreme heat to drought and worsening wildfires, are the result of many decades of rising greenhouse gas emissions that trap heat and warm the globe. And there are many more emissions to come, as people around the globe keep on living, driving cars, conducting business.
All of which explains why the economic and climate deal announced last week by Senate Democrats, which would represent America’s biggest actions ever to curb climate change, can scarcely be expected to have an immediate, measurable impact on the warming planet.
Yet, in ways Americans may not yet appreciate, the legislation could have much more direct, soon-felt effects — on what people pay to drive and power their homes, as well as the quality of the air they breathe.
In other words, this is about government controlling your life
By doing so, the Inflation Reduction Act would further lower the costs of renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar, as well as many other less glitzy but important energy-saving appliances and devices around the home. If it spurs other countries to act in concert with the United States, it would be at the cutting edge of a global coordinated effort to cut down on emissions and limit warming.
Without massive subsidies and “loans” that industry cannot compete.
The legislation “is important symbolically and internationally,” said Rob Jackson, an expert on global greenhouse gas emissions at Stanford University. “Its biggest benefits are to provide longer-term certainty for renewables development and to promote sales of lower-cost electric vehicles. It’s critical the U.S. do something.”
Yet, the bill won’t lead to a much cooler planet, at least not immediately or on its own. The climate problem is massive, which means that even when the United States takes decisive action it can appear relatively small.
So, if it won’t really do anything now, it’s worthless, because things change in the future.
Perhaps the most immediate impact would be to lower the price of using clean energy — especially for those who make use of the incentives contained in the bill to purchase electric vehicles or highly efficient energy technologies for their homes, such as heat pump-based heating and cooling systems.
Until the subsidies dry up, or the companies charge more for power because the government is giving them taxpayer money. You just know that Democrats will fight to stop the mining of the minerals required to do all this on U.S. soil, right? This is all a scam. Look how CNN names it
"It’s a make-or-break week for President Joe Biden’s agenda," writes Paul LeBlanc | Analysis
— CNN (@CNN) August 1, 2022
Nothing about inflation, really, in the inflation named bill. I’m wondering why neither the Washington Post nor CNN asked Biden officials, along with Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer, when they will switch to EVs themselves and put solar panels on their own homes.

I love how the democrats go full-Orwell every time they name a bill.
“”””””””””””””””as people around the globe keep on living””””””””””””””””
Oh hell no!!! Scream The CLIMATE NAZI’S. Kill them all. More covid. More Monkey POX. More Fauchi!!!
Gotta love the climate nazi’s and their march towards the 1000 year reign.
Schumer does not own a “house” he and his wife (vice chancellor of City University of NY) bought an apartment in Brooklyn in 1982 for $150000
Like the Clinton’s the married Schumers do not enjoy living in ostentatious luxury. So it is rather impractical for them to install solar in/on their apartment. But probably they did check the box on their rather small electric bill for green energy sourcing. This adds about 2% to your bill. About 25% of NYS electricity is generated by natural gas, zero coal or oil. NY is scheduled for 100% carbon free in 17 years, phasing out gas electricity plants as they age out of service life.