…is a field that would be perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Biden denying National Guard for all the D.C. illegal aliens.
Doubleshot below the fold, check out Weasel Zippers, with a post on leftists dominating the FBI domestic most wanted terrorist list.

My kind of walk in the Country!!!!
Bwaha! Lolgf
It really won’t matter. The democrats and their commie street thugs already have thousands of ballots printed u for the next election. It’s a forgone conclusion when we live in an occupied nation. Once they got away with the coup of Nov, 2020 by first refusing to acknowledge the reports of ballot theft and irregularities, then made light of the thousands of complaints, followed by calling the Capitol protest an “insurrection” to lay cover for their own treason and finally destroyed the judicial system by running a kangaroo trial it was over. The lies and keeping American citizens in jail for over 19 months without trial was just rubbing it in our face to show us we mean nothing and America has graduated to a democrat fascist state.
Imagine Dowd if democrats had been arrested at a protest and kept in jail for 19 months. Just imagine.
FJB the pedo puke.
You’re too far gone for reason.
But if Dems had tried to violently overturn an election like the tRumpazoids did they should be arrested.
They used non-violent means. For a change.
Or do you still believe that an elderly Alzheimer’s patient that managed to attract tens of people to his campaign “events” (on the few days he was able to get out of his basement) got the highest number of votes ever in a presidential election without massive amounts of cheating on his behalf?
Of course he does.

Rimjob is just that stupid.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Hold it! You actually believe that tRump won the election??
“Actually” is the key word. Many GOPhers claim tRump won for political purposes.
Any person who actually believes that DonJon tRump won the 2020 election is borderline mentally ill from that belief alone. How can anyone take anything you say seriously?
You suffer from severe ED*, don’t you! Somehow, President Biden generated at least 8 million fake votes that no one can find! How could an Alzheimer’s patient be so fugging smart?? He outsmarted the stable genius.
As pointed out elsewhere, in America there are millions more Dems than GOPhers which is why they win the popular vote every election. The assholery that is tRump motivated Dem voters.
*ED = Election Denialism, aka tRumpism
Giving Weasel Zippers the benefit of the doubt that they aren’t lying…
If Duke is still alive she would be 81 years old. Her last suspected terrorist act was 40 years ago.
Borup, if still alive, would be 74 years old, and is suspected of throwing acid on a police officer during an anti-apartheid protest in 1981.
Wright, if still alive, would be 78 years old, and in 1972 was part of a gang that hijacked a Delta airliner. Wright’s was last known to live in Portugal in 2011.
Overaker is 50 years old, and was indicted in 2006 for a number of terrorists attacks in the Western US in the late 1990s. She disappeared in 2001.
Kerkow is 70 years old, and took part in hijacking a Western Airlines Flight in 1972. No one was injured. She is thought live in Algeria or France.
Burt is 74 years old, and planted a bomb at the U of Wisconsin to protest the Vietnam War. A scientist died in the attack. Burt was last IDed in Canada in 50 years ago.
Ali, now 74 years old, is accused of hijacking an airplane flying from St Croix to NY. Ali was being transported in custody for murders in St Croix. The hijacked plane took him to Cuba.
Caballero, 81 if still alive, hijacked an airliner to Cuba in 1980.
Montfort, 83 if still alive, hijacked an airliner to Cuba in 1983.
Clearly, not all were leftists, so Teach is lying to you. There is little threat to America or Americans from these geezers. That’s not to say they don’t all deserve to be incarcerated.
So yes, right-wing terrorists are a greater threat today than those listed.
What right wing terrorists?
All of them.
DonJon won the Texas CPAC straw poll 69.1 to DeSatan’s 23.7%!!
All hail, King tRump!!
My last month’s check was for 11000 dollars… Everything I did was basic online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this office I found over the web and they paid me 95 bucks each hour… Attempt it yourself….Check this site.. Read more
Who and where? Or is this like “global warming” proclamations-all talk and no evidence?
Post Kansas, Republican candidates are having to renege on their proclamations that ALL abortions must be banned. Suddenly, without warning, exceptions for rape, incest and to protect the health of women ARE acceptable.
Many rural counties in America do NOT have a single OB-GYN physician! Aside from abortion, how does a woman in these places get care??