Media outlets aren’t even pretending this is about inflation reduction
History’s Greatest Obstacle to Climate Progress Has Finally Fallen
Democrats in the Senate passed a bill that would, for the first time ever, use Congress’s power to push the U.S. to decarbonize.….
But now, on a broiling August day 34 years after Hansen spoke, that record began to change. After an all-night session that stretched from Saturday evening into Sunday afternoon, Democrats voted along party lines to pass the first comprehensive climate law in American history. The bill will touch every sector of the economy, subsidizing massive new investments in renewable and geothermal energy, as well as nuclear power and carbon capture and removal, and encouraging new clean-energy manufacturing industries to develop in the United States.
It is the first economy-wide emissions-reduction bill adopted by the Senate. At more than $369 billion, its investment in climate change is the largest in the country’s history. (snip)
Only a last-minute, hail-mary negotiating effort from Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer salvaged the package. Manchin only endorsed this bill, rechristened the Inflation Reduction Act, in exchange for Schumer’s promise that Congress will, later this year, revisit rules governing where energy facilities are located. The bill passed today reflects Manchin’s particular concerns for the future of the fossil-fuel industry, and in particular West Virginia’s gas companies.
Here’s some pieces before passage
CNN doesn't even pretend this is about reducing inflation
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 7, 2022
Nor the AP
Why do the media outlets, like the @AP, fail to ask Democrats HOW their inflation bill will reduce inflation? Nor can the media even attempt to explain how it will reduce inflation
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 7, 2022
Come tomorrow, will any Democrats be talking about how the Inflation Reduction Act reduces inflation? This is all about climate, government run healthcare, and going after the little guy with taxes
Crapo amendment to the Manchin bill to limit the bill's 87,000 new IRS agents to auditing comapnes and individuals with income of $400,000 or more FAILED 50-50.
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) August 7, 2022

“Manchin only endorsed this bill, rechristened the Inflation Reduction Act, in exchange for Schumer’s promise that Congress will, later this year, revisit rules governing where energy facilities are located.”
Is that promise like I won’t cum in your face?
Decarbonize? WTF does that mean?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Humans are carbon based life forms. That is what the decarbonization is all about.
All life forms on Earth are carbon-based. “Decarbonize” refers to the act of reducing emissions of CO2 and methane a result of burning fossil fuels.
And why is it necessary to reduce carbon? You have never provided a link.