…is a sea that will soon rise up and wipe out coastal liberal cities, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on Germany reconnecting a coal plant.

…is a sea that will soon rise up and wipe out coastal liberal cities, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on Germany reconnecting a coal plant.
All reel Awesome!
So who actually approved the raid?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Trump pleads the Fifth.
Tells prosecutor to go fuck herself.

Bwaha! Lolgf
When you said that this week was going to be bikini tops under stress, you were not lying!
Turns out a mole, spy or turncoat alerted the FBI about DonJon’s Mar-a-Logo stash of documents.
A real whodunit.
What stash, dipshit?

The one in Melania’s panties?
Such a fucking tool!
In 2018, DonJon said: “You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment.”
Today he invoked the Fifth Amendment 440 times! What a difference 4 years makes.
DonJon today: “I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution”.
When you have had to put up with this constant bullshit with no evidence of any crimes since 2016 who could blame the guy for telling them to fuck right off.

What are they gonna do?
Put him in jail?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Bwaha! Lolgf
The Donald has now signaled his devotees to claim the DOJ/FBI planted evidence.
“Innocent people don’t plead the 5th and don’t accuse the DOJ of planting evidence”.
And on the same day??
Lock him up.
Looks like Elwood is a new leader in the junta and for the communist revolution. What a surprise. LOL
Because of their obedience to authority, conservatives are particularly susceptible to following “strongmen”. Although it’s a societal flaw it rarely results in an existential threat. The devotion of so many conservatives to the deeply flawed trump is an existential threat to the US. Genuine conservative principles and citizens have become overwhelmed by the reactionary far right, the white nationalism, anti-immigrant fervor, anti-intellectualism, know-nothingism, Bircherism, nativism and dangerous authoritarianism.
There is no communist revolution. We do understand that nuconservatives “feel” their way of life is being threatened – Blacks, gays, trans, immigrants, teachers teaching, dissing of gas and oil over the AGW “scam”, EVs. But a large part of the problem is nuCons believing falsehoods and ridiculous conspiracy tales.
Trump is leading his minions down a dangerous path. He has no regard for his minions or the nation.
Dump tRump.
You are blind. The only ones obeying authority are you leftists. You can see it every night when you watch every commenter on every channel repeats the SAME words or the SAME lines. They, and you are being spoon fed propaganda and we are trying to shake you and wake you to what your corrupt leaders are doing to our country.
Yeah, we believe falsehood and ridiculous conspiracy theories yet it’s you clowns who insist on destroying our economy based on an unproven theory which never had a correct prediction yet. It’s your party who STILL insists that people be “vaccinated” with a drug that we all can see neither protects one from the virus nor stops it’s spread. In Congress there is no such thing as a moderate or conservative democrat any more, why? You all march in lock step. Yet you paint all republicans in Congress (and everywhere) as racist Trump supporters even though a fool can see most republicans do not support Trump. You believe in CRT which is anti white racism. You believe that men can turn into women, bleed and bear children. You believe that a protest by unarmed middle class people who killed no one and burned nothing is an insurrection while the burning of 26 American cities, thousands of businesses and the murder of at least 30 people including citizens and police is a peaceful protest. It’s you who have been allowing millions of ILLEGAL aliens into our country and you can’t say why because you know it’s all about replacement the word which cannot be spoken by the left. And finally it’s you who have instituted illegal incarceration without trial for our supporters, a kangaroo court made up of all democrats to try and sentence “rioters” and the attack on a former president’s home by feds armed with machine guns so they could sniff Melania’s panties and steal an empty safe.
The only people still worried about Trump are you nit-wits. Up until a few days ago DeSantis was riding a wave to the 2024 election but with one STUPID and illegal raid you morons pushed up Trump 10 points in the polls and made him a fuckin martyr. You have to be the dumbest assholes on earth.
The only people here that talk about Trump are you and Hairy. The only people in the media who still utter the name Trump are the leftists.
All we want is equal treatment under the law. We don’t want our political candidates harassed and intimidated by a Stasi government agency nor do we want our citizens hassled by an out of control IRS. We don’t want people cheating on elections, votes or stuffing ballot boxes.
Is that too much to ask in our Republic these days?
But we believe in conspiracies? You are the morons who believe since we supported Trump we elevated him to God status. Just because you are driven by hate and envy. You are the antithesis of what’s best about what was America,
You have more than once alluded to threatening us with “box cars” and FEMA camps and I do believe you mean it. Our country is now irreparably broken and it is you leftists who broke it.
BTW, thanks for the senile pedo pres who to you was better than a man you hated but who at least knew how to run a fuckin country, didn’t close and sell off our natural energy superiority, opened our border, caused massive inflation and shortages and get us into a cold war with Russia again all while protecting his drug addicted whore monger Ukraine colluding money grubbing son from prosecution.
Thanks for that. F the pedo.
I rest my case. Best wishes to you and yours.
You don’t have a “case”, dipshit.

The Gestapo thug just whined about deplorables and free speech and shit..

Bwaha! Lolgf
Seems to me the democrats are trying to reach supreme fascism ASAP. A first world country does not permit it’s law enforcement to raid an ex presidents home without first issuing a subpoena for the items and going the non-violent route through the court. If all that fails then we do the raid. Our “leaders” are out of control. Did they raid Clinton? Then why Trump? Because they have no respect for American’s rights including our right to pick a president. They seem so scared of Trump and his supporters they are willing to turn our republic into crap before they “allow” Trump to run again.
That ain’t how America’s supposed to work!
There was an attack today on the Cincinnati Ohio FBI office. An armed suspect fled and is in a standoff with officers on a highway.
Defund the FBI! Cancel the DOJ! The FBI planted evidence!
You guys need to dump tRump.
Dump tRump! Dump tRump!
As they say, if you aren’t with us you are against us. FBI checked out in their compliance with Obama, a major crook, and Hillary. But I am sure they were shaking in their boots when the guy came at them with a nail gun.
Commenter: if you aren’t with us you are against us
Is that really true in a democracy?
With you how? Agreeing with every outrageous reactionary claim? Build the wall. Defund the FBI. Ban all abortions. Get out of NATO. Let state legislatures determine presidents. End Social Security and Medicare. Balanced budget amendment.
We all know that you are very childish. You and the rest of the Dems are trying to form some communist government, and as we have said over and over, we are not a Democracy. Would you please get an education.
davis dipshit,
You’re just stupid.
dipshit davis,
We’ve told you before of our plan to boxcar you filthy trumpists to the Clinton/Obama/FEMA deathcamps. Those of you fit enough to work will manufacture IUDs, abortion pills and gay porn. We were going to vasectomize the men but settled on castration (costs 78% less!). Trumpist women and children under 15 will be sent to re-education camps to be fed a steady diet of CRT, agnostic dogma and Disney movies.
Clinton was badass enough to do it but decided to give right-wing fascists another chance. Obama and Biden are pollyannas who think it would be unAmerican! So, just wait for the next Dem that hates you as much as you hate libs and we’re on. In front of the tribunal you must deny that Donald Trump is your lord and savior for a chance to avoid the hell that awaits you.
The military is too virtuous (dang you General Milley!!) but the FBI, CIA, and IRS (87,000 new!) agents are ready to step in.
What do you expect, dipshit?
Or could this be another false flag operation to cover their sorry asses?

It wouldn’t be the first time.
Bwaha! Lolgf
So the “Law and Order” supports attacks on officers.
Don’t you see what trumpism is doing to your “brains”?
Dump tRump.
He’s ruining you. He’s ruining the GOP. He’s ruining America.
Americans: Stay alert. Trumpazoids are crazy, pissed and dangerous.
Funny Rimjob asks about about what “Law and Order” (or the lack of) is doing to our brains.
Don’t remember him whining about all that during the BLM/antifa riots.
Fuck off, hypocrite.

Shove your alerts up your ass.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The only people still worried about Trump are you nit-wits. Up until a few days ago Desantis was riding a wave to the 2024 election but with one STUPID and illegal raid you morons pushed up Trump 10 points in the polls and made him a fuckin martyr. You have to be the dumbest assholes on earth.
The only people here that talk about Trump are you and Hairy. The only people in the media who still utter the name Trump are the leftists.
All we want is equal treatment under the law. We don’t want our political candidates harassed and intimidated by a Stasi government agency nor do we want our citizens hassled by an out of control IRS. We don’t want people cheating on elections, votes or stuffing ballot boxes.
Is that too much to ask in our Republic these days?
F pedo joe.
CarolAnn said exactly the same thing! Word for friggin’ word.
I rest my case, again.
We are comforted that you recognize how horrible trump is.
Whenever I want great advice on what Republican voters should do, I always consult a democratic party activist.
By all means continue on this path. The reactionaries have chased or shut up almost all mainstream conservative Republicans.
Love the faux advice, Rimjob.

Keep showing everyone what a dumbass you are.
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