…is an area flooded by climate crisis induced Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on being a banana republic.

…is an area flooded by climate crisis induced Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on being a banana republic.
Tough few days for The Don…
Former CFO of Trump Org, Allen Weisselberg cuts a deal for reduced prison time by pleading guilty to the tax fraud charges associated with undeclared compensation by Weisselberg and the Trump Org.
Armed Trump supporter attacks Cincinnati FBI office and gets killed for his trouble.
Former legal advisor to Trump, Eric Herschmann, subpoenaed by grand jury.
Former personal attorney to Trump, Rudy Giuliani, advised he’s a “target” by the grand jury.
Former WH Counsel Patrick Cippolone was subpoenaed by a federal grand jury.
Yeah, Rimjob, the walls are closing in.

You’re just tickled to death that your commie junta is getting away with killing people, locking people up, ignoring their rights and in some cases the killing has started.
Yet still you can’t see the slide into fascism you are supporting as the commie/fascist you are.
Dowd, you are one disgusting leftist.
F Pedo joe.
Do you feel that no one should have been arrested for the attack on the Capitol??
Do you feel that police are at fault for shooting someone breaking into a building, e.g., that woman crawling through a broken window into the chamber where the Congresspersons were? Note too there was a mob with her shouting “Hang Mike Pence!” and “Where’s Nancy?”. The same mob had already beaten dozens of Capitol officers so who knows what they would do if they found the hated Pelosi or Schiff.
Do you feel that the trumpster who attacked the FBI office in Cincinnati was unjustly killed when he raised his AR-15 style rifle on the police?
Here’s the deal. Don Trump and his band of henchpersons stupidly attempted to hijack the presidential election of 2020. Deny it all you want, but that’s the fact, jack.
Defund/destroy the GOP.
Why didn’t they arrest that black guy who shot and killed that girl?

Biden and the Dems stole the presidential election. There is no rule of law until that is made right. Thus, nothing happened at the capital except a black guy killed a white woman for no purpose, an everyday occurrence.
Mr Dowd asked:
Given that we arrested almost no one for the entire summer of the black lives matter riots, riots that lasted for weeks and in some places months, riots in which people were killed and billions of dollars of property destroyed, yes, no one should have been arrested for the Capitol kerfuffle.
The next Republican President should, on the evening of January 20, 2025, pardon every last one of the Capitol kerfufflers.
But whatabout Black Lives Matter??
Black Lives Matter didn’t try to overturn a Presidential election. And over 10,000 WERE arrested, 100s for serious crimes such as burglary and looting.
One rioter was killed at the Capitol attack, a woman seen on video breaking through a inside window leading to members of Congress. She was mortally wounded by a Capitol officer. Several BLM protesters were killed, some shot, some run down by autos.
Since you want the next ADP (Anti Democracy Party aka GOP) prez to pardon all the Jan 6 rioters, do you also support President Biden pardoning the BLM rioters now? If not, why not?
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Given that almost all of them have been pardoned, via the mechanism of non-prosecution, your question is mostly irrelevant.
However, President Biden couldn’t pardon the majority of those few who were arrested and charged, because most of them were charged with state, not federal offenses.
OK. As expected, Mr Dana changed the subject to black people, but the original question remains: Should the individuals who broke into the US Capitol on Jan 6, who physically attacked the overwhelmed Capitol officers, injuring dozens, who ransacked offices, who stole “mementos” have been arrested?
Many of their alleged crimes were caught on video. Hundreds of those charged have pleaded guilty.
Should these individuals have been prosecuted for their alleged crimes?
Mr Dana,
Do you feel/believe that the 2020 election was stolen from then President Trump?
BTW, why isn’t Brandon out campaigning for the democrats instead of vacationing?
Does he even know there’s elections coming up?
Oh, silly me!

Remember this guy?
Bwaha! Lolgf
The violent mob on Jan 6 should feel blessed that more of them weren’t shot!
So says the nut job who only shows up to say stupid things to upset people. Amazing how useless some people are.
Are the fascists punishing thoughts now???
The Don on Truth Sociopath:
Yeah, Don, you’re just a hard-working businessman who sacrificed greatly to lead America from the liberal abyss…
“It’s a nice country you got there, be a shame if somethin’ were to happen to it”.
Your Leader is calling out to you, his loyal cannon fodder, for a nationwide Jan 6.
Happy Trump Day!

from Marc Polymeropoulos in the Washington Examiner:
Reactionary devotion to former President Trump, above and beyond all other concerns, is dangerous to the nation.
Tom Nichols, retired professor at the U.S. Naval War College, in The Atlantic:
Nichols is a Never Trump conservative. Nichols argued that conservatives should vote for Hillary Clinton, whom he detested, because Trump was “too mentally unstable” to serve as commander-in-chief.
In November 2020, President Trump lost a free and fair election by millions of popular votes and by the same number of EC votes he won by in 2016. Mr Trump refused to accept the results. His cult of personality has millions of followers.
President Trump promoted a multi-pronged sub rosa scheme to overturn the results of the people’s vote, culminating in the then President instigating a violent attack on the day and time of the Constitutional Congressional and VP certification of the vote.
For unknown reasons, as he left office, then President Trump took dozens of boxes of sensitive government documents to his home and resisted several efforts by the government to retrieve them. Some were retrieved, but many were retained by Mr Trump. The government then legally executed a search warrant to find and retrieve the remaining government property.
Mr Trump and his business organizations continue to be under investigation by multiple US jurisdictions.
You couldn’t have chosen a less credible and crazier anti Trump sicko if you tried. Quoting him to argue the raid is just is like quoting Stalin about economics.
You need to realize Trump supporters are Americans too and they believe they are on the side of the Republic. You want to fundamentally change the republic.
The left can’t keep trampling the rights of their political opponents and not expect sooner or later retaliation.
Why do you need 87,000 new IRS agents when there are only about 1000 billionaires? Because they are your excuse to come after US!
PROVE YOU WON. screaming we’re wrong louder and louder proves NOTHING.
You are all liars so we believe nothing till it’s proven.
F the pedo.