Nothing can possibly disprove the hypothesis of anthropogenic climate change/global warming, hence, it is a Belief, not a science
Record heat in 1954 does not disprove global warming
Social media posts claim a US heatwave in the summer of 1954 proves global warming is “only an agenda.” This is false; temperatures did break records in the Midwest that year, but experts say isolated weather events do not disprove the science of climate change, which has made heatwaves more frequent and intense.
“There was no ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ or ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ agenda in 1954. The current rhetoric is only an agenda about power control and wealth redistribution,” says a July 28, 2022 Facebook post, which includes a photo of a newspaper article. “Stories like this are part of the reason they have backed off teaching history in public schools.”
Similar claims have circulated on Twitter here and here. As evidence, the posts cite a July 16, 2022 column in The Joplin Globe, a daily newspaper in Missouri.
“As hot as it is this summer, 1954 was so much worse,” the headline says.
But the posts misinterpret the article, which does not mention climate change. And scientists say global warming is making heatwaves more frequent and intense.
“No individual heat wave can prove or disprove global warming,” said Maren Hale, a climate researcher at the University of California-San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Except, the same people are proclaiming that the current heat waves in the Northern Hemisphere are being caused by/made worse by ‘climate change’, just like they say every time there is one. Meanwhile, in the Southern Hemisphere, they are cold and wet.
In the column shared online, historian Brad Belk of Missouri Southern State University recalled his experience of summer 1954.
Belk is not a scientist and did not express opinions related to climate change. Instead, he mentioned the heatwave’s consequences on the local population and infrastructure.
Biden is not a scientist. Nor is Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Al Gore, Bill Nye, or so many others, yet, we’re supposed to listen to them. ‘Climate change’ and global warming were not concerns back in 1954, people had more common sense and weren’t captured by a doomsday cult. It was just weather. These cultists will accept no data, no facts, nothing, because it is a Belief.

WD* Cult member, Teach typed: Nothing can possibly disprove the hypothesis of anthropogenic climate change/global warming, hence, it is a Belief, not a science.
Of course, the theory of AGW can be disproved! Theories can always be disproved.
The theory of AGW says that as atmospheric CO2 increases, so will the Earth’s temperature. Scientists understand that atmospheric CO2 is not the ONLY determinant of surface temperature, including volcanoes, ocean currents, clouds, methane, insolation, albedo, aerosols etc. These short-term variables have temporary inputs, both warming and cooling.
So no, a hot 1954 in the US does not disprove the theory that increased atmospheric CO2 will cause the Earth to warm.
*WD = Warming Deniers
Of course Rimjob offers no citation to back his nonsensical theory that increased atmospheric CO2 will cause the Earth to warm.
And again historically warming temperatures preceed the increase in atmospheric CO2.
Too bad for the congregation that it hasn’t been proved.
Sorry, child. The problem for the faithful is that the climate has ALWAYS been changing. It’s been much hotter, and much colder, with lots of variation in the atmospheric gas makeup.
It takes extraordinary proof (not yet seen) to declare that THIS episode is human-caused.
sorry again, child. No one is denying warming; that’s what happens in interglacial periods. The question – so far unproved and very theoretical – is that humans are the major cause.
You really are quite slow.
Oh yes-the “theory” without any evidence. Some things never change….
Dearest Elwood:
You wrote, “These short-term variables have temporary inputs, both warming and cooling.”
Glad you agree with Dr. Spenser, who notes that:
“The most important thing to remember about climate models which are used to project future global warming is that they were “tuned” with the assumption I started this article with: that the climate system is in a natural state of energy balance, and that there is no long-term climate change unless humans cause it.
This is an arbitrary and illogical assumption. The climate system is an example of a “nonlinear dynamical system”, which means it can change all by itself. For example, slow changes in the rate of vertical overturning of the world’s oceans can cause global warming (or global cooling) with no “external forcing” of the climate system whatsoever.”
Teach when the most well known climate change denier Roy Spender of UALH publicly stated that almost all of the global increase in Temps, was caused by man, did you feel betrayed?
Sorry Johnnie he didn’t exactly say that now did he?
Have another hit and praise Buddha.

Johnny-Here are two quotes for you:
“Despite the similarity of CO2 and temperature curves, it should not be assumed that CO2 caused the climate change”.
“Climate is always changing. Climate would fluctuate without any change in climate forcings. The chaotic aspect of climate is an innate characteristic of coupled fundamental equations describing climate system dynamics.”
Those are from your Godfather, James Hansen. Do you feel betrayed?
No Hairy. This is what Spenser wrote:
“As a preface, I will admit, given the lack of evidence to the contrary, I still provisionally side with the view that warming has been mostly human-caused (and this says nothing about whether the level of human-caused warming is in any way alarming).
But here’s why human causation is mostly a statement of faith…
ALL temperature change in any system is due to an imbalance between the rates of energy gain and energy lost. In the case of the climate system, it is believed the Earth each year absorbs a global average of about 240 Watts per sq. meter of solar energy, and emits about the same amount of infrared energy back to outer space.”
Isn’t it interesting the record highs continue to be “proof” of AGW, while record lows are not?
Record cold: “Weather IS NOT CLIMATE!”
Record heat:
As predictable as the seasons, so to speak.
Conmenter: record highs continue to be “proof” of AGW
Scientific theories are not proved. The evidence supporting AGW includes heat waves as a corollary of the theory but are certainly not proof. As predicted from the theory the temperature continues to increase as the CO2 increases. As Dr Hansen said, “The evidence for global warming is overwhelming”.
Deniers keep demanding “proof” while refusing to consider any of the evidence.
Except CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere increase after the temperature increases.

Not the other way around, dipshit.
Conmenter: record highs continue to be “proof” of AGW
Scientific theories are not proved. The evidence supporting AGW includes heat waves as a corollary of the theory but are certainly not proof. As predicted from the theory the temperature continues to increase as the CO2 increases. As Dr Hansen said, “The evidence for global warming is overwhelming”.
Deniers keep demanding “proof” while refusing to consider any of the evidence.
“Deniers keep demanding “proof” while refusing to consider any of the evidence.”
Like the stolen election deniers? I see.
You AGW worshippers believe in your climate fairies and models that are simply guesses. We understand, it’s your religion and no matter how much it fails to work out you will always believe until you’re told not to by your high priests.
It’s amusing to watch people willing to destroy all of modern civilization, maybe humanity itself, all to try and change “the climate” which anyone knows they haven’t the power to change. It terrifies me that such fools have so much power.
I see where the “inflation reduction act” which was another fukin lie from the democommies has finally been recognized as a climate scam to pay off democommie billionaires before their upcoming massive defeat.
By the way how did the liar pedo explain how spending 3/4 of a trillion $$$ reduces inflation. Is this magic inflation?
It’s so exciting being among people with such brilliant minds. As the lights go out around the world will they step up and admit their errors? LOL
screw the pedo
Conmenter: Like the stolen election deniers?
There is overwhelming evidence for AGW, little for The Big Lie.
Dearest Elwood:
You wrote, “These short-term variables have temporary inputs, both warming and cooling.”
Glad you agree with Dr. Spenser, who notes that:
“The most important thing to remember about climate models which are used to project future global warming is that they were “tuned” with the assumption I started this article with: that the climate system is in a natural state of energy balance, and that there is no long-term climate change unless humans cause it.
This is an arbitrary and illogical assumption. The climate system is an example of a “nonlinear dynamical system”, which means it can change all by itself. For example, slow changes in the rate of vertical overturning of the world’s oceans can cause global warming (or global cooling) with no “external forcing” of the climate system whatsoever.”
Mr Lewis,
Of course there can be long-term warming independent of human activities! Just look back over the past million years, if you can believe the scientists’ claims. The Earth was subject to glacial and interglacial periods, caused, if you can believe the scientists’ claims, by subtle changes in the Earth’s orbital angles compared to the Sun.
The argument made by scientists today, if you can believe the scientists’ claims, is that the current period of warming is caused by CO2 added to the atmosphere by we humans burning fossil fuels.
That atmospheric gases (water vapor, CO2, N20, 03, methane) absorb and release infrared radiation has been known for a century and a half. This fact is theorized, if you can believe the scientists’ claims, to be the responsible for 1) the Earth not being permanently covered in ice and 2) for the current period of warming.
It took a long, long time, but most deniers no longer deny the undeniable, that the Earth IS warming. The denier arguments are not based on the science but on the potential solutions – the cure will be worse than the disease. Unfortunately, we will have to poll our grandchildren and great-grandchildren in 50 or 100 years to find out.
BTW, from where does the heat from the “overturning of the world’s oceans” originate?
But yet the cult can’t do a simple demonstration showing 400ppm of CO2 can make something warmer than 300ppm can. “While refusing to consider any of the evidence”. You keep trying, don’t you J? Show us the evidence. Should be easy, right?
That members of the Science Denial Cult (SDCs) refuse to read any of the many thousands of scientific papers detailing the mechanisms of greenhouse gas/global warming is not our problem.
It wasn’t that long ago that Jl claimed the Earth wasn’t warming but that climate scientists were making up/adjusting the data! What changed your mind? Even now, Teach re-warms the decade-old argument blaming the siting (not citing) of the temp instruments! They’re too close to A/C vents! Yet, if you can believe the scientists, glaciers, sea ice and ice sheets do not read lying newspapers or listen to lying media, yet they still melt.
“It wasn’t that long ago that Jl claimed the Earth wasn’t warming but that climate scientists were making up/adjusting the data! What changed your mind?”
It wasn’t long ago the AGW crowd were screaming we were going into an ice age!!!! What changed your mind? Or are our opinions the only one not permitted to evolve with new evidence and facts? You keep bringing up what we “used to think” and base your stupid ideas about what we DO believe on that.
And regardless of the papers, the charts, the FACTS we show you you even refuse to look at them. At least we read your stupid drivel.
Actually, following WWII, warming slowed until the mid-70s and some news articles asked about a “New Ice Age”. Post WWII industrial atmospheric aerosols shot up blocking some of the incoming visible wavelength radiation causing global warming to stall.
In the 60s and 70s two-thirds of journal articles on climate change predicted continued warming, 10% predicted cooling, the remainder not predicting either way. The media jumped on the predicted cooling as the “coming ice age!”. We understand that deniers don’t understand scientific processes, but the qualified consensus in the 70s was for resumed warming.
The Clean Air Act of 1963 initiated the process of reducing aerosol pollution in the US. Could we end global warming with global aerosol pollution? It has been suggested!!
Of course, aerosols contribute to smog, acid rain, COPD, cancers, asthma etc
Elwood, That was a fantastic cocktail of mumbo-jumbo. Thanks. Aside from speaking down to me like I’m a fool and you are the all-knowing expert on climate science WHICH YOU ARE NOT!, please explain what or who a “denier” is. What does one need to believe in your world to be called a “denier” (which I assume you mean as a derogatory insult).
You deny God and worship the same crap privatives do: storms, rain, volcanoes, droughts, etc. Do you have gods for each of these beliefs are all they fully encompassed by the fake religion of “climate”?
What is really tell tail of your devotion to an unproven theory is your inability to accept everyone else is not into your religion. I’m a Christian but I don’t care if you believe in my God why are you so determined to make us worship yours.
BTW, that constitutes a theocracy in our government. Forcing us to pay to support your religion is unconstitutional I believe.
So you leftists finally stopped lying about the inflation reduction act and are now calling it what it is: the “give money to rich leftists in the name of climate” act. Bout time.
We are not so stubborn and closed minded as leftists and actually do change our minds if we think there is sufficient reason to do so. What’s your excuse?
Ya know knucklehead, it wasn’t so long ago all different people thought all kinds of things that turned out to be incorrect. Why are you so critical of those of us who actually change with the times while you are stuck in AGW when you know it’s not true?
Screw the pedo
Good try though, J. There’s not one paper demonstrating a cause-effect relationship between CO2 and temp. The cult takes a simple correlation and says, without evidence, that’s its causation. If there was, you’d produce it. And no one said it wasn’t warming-it was a question if natural or man-made. I’ll be happy to show you evidence of data-tampering and 96% of all US temp sites not even meeting NOAA standards. But hey-we can read the earth’s temp to a hundredth of a degree!
“Glaciers sea ice and ice sheets melt” There’s your problem-they’ve all melted before with lower CO2. J thinks ice melting is proof that CO2 is causing ice melting. By the way, any simple high school experiment yet that shows 400ppm CO2 warming something more than 300ppm?