Most likely, one of Biden’s people wrote it, and he has zero idea, being back in Delaware again
3 things everyone should know about the Inflation Reduction Act
Today, I signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law — one of the most significant laws in recent history. With this law, the American people won and special interests lost. The Inflation Reduction Act does so many things that so many of us have fought to make happen for years and years.
There are three things everyone should know about the Inflation Reduction Act. First, we are lowering costs for working families.
We are giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. Seniors will pay less for their prescription drugs. The law caps their prescription drug out-of-pocket costs at $2,000 a year — no matter how many prescriptions they have. The big drug companies spent nearly $100 million to beat this law. We prevailed.
More BS about government run healthcare and stuff that you’ve already ready about many times. Then the climate scam stuff, which is really just going to hook up the upper upper middle class and rich folks (and China). We get some whining about Republicans, of course. Something about taxing the hell out of corporations and rich folks, who will either pass on the costs or just take their money elsewhere
Third, we demonstrated that government can work for working families.
There are those who hold a dark and despairing view of this country. Too often, we hand the biggest microphone to the critics and the cynics who delight in declaring defeat. We confuse noise with substance and obstacles with the end.
You know what was missing? How he plans to lower costs for working families. Reducing inflation. Read the whole thing. Not that long. The President of the USA cannot even say how his inflation reduction legislation is going to reduce costs on things like food, clothes, and energy, among others. It’s a pure scam. There are 3 things everyone should know about the Inflation Reduction Act:
- It doesn’t reduce inflation.
- It doesn’t reduce the temperature of the earth.
- It increases the size of government by at least 87,000 employees.
Have fun.

From America’s newspaper of record:
“Trump supporter excited to see if he gets raided by the FBI or gunned down by the IRS”.
Teach thinks thst Biden is responsible for worldwide inflation
Remember when he was blaming the downfall of western civilization on…….Target’s gender neutral bathrooms?
Hairy you have morphed into Elwood junior. You make false claims not only about your political rivals but now about Teach with zero proof, backup or even a hint of common sense. Teach never said the pedo you worship was ” responsible for worldwide inflation”. Show me. But whatever happens in the US happens worldwide and he is responsible for US inflation so you go from there. Pedo joe supports all the policies that cause inflation here and abroad so who do YOU think is responsible, Trump?
He never blamed the downfall of western civ on Target. Just the polices reflected in Targets actions. Do you want your daughter and granddaughter to walk into a rest room and confront a bearded man in a dress waiving his cock in their face? You fukin moron. Morality isn’t something you leftists take seriously if it interferes with one of your special interest victim groups.