Seriously, how dare Republicans practice the art of Politics, using something like doubling the funding of the IRS which would mean doubling the number of employees! Sure, they won’t all be “agents”, they’ll be plenty of support staff, who can go through everyone’s tax returns, looking for the tiniest mistake. Think they’re really going to spend time on the rich, be it individuals or companies, who have lots of highly paid accountants and lawyers, or the average citizen/small business, who doesn’t?
IRS becomes GOP boogeyman ahead of midterms
As Republicans rail against the FBI in the wake of last week’s search at Mar-a-Lago, they are also hyping the danger to voters from another three-letter federal agency: the IRS.
The GOP is warning that the $80 billion funding boost to the IRS included in Democrats’ tax, climate and health care package, which President Biden signed into law on Tuesday, will target middle-class Americans with an “army” of new enforcement agents.
The calls have become a key part of Republicans’ messaging ahead of this year’s midterm elections.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) released a video earlier this week that slams Democrats for expanding the IRS, arguing that it will harm everyday Americans despite Democrats’ insistence that the extra funding is intended to make sure wealthy taxpayers and corporations don’t stiff the government.
“Biden and Democrats are out-of-touch and do not care about the pain and suffering they are causing Americans. Democrats celebrate raising taxes on families during a recession they created and weaponizing the IRS to target small businesses and hardworking Americans,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement.
But, see, we’re supposed to take the word of Democrats that Bad Things will never happen when a federal agency full of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats are given more power and funding
Democrats, the Biden administration and various fact-checkers have pushed back on the claims. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig that audit rates should not “rise relative to recent years for households making under $400,000 annually” and that new resources should not be directed to audits of families or businesses that fall below those levels. Yellen wrote that “enforcement resources will focus on high-end noncompliance.”
Remember, Democrats killed an amendment that would have stopped the IRS from going after people making less than $400k. The same Democrats said the bill was about reducing inflation, and it doesn’t do that at all (sidebar: had this convo IRL with a Trump Deranged coworker, asked him numerous times how the bill reduces inflation, couldn’t answer). Remember this about Obamacare?
But people with no pre-existing conditions like Vinson, a 60-year-old retired teacher, and Waschura, a 52-year-old self-employed engineer, are making up the difference.
“I was laughing at Boehner — until the mail came today,”
Waschura said, referring to House Speaker John Boehner, who is leading the Republican charge to defund Obamacare.
“I really don’t like the Republican tactics, but at least now I can understand why they are so pissed about this. When you take $10,000 out of my family’s pocket each year, that’s otherwise disposable income or retirement savings that will not be going into our local economy.”
“Of course, I want people to have health care,” Vinson said. “I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”
Can’t wait till the same Democrats defending the IRS realize they are the ones getting scrutinized by the IRS, getting audited, and paying the taxes.

We’re ALL always surprised by the accumulating perfidy of the nuGOP. Who could imagine decent humans would act this way? We need to face the fact that the nuGOP (tRumpistani) and their devotees are not decent.
The plan to expand the IRS is to occur over 10 years.
We understand that conservatives (preCons and nuCons) reflexively consider all taxes to be theft. But the reaganesque attack on the IRS as “jack-booted thugs” was a gift to the wealthy – a gift that keeps on giving. GOPhers ALWAYS find ways to cut taxes paid by the wealthy, “forgetting” that someone* has to pay
So no, more bookkeepers and desk jockeys will not be kicking down the doors of waitresses to count their tips, but may be able to help capture some of the TRILLION dollars (20% of total taxes!!!) lost to proven tax cheats like the Trump Org, where a single employee “forgot” to pay 2 MILLION dollars in taxes. A million here, a million there…
*Everyone else but the wealthy
A senior CPA and partner in a public accounting firm says much of her time is spent on hold with the IRS. They are understaffed.
The GOPhers are lying once again…
You just spout out made up crap when you run out of answers don’t you?
The IRS is not understaffed, they do not need 87,000 new people, they should not be armed. Period.
If “A senior CPA and partner in a public accounting firm says much of her time is spent on hold with the IRS” she should be terminated for incompetence. That’s what clerks are for. How long have you spent on hold with assorted government agencies? They always put you on hold. They don’t care they work for the government and therefore it’s their duty to waste time.
We fully understand that lying is raison d’etre of nuConservatives and trumpazoids, but you should do more research. FOX News is not a reliable source.
The IRS is understaffed. You are wrong. What is your reasoning that the IRS is fully staffed?
And now you know best how to run a CPA firm!! It’s her firm so she can run it however the fuck she wants. Are you a CPA?
Anyway, you may be OK with wealthy Americans pushing their fiscal responsibilities onto the working class but we’re not.
Lying is the bread and butter of leftists and the media. Then they bring on the “fact checkers” which are no more than partisans to cover their asses.
FOX is more reliable that MSNBCCNN or any of the others. They all say the same thing at the same time or haven’t you cared enough to notice they are all reading the same script. If they’d disagree once in a while maybe but they all report like they all vote, ONE WAY.
The idiot can run it any way she wants just like you did and ran your business into the ground!!! If a partner spends her time on hold she’s NOT ATTENDING TO HER CLIENTS, stupid.
I don’t need to be a CPA to know dumbass business practices when I hear them. ARE YOU A CLIMATE SCIENTIST????
Wealthy Americans pay more than half the taxes. How is that ” pushing their fiscal responsibilities onto the working class”? You are so full of blind hate for so many people and on so many subjects it is impossible for you to think straight.
I have come to the decision the LG right: you are one despicable person and a communist traitor.
You are one despicable person and a fascist traitor.
It’s always amusing when the distinguished Mr Dowd, who has previously told us that he is very well paid, wants to attack people richer than he is!
Is our population growing by 15% annually? If not, why would we need to grow the Infernal Revenue Service by 15% annually? We wouldn’t have 15% more tax filers!
The left claim that this is to
wring more tax dollarscut down on tax cheating by billionaires — of whom there are less than 300 in the country — but billionaires, and multi-millionaires, don’t do their own taxes; they have professional accountants, people with their own professional licenses at risk, doing their taxes for them. Yes, they seek out and find every possible tax write off and loophole, but deliberate cheating is very rare: the accountants don’t want to risk their licenses and possible jail time, and the wealthy could easily lose more money than they’d ever save by cheating.No, the people after whom they are going are the small landlords, the ones with fewer than ten rental units, the McDonald’s franchise owners, the guys who own a bodega in the city or an auto repair shop in small towns, the ones who use TurboTax, or try to do things themselves, because they can’t afford the high-priced accounting firms. That is where the largest number of mistakes are made, where the largest number of mistakes can be caught, and where those who make those mistakes, deliberately or otherwise, can’t afford the kinds of attorneys to get them out of trouble. The low-hanging fruit is always the easiest to pluck.
The Sixteenth Amendment was the greatest violence ever foisted upon a free people! It should be repealed, and the federal government only able to tax on a per-population basis. Mr Dowd, the Hirsute One, our esteemed host and I should pay the same thing in taxes, the same dollar amount, not the same percentage of income.
The income tax enabled the hatred of others, as one group tries to ‘get’ the other through the tax code.
No doubt the tax code has awarded the wealthy with many, many ways to avoid paying taxes. Poor working class chumps who get a paycheck have a hard time cheating.
The venerable Professor Walter Williams (RIP) made the same suggestion on the Rush Show – that every American should be responsible for the same amount of taxation, regardless of income. Not a flat tax, mind you, but the flattest tax.
Divide $4 trillion by 338 million and you get… add the six, carry the 2… $11,834.32 each. Not too bad! My bride of 50 years and I would LOVE to pay only $23,668.64 in taxes a year! 1%ers and 10%ers would do OK. And a family of four would only owe $47,337.28! If both adults make $15/hour the family would still have $15,062.72 to live on for the year. Maybe we should we also repeal all child labor laws?
The median (half make less, half make more) household income is approx $65K. The poorest 50% of American couples would get to keep about $40,000 a year.
Mr Dana: The Sixteenth Amendment was the greatest violence ever foisted upon a free people!
Hyperbolize much?
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Not really. If you are a “working class chump,” you can easily claim $2,600 in charitable deductions, $50 a week, to the church, and the odds of you being audited are minuscule. Of course, you might adjust that a bit depending on your tax bracket, but it’s simple to do, because those types of things aren’t checked.
Deductions for required work uniforms? Unless you’re audited, no one is going to ask for the receipts.
This type of cheating is small potatoes, saving a taxpayer what, maybe a couple hundred bucks a year. But multiply that times 100,000,000 returns, and you’re talking about real money.
But those people aren’t the real targets. The Infernal Revenue Service will really be going after the small businessman, the one who runs a few million through his accounts but who actually earns maybe $90,000 with his bodega, his Hardee’s franchise, the small landlord with ten rental units going for $1,200 a month, or $144,000 a year, but claims significant maintenance costs. Those are the people who don’t have the fancy accountants, who don’t have the real pros doing their books. They’re the easy targets, who will give in rather than fight, because fighting costs them too much time and money.
Nope! The vast majority of our societal evils come from government being used to treat different people differently! You have been advocating that yourself, saying that you want to see more productive people being taxed more!
The solution to each person owing so much in taxes? Cut back on government spending, and I mean cut it to the f(ornicating) bone. We’re apparently going to send yet another $755,000,000 to Ukraine. With everyone taxed identically, we’d never do that.
Mr Dana types: Cut back on government spending, and I mean cut it to the f(ornicating) bone.
Defense, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Interest on the debt make up some 90% of our annual expenditures.
Cut away!
Until you’re able to eliminate SS, Medicare, Medicaid and cut Defense in half, you want a single mom making $15 an hour, totaling about $32,000 a year to give away 2/3rds of her income. Her husband? He split after she spawned. Bezos will also have to pay $11,000 or so.
Are you really suggesting that millions of good Christians cheat on their taxes? But it’s OK if their cause is just?
Of course your dream world is imaginary unless you look back a few hundred years.
Let’s Go Branden!
More FBI corruption aiding the democommie party.
“In a plea deal filed Wednesday, a former FBI agent pleaded guilty to paying a business to “wipe” his computer to make the hard drive unavailable for forensic examination.
TRENDING: FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner
According to court documents, former agent Robert Cessario was charged with “corrupt destruction of record in an official proceeding” in connection to the corruption trial of former state Sen. Jon Woods of Springdale.
In the plea deal, Cessario stated: “I erased the contents of the computer hard knowing that the court has ordered that the computer be submitted for a forensic examination. I did so with the intention of making the contents of the computer’s hard unavailable for forensic examination. At the time, I knew that the contents of the hard drive were relevant to an official proceeding, that is, Cause No. 5:17-CR-50010, United States v. Woods et al. I corruptly performed and had performed, the erasures with intent to impair the integrity and availability of the computer hard drive and its contents for use in that official proceeding.”
Dowd being interviewed about Trump:
“I’m done talking.”

Bwaha! Lolgf
In the guilty plea:
It is great that the agent was caught and pleaded guilty, but it doesn’t mean Jon Woods is innocent of the 15 charges. The agent deserves his prison time and hopefully sends a message to all in law enforcement.
The case should be thoroughly reviewed the case to decide if the agent’s crime was relevant. Woods could be set free, retried or left in prison like so many Hispanic and black Americans unjustly convicted! The college president who allegedly paid the kickbacks to Woods pleaded guilty. The other Arkansas representative, Neal, allegedly receiving kickbacks also pleaded guilty. The head of a consulting firm allegedly acting as a go between has been charged. The fact that Woods is alleged to be a trump supporter is irrelevant – AR is a red, red state and 70% of the pop are trumpists, and Woods was charged before trump was president.
Shut up.
No one cares for your jaundiced opinion.
Everyone here laughs at your liberal “logic”.
You shut up!! LOL.
As if I care about the opinions of youse thugs. LOL
“The poorest 50% would get to keep….”
What? The bottom 50% pay almost no federal income tax to begin with. Contrary to the rantings of ignorant liberals, the US has one of the progressives tax systems in the free world
Sorry Charlie. You just shit your breeches. Please go back and read the conversation and catch up.
Mr Dana was arguing that every American should pay the same amount of federal tax, which at the current budget would amount to a little over $11,000 per person. Great for me, but not so much for someone making $15.00/hr.