I’ve seen this type of stuff before, but, not since Obama was president, and the media were trying to protect him
Climate change is a secret driver of inflation
Extreme weather worsened by climate change is a hidden cause of inflation, threatening to push up already high prices of everything from food and clothing to electronics.
Why it matters: Heavy rainfall, flooding, heat waves and droughts erode agriculture, infrastructure and workers’ ability to stay on the job — all of which lead to supply-chain breakdowns and worker shortages.
See, not just weather, which always happens, but, extreme weather because you refuse to pay your tithe to government for your bad behavior. The screed mentions a bunch of things, but, fails to provide any evidence than it is anything but natural climatic changes, which has occurred many a time. Such as
- Dairy and meat prices in Europe are rising even higher as droughts zap lands meant for grazing and growing grain for feed.
- In the U.S., wheat fields in Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and cotton harvests in Texas have also been withering due to drought.
But, um, wait
Between the lines: Extreme weather is affecting both the supply and demand sides of the economy, Tamma Carleton, a professor of environmental economics at UC Santa Barbara, tells Axios.
- Research hasn’t yet quantified the exact impact extreme weather has on inflation. Some changes, such as the price of agriculture, are easier to pin down, while others — such as worker productivity — are harder to detect.
So, they don’t really know? Surprise! They’re just deeming that it’s happening, because it’s a cult.

Once more, Warming Denier Teach accuses climate scientists of “cooking” the data.
Is it warming or not?
One again, please define what you believe is a denier. Your credibility is as low as the balls on a worm right now.
There are varied definitions of a cli.ate change denier. Why not tell us how YOU might define it as it applies to you.
Stay classy CA that last comparison you gave left us with an image of you giving a BJ to your hubby
“Why not tell us how YOU might define it as it applies to you.”
Once again ask a simple question of a radical leftist and he refuses to answer. I asked the Elwood to define what he means when he calls Teach, Dana and others “deniers”. Is that hard to answer? Or are we in “what is a woman” territory where answering the question creates a brain hemorrhage for leftists?
Your misogyny notwithstanding my comparison was meant as a joke whereas you having images of others giving BJ’s is just plain sick. Once again the leftist projects “stay classy” to someone else while insinuating himself into BJ’s. You guys ALWAYS are guilty of what you accuse others. And you have no sense of humor either. Just another fun part of America you commies destroyed with your hate.
So did the climate scientists cook the data so much that it’s really NOT warming?
Poor thing. “Denier” bugs you?
A Global Warming Denier is anyone who denies 1) that the Earth is warming, and/or 2) that humans have little or no responsibility for the warming if it exists and 3) refuses to consider any of the overwhelming chemical and physical evidence.
Most Deniers also support Donald Trump, are Republicans, oppose all abortions, think Covid was a scam created by the Chinese…
Johnny and the cult still have to hide behind the skirt of a Holocaust slur..
They have cooked the data. This in addition to the US data being mostly corrupted
“Poor thing. “Denier” bugs you?”
Of course not unlewss you say I deny Christ or the constitution or that men can’t become women.
“A Global Warming Denier is anyone who denies 1) that the Earth is warming, and/or 2) that humans have little or no responsibility for the warming if it exists and 3) refuses to consider any of the overwhelming chemical and physical evidence.
Most Deniers also support Donald Trump, are Republicans, oppose all abortions, think Covid was a scam created by the Chinese…”
So there really is no definition. Or is the definition “Anyone who disagrees with Elwood on anything from AGW to the origin of the Covid made and imported from China. That’s pretty broad and include 98% of America in one category or another.
I take it you CANNOT define the meaning of the word you pin on anyone at any time. You are becoming really insane. In fact your above “explanation” sounds like the ravings of a lunatic.
So if one is not a denier what is he? An acceptor? They believe everything told to them by, well, you? You’re not making any real sense Elwood as you are trying to discredit too many things based on your partisan hatred of Trump.
Should “denies” not be allowed to vote? Own property? Have a lower “social value”? Perhaps “deniers” should be confined to reeducation camps until they conform to your desires and comply with your politics?
Yes, we deny that global communism can correct any element that would cause the climate to change.
As we have told you over and over again, if you have definite cause for global climate change, then please share it with us. But you have not done this in about 19 years. And again, correlation is not causation.
Fact is that the climate is changing and does so constantly. There are multiple factors that result in the change. Carbon is not a major factor despite what you little climate “scientist” claim. There are just as many claiming otherwise the opposite and many who originally lent support to the warming idea have subsequently changed their minds. Please detail the “overwhelming” evidence of humans causing climate change, not the correlation.
Too funny-our J still talks of “overwhelming evidence” yet still hasn’t offered any. I guess the clowns think that if they repeat “overwhelming evidence” enough it will come true. *Science*