By “we”, Justine Calma at The Verge means “you”. Most Warmists won’t give up their own use of fossil fueled travel
To fight climate change, we need to start biking like the Dutch
Universal cycling could slash one-fifth of CO2 emissions from cars, study finds
If people around the world were as enthusiastic cyclers as they are in the Netherlands, we could cut an impressive amount of planet-heating pollution. The Dutch use bicycles to get around more than folks in any other country, cycling about 2.6 kilometers (1.62 miles) a day.
If that was the trend across the world, it would slash 686 million metric tons of carbon dioxide pollution a year, according to the authors of a new study published this week in the journal Communications Earth & Environment. That’s enormous — roughly equivalent to erasing one-fifth of CO2 emissions from passenger cars globally in 2015.
Cleaning up pollution from transportation is a huge piece of the puzzle when it comes to slowing down the climate crisis that’s causing more brutal heatwaves, droughts, fires, and storms. Transportation currently makes up a quarter of fuel-related greenhouse gas emissions globally, with half of that coming from passenger cars.
Replacing those gas-guzzlers with electric vehicles gets a lot of media attention as a sure-fire way to keep the climate crisis at a more manageable level. But that transition is happening slowly, and it doesn’t go far enough in reimagining a more sustainable future for transportation.
See? They’ve already moved on from EVs and want Everyone Else to be forced to ride a bike. Hey, biking makes sense in certain areas, and, people are welcome to do it IF THEY WANT TO AS THEIR OWN CHOICE. Notice how few Warmists in hardcore liberal areas like NYC give up their own use of fossil fuels and ride bikes. Of course, it’s not as easy when you have to drag the bike up and down the stairs/elevator. Where do you leave it at the store or work, especially with the increased amount of crime? Many American cities just aren’t set up for biking.
The difference in the Netherlands and similar countries like Denmark, where there were high rates of owning and using a bike to get around, the paper says, often boils down to culture and environment. Bicycling might be seen as more dangerous, the paper notes, in some places with high traffic death rates where cyclers might have to navigate through streets crammed with cars.
To get over those kinds of humps, the new paper calls for “worldwide pro-bicycle policy and infrastructure.” That might look like more protected bicycle lanes or strategies to overcome the world’s driving addiction through carbon taxes or congestion pricing.
And the government folks instituting this will put in methods to force people to bike, while the govt folks travel around in fossil fueled vehicles.

Teach Alinsky types daily: Most Warmists won’t give up their own use of fossil fueled travel
Most Conservatives won’t give up their own use of government money and benefits (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, gov’t contracts, parks, roads, fire and police protection…).
Most that understand the dangers of global warming do what they can, but right now there are not a lot of options, are there? St Louis has electric light rail that takes thousands of cars off the highway. If someone must travel from Chicago to LA on business Teach expects them to bicycle.
We have educated you time and again about SS and Medicare. That is money we paid in and we are getting back. As to Medicare, the magic negro, as Rush used to say, took away our insurance and Medicare is all we have.
You need to come up with a new excuse for your hypocrisy.
There is no excuse for your racism.
How many times do we have to explain the way your government works. You think it is right for the government to take my money at the point of a gun and I not to seek to recover. You are nuts.
What dangers of global warming? But look who I’m asking, again…
“Won’t give up SS, medicare, parks roads, fire and police…”. Uh, SS and Medicare taxes are taken out of our paychecks, and parks, roads, police and fire are usually locally financed through property taxes.
The fossil fuel using Mr Dowd wrote:
No, but if that someone is really concerned about
global warmingclimate change, he could review his options and ask himself, “Self, could I do this just as well via videoconference?”The taxpayer money accepting Mr Dana,
Many do use videoconference now, but sometimes one must travel.
We videoconference a few times weekly between St. Louis, Philly, Manchester NH, San Diego, Montreal, Dallas, Iowa City, Berlin (last week).
If a couple in Pittsburgh finds their grown son has passed away in Houston, how should they get there? Should their understanding of global warming force them to videoconference the funeral?
Rimjob: If a couple in Pittsburgh finds their grown son has passed away in Houston, how should they get there? Should their understanding of global warming force them to videoconference the funeral?
That’s not a valid argument, dumbass (as if you’re capable of one), It’s a red herring.
Polling Update – Republicans EXPAND lead to 5 points on generic ballot
Dear Elwood:
No, he did propose this, “If someone must travel from Chicago to LA on business Teach expects them to bicycle.”
What he said was, “And the government folks instituting this will put in methods to force people to bike, while the govt folks travel around in fossil fueled vehicles.”
What he also wrote was, “See? They’ve already moved on from EVs and want Everyone Else to be forced to ride a bike.”
Why do you post such obvious lies?
Because Mx Teach lies almost as much as the Gateway Pudendum. He claims the use of ANY fossil fuel by those that understand global warming makes them a hypocrite who is not to be listened to.
Alinsky Rules for Reactionaries: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.“
It is also the false dilemma logical fallacy claiming there are only two options in a given situation. Mx Teach sees only two options – use of fossil fuels or no use fossil fuels. But that’s not really true, is it? What if someone cuts their fuel use by 50%, 75%? Not good enough?
Anyway, I used Mx Teach’s fallacy back at him. If you need to get to LA, are your only options bicycles or airlines? If I was dishonest, was Mx Teach?
Teach’s only objective is to ridicule “the enemy” by any means necessary. He attacks the people (ad hominem fallacy) because he has no actual argument.
[…] Cove: The Left has a plan! It is called everyone start riding bikes […]
Maybe they can hold their next cult meeting where only bikes are allowed instead of all the big shots flying in on their private jets…
Actually I am not opposed to biking for everyone who can. Electric bikes are fun. I have one and while it is a cheap chinese made POS that cost me 800 bucks it still gets you easily from point A to point B with little effort and will travel up to 30 mph for about 20 miles before needing a recharge.
We built electric bikes are egronomically comfortable and cost generally around 2500-5000 dollars. Much cheaper than cars and if someone does not need a car it would be great for big city dwellers to have these bikes.
Put them in your house at night. Charge them and ride to work or whereever.
My wife and I bought two of them from a company Called LECTRIC BIKES and they were trash but they at least ran. Claimed to be an Arizona company with no mention their bikes Came factory put together from C H I N A. They were cheap, ergonomically uncomfortable, the seat post would collapse and the paint would fall off but they worked.
Since that time we looked into better electric bikes and settled on a pair costing 8000 dollars that are amazingly comfortable, huge tires and shocks on the front back and seat post. Dual motors with a top speed of 35 mph and a distance of 18 miles before recharge.
I endorse electric bikes for a certain segment of the population. The US government could offer incentives to the electric bike segment such as a 500-1000 dollar REBATE and NOT TAX BREAK and people would buy these and use them.
But they are not for everyone. They do make three wheelers which will soon be outlawed if they make enough since they use the standard tricycle set up which kills people constantly because they are unstable. Once the reverse that to 2 wheels up front and 1 in the rear for stability those will become safe for Granny and the kids.
I like it. Bike to work. Just buy a second batter and keep it in your backpack when you get there cause I am sure your business will not have a 1000 charging stations just for its employees. Battery packs are about 200-400 dollars depending on your bike type.
I am all for curtailing co2 emissions for the leftists AGW NAZI’s This is a good way to do it. Most of the people who buy these electric bikes would be AGW NAZI’s who sincerely believe the world is ending.
Everything we can do to cut CO2 emissions and save fossil fuels I am all for because once we start cutting fossil fuels our military is 3rd world and the world belongs to Russia, China and the AXIS of EVIL with the USA incapable of defending itself probably with a moratorium on our NUKES because they emit co2 when fired.
Self preservation is the only reason I support ways to decrease co2 emissions. I do not believe that Co2 is a problem but hey if they other side believes it to the point of Radiacal action then I’m willing to throw them a bone to fend off their lunacy.