It’s always some type of doom based on fanciful thinking, computer models, and looking in crystal balls
Climate change will ravage humanity’s main crop resources – except for one
Planting more breadfruit trees may be the solution to combating climate change, a new study claims.
Scientists expect climate change will have an adverse effect on many crops around the globe. But researchers from Northwestern University say global warming trends will have little effect on one particular production: breadfruit.
Breadfruit is a starchy tree fruit native to the Pacific islands. Although it’s a fruit, people often use breadfruit as a substitute for potatoes because it’s so starchy and lacks seeds.
The research, which found that unlike rice and corn, breadfruit can withstand extreme climates, was published Wednesday in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS Climate.
They wanted to see what would happen to breadfruit and crops, because everything is going to become hotter, wetter, cooler, drier
First, they mapped out what climate conditions these trees need in order to properly grow breadfruit. The team then looked at climate change models, predicting what the weather will look like in these areas in 2061-2080.
Same people cannot tell us what the weather will be consistently over the next 10 days.
The predictions examined two scenarios: one where rising greenhouse gas emissions continue to plague the world and one where emissions stabilize in the future. In both scenarios, regions that are suitable for growing breadfruit trees remained the same. In the tropics and subtropics, the amount of suitable land for growing breadfruit only decreased by 4.4. to 4.5 percent.
And, if you look at the research paper, it is heavy on the use of computer models, and, unshockingly, the results go from doom to DOOM.

Watchin the news last night on FOX since you don’t get news on any other channel, just propaganda. I noticed they were showing the crime spree going on in the blue cities across America. Something which is never shown nor discussed on the leftist channels. I wonder why?
Anyway, I saw about 30 blacks in Philly shooting at each other in the street. About 100 rounds they said. Also they showed about 50 blacks (and a couple of their white whores) looing some poor guy’s 7-11 in San Fran. Then about 10 black yutes in St. Louis doing a smash and grab at a jewelry store, followed by about 20 blacks looting a YSL (or some designer) store of $50,000 worth of handbags. Then they showed a POC pushing a woman down the subway steps, another dude slashing a woman’s arm in front of him. They capped it off with a black street bum throwing a Chinese lady in front of a NY subway train.
We see this almost every day (but only if you watch FOX and get the facts) with no limit in sight.
I would like to ask: How many of those blacks do you think vote Republican, have a father in their lives, go to church and have at least a C average in school if they went at all?
Now explain why they should vote and how the Republicans are the enemy?
L’Roy typed: Now explain why they should vote and how the Republicans are the enemy?
Are you suggesting that black Americans are not smart enough to vote in their own best interests? This is certainly what the white nationalists claim.
Fair enough. I posit that rural whites vote for Republicans out of fear of the “other”, including what they call “feral blacks”, brown Mexican rapists and throat-slashing Muslims. But the outcome from rural whites voting out of fear is that they vote against THEIR own self interest, and stay enslaved on the Republican plantation.
A tribute to leftist policies in Cali:
The Bethia was a privately owned collier, which was purchased by the Royal Navy in 1787 and renamed HMAV Bounty, specifically sent to Tahiti to gather breadfruit trees and transplant them to the West Indies, to provide cheap fodder for the slaves.
I find it ‘interesting’ that the same people who would turn us into slaves to do fealty to the
global warmingclimatechangeemergency activists think that all we’ll be able to eat will be what the British saw as cheap fodder for slaves.Work for 2-3 hours 1n your spare OO time and get paid $1200 0n y0ur bank acc0unt RTu every week…
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