…are wonderful plants that suck up carbon pollution, but taxing people would be better, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on a principle calling the cops on a maskless 4 year old.

…are wonderful plants that suck up carbon pollution, but taxing people would be better, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on a principle calling the cops on a maskless 4 year old.
Quote of the day:
Conservatives interviewed on why they home-school:
“One day, my daughter came home from kindergarten and showed me her sketch of her holding hands with another girl. I de-enrolled her right on the spot. Turns out the girl in the drawing was supposed to be me, but I stand by my decision.” – Cary Hildman (Chiropractor)
“Schools are funded by taxes, taxation is theft, and I’ll be damned if I let my own children steal from me.” – Phil Briance (Lab Technician)
“Thanks to the flexibility that homeschooling provides, my kids can work longer hours at my steel mill.” – Henry Hawthorne (Entrepreneur)
“I’ve seen the damage someone like me can do in the classroom.” – Caitlin O’Rourke (Teacher)
“If I can keep my boy from knowing Black people exist until he’s 18, he might just turn out okay.” – Nelson Marsh (Mine Safety Engineer)
“Husband forbids his wives and children from leaving the Great Compound lest we fall prey to outside treachery. It’s better this way.” – Esther Greenleaf (Stay-At-Home Mom)
“The final straw was opening up my kid’s grammar book and seeing a whole section about pronouns.” – Scott Williamsen (Bartender)
“You can start your school year in October and then buy all the school supplies at a discount! It’s fucking genius!” – Georgia Stoltz (Masseuse)
“The public schools in Arkansas are a disgrace.” – Asa Hutchinson (Arkansas Governor)
“I just can’t trust the public school system to keep up with my child’s advanced levels of indoctrination.” – Shawn Gordon (Police Officer)
“If my kid’s going to get shot in class, I’d rather it be from me.” – Stuart Corley? (Blogger)
“My 8-year-old learns best when Tucker Carlson is yelling in the background.” – Brian
McAdams (Investment Banker)
“I ostracized all of my adult friends and needed someone to talk to during the day.” – Lucy Monroe (Payroll Specialist)
“Most schools in our district barely touch on Henderson family history these days.” – Marcia Henderson (Grocer)
“Go ahead and try to find a school teacher who knows more than me about commercial and residential carpets.” – Randall Carter (Carpet Salesman)
“I’ll never allow my child to learn something I don’t already know.” – Wes Palumbo (Audio Engineer)
“There’s nothing they can learn in school that I can’t explain.” – Buck Wheatley (Pest Control Specialist)
“?I won’t subject my son to a school where they only say the Pledge of Allegiance once a day.” – Anna Kerr (Pastry Chef)
“I used to drop my kid off at school, and they’d come home knowing about fractions or something. How’d that happen? Why wasn’t someone watching?” – Barb Eastman (Realtor)
“Getting to eat lunch every day was making them feel entitled.” – Brian Salamone (Forklift Operator)