I actually approve of this idea
Biden administration needs to start acting on climate change at the local level
With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Biden administration has made a historic commitment to combating climate change. For the first time, the United States has the potential to actually meet its climate goals. But we must remember that doing so will also require effective executive action to implement and support the bill’s policies.
So far, in my hometown of Philadelphia, the actions of the Biden administration are not encouraging.
Inexplicably, the federal government is spending millions of dollars that will increase emissions at some of Philadelphia’s most iconic buildings. Independence Hall National Historical Park, the cradle of our democracy, and 30th Street Station, the lynchpin of Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor network, are in the process of converting from efficient steam energy to new on-site fossil fuel boilers and emissions stacks. These changes will lock in decades of additional pollution and undermine Philadelphia’s effort to transition from fossil gas to renewable power, not to mention that there are cleaner, greener, economically efficient choices. Moreover, the actions directly contradict President Biden’s executive order requiring all federal capital projects to aggressively seek to reduce their carbon footprint.
The stakes for carbon emissions at federal buildings are enormous. The General Services Administration alone manages over 375 million square feet of space in nearly 10,000 buildings. Amtrak owns and leases space in dozens of stations across the country. Federal departments and agencies can make investment decisions and capital commitments to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions without having to pass a single law or proceed through the regulatory process.
Reducing the government’s carbon footprint simply requires the will and determination to do it.
The Executive and Legislative Branch’s should be forced to reduce their own carbon footprints. Make all the elected politicians, their appointees, and their main staffs drive EVs or take mass transit. Make them rely on only “renewables” for energy at their offices, and, if there’s not quite enough power, oh well, deal with it, Sparky. They want to force Everyone Else to comply, but, they do almost nothing in their own lives
Climate hypocrites are all tell, no show
Many celebrities are full of sermons about how you need to save the planet. Often, they are the very same ones maximizing their own carbon footprints by flying on private jets. This has long been known, but the internet has now made it significantly easier to quantify their hypocrisy.
Data from ADS-B Exchange, for example, show that director and climate activist Steven Spielberg had burned at least $116,000 worth of jet fuel in 2 months on his private jet, which represents an emission of 179 tons of carbon dioxide. If extended over the course of a year, that consumption alone represents 66 times the carbon footprint of the average American, and that’s before counting any driving or electricity use by Spielberg. (Guess what — his house is probably a lot bigger and more electricity-hungry than yours.) (snip)
John Kerry’s jet has only emitted about 20 times the average American’s annual climate footprint — and in fairness, that took him about 18 months. Kerry is Biden’s climate envoy. He is a very important person. He needs a private jet to go overseas to receive important climate awards for being such a great champion of, you know, the climate. (snip)
Politicians and celebrities may not walk the walk, but they are dead serious about you sacrificing your lifestyle. Think of Saint Augustine, who famously characterized his own cavalier attitude toward sin during his youth with the wry faux-prayer, “Give me chastity, Lord — but not yet.” The prayer of the climate preacher seems to be, “Give chastity to everyone else, Lord — but not to me!”
This is, again, one of the reasons I moved from believer in anthropogenic global warming (and, again, mankind does have an influence on warming, just not that much at the global level): lots of people saying we’re doomed, but, not doing anything themselves.

You wishes for green energy ARE coming true. Remember ! We as Americans have already reduced our average carbon footprint from 19 tons to about 15 tons.Teach how has this carbon footprint reduction affected you personally? Other than the loss of your bored but inefficient incandescent light bulbs ? Nationally the price of electricity over the last 25 years has increased at a rate of about 1.8%. Is THAT what you have been telling us is the skyrocketing increase caused by “green energy” ? 1.8%???? Of course it HAS gone up a lot more recently hasn’t it? Why? Because fossil fuel costs have gone up enriching Trump’ good friends and golfing partners, the Saudis. Who of course promote the most radical of all Islamic beliefs.they control the global oil price that we must pay even for oil drilled here in the USA
Johnny-and who was Grandpa begging for oil a while ago? Some of those same folks you named. Oil was cheaper, and we were almost energy independent under Trump. Please inform us on how that was supposedly worse than what we have now.
“We reduced our carbon footprint…” Why should we reduce our carbon footprint, Johnny? The US did reduce their emissions, and no doubt their “carbon footprint, by fracking.
Energy independent? Oil is a global market.
What was that bullshit about how the world sets the price of crude oil?
How about explaining that stupid statement.
We live rent free in that shrunken brain of yours.
And another stupid statement. Keep rolling them out.
hairy said: the Saudis. Who of course promote the most radical of all Islamic beliefs
hairy should we go back to profiling and harassing Muslims? I thought your side was pro-Muslim and anti-anything that cast shade on a Muslim or his country of origin. I didn’t think according to the radical left that any Muslims harbored R A D I C A L Beliefs????
Please explain not only this Homophobic statement but how the Saudia control the world oil prices when they produce only about ONE POINT SEVEN PERCENT 1.7%.
Hairy, do you think you’ll be able to stop blaming the evil “Trump” for everything before 2200? Your inability to come to grips with the current situation caused by democommies and their current policies is irrational. Trump has nothing to do with anything now, it’s ALL PEDO JOE! Besides, right now the Saudis and other tyrants across the globe are currently reluctant to play golf with Trump in the U.S. since the junta here could swoop in at any moment to inspect his golf clubs with a warrant issued by a judge of the Miss Universe pageant. It’s safer in their third world countries that here thanks to King Pedo.
Now that we’ve become lawless we are less inviting to former allies which, like it or not the Saudis were. BTW, I compared my “fossil fuel costs” of today with just those of ten years ago and guess what, they’ve gone from $220 per month to $465. 1.8% my ass. But you keep on denying your party’s responsibility all you want, denier!
— Euripides
Good quote, but pups, exactly when did you get sophisticated.
Am I crazy or is the President (?) of the United States planning on unilaterally forgive up to $10,000 of college tuition debt for tens of thousands of college students based on nothing but his desire to buy votes for democommies in the midterms? What precedent is there for this? By what authority? By what constitutional law?
So average working stiffs and those who actually paid their college and other debts are now supposed to pay off kids loans because….? This is one huge immoral and economically unsound idea if I ever heard one.
Talk about your inflation.
Talk about your buying votes.
Talk about your democommie corruption.
Talk about your picking winners and loosers.
Talk about class favoritism.
Talk about your racism.
This is truly obscene by any objective standard of morality and fairness.
Actually, you got it wrong. A better term than president is pretender. Thus compounding the insult to the citizens of what used to be the United States. But knowing the average working man who did not go to college, did not rack up a huge debt getting a worthless degree, has difficulty buying food, fuel, housing and tools and equipment, he will not care that the Dems elected to give his tax money to a bunch of worthless college kids. Only problem is he is working too hard to learn about it even if the media elects to publish.
IOW, the left AGAIN wants a dictator – the same charge they levelled at Trump, the only president to take any concrete steps towards shrinking government.