…is an Evil can of soda full of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Depot, with a post on the feds going after an Amish farmer.

…is an Evil can of soda full of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Depot, with a post on the feds going after an Amish farmer.
If all you see is a hot chick in a tight dress, and not the absolute pig sty that she is standing in, and the fact that it doesn’t even bother her to take a selfie while standing in it?
Have fun.
That, my friends, is a “just for tonight” special. You’re going to have to spend a lot of money, but you might get a taste… just make sure she can’t find you afterwards, because that is *not* a “long term prospect.”
I see that a lot especially on YouTube and such. It amazes me how these morons never seem to see the shit around them when they snap selfies. They are so consumed with their own narcissism they are oblivious with everything else. Like leftists talking politics or economics they are incapable of seeing the whole picture.
Glad I was not the only one to notice the mess. Nice figure but my money is on the fact she has a fat person trapped in that body screaming to get out. She likely is not even a good one nighter, she is in love with herself.
Mumbles McShitpants just walks away mumbling something to the effect of “fuck you, because I can.”
In what has become de rigueur for losing GOPhers:
Glad I was not the only one to notice the mess. Nice figure but my money is on the fact she has a fat person trapped in that body screaming to get out. She likely is not even a good one nighter, she is in love with herself.