What was that talking point about the Green New Deal, er, Inflation Reduction Act creating lots of good paying jobs?
Automakers from General Motors to Toyota are on a mission to phase out gasoline vehicles.
And while a future full of clean, electric cars will help reduce harmful emissions and stunt climate change, it may spell disaster for the thousands of auto workers whose jobs will be rendered obsolete by new technologies and manufacturing processes.
As one might surmise, workers who assemble gasoline engines, transmissions, exhaust systems, and the myriad of other parts not needed in electric vehicles will likely bear the brunt of the transition. Moreover, electric motors and batteries are much simpler than traditional powertrains, allowing carmakers to maintain the same production output with fewer workers.
Both Ford and Volkswagen have estimated that electric cars require 30% less labor than conventional vehicles. The consulting firm AlixPartners reckons that 40% less labor goes into an EV’s motors and battery pack than an engine and transmission. (big snip)
These cuts are already underway: Ford in August confirmed plans to lay off roughly 3,000 salaried and contract employees, the Wall Street Journal and others reported, as part of a larger restructuring.
Well, hey, all these automaker union members are big supporters of the Democratic Party, right? They organize for them, donate to them, and vote for them, right? So they don’t mind losing their jobs to pay for the Democrats climate crisis (scam) agenda, right?
According to an analysis by Boston Consulting Group, the shift to EVs in Europe will result in 630,000 fewer jobs at automakers and suppliers of parts specifically for combustion-engine vehicles by 2030. But booming demand for batteries, charging infrastructure, and the like will create 580,000 new roles.
“While the core automotive industry will certainly suffer significant job losses, some new industries that support electrification will experience tremendous job growth,” the firm said. When all is said is done, policy measures to spur domestic EV production could help the US add 150,000 automotive jobs overall, the Economic Policy Institute estimates.
They’re assuming this will happen with the new jobs. But, will those who worked the old jobs and getting laid off be getting the new jobs? Or, will they be filled by younger folks? Will they pay the same? Have the same benefits? How many of these jobs will shift to outside the U.S.?
Still, there’s no guarantee that displaced workers will benefit from newly created positions. “It’s not going to be the same people getting new jobs. It’s often going to be new jobs created in new places for new people,” Smith said. Automakers and their partners are planning a slew of battery plants in the US, but many of those factories will be far away from current auto manufacturing. Battery packs lend themselves to automation, Smith added.
Huh. The workers are good with taking one for the team, right? All those middle and working class folks are good with getting boned so Elites can feel good that they’re Doing Something, right?

God Damn those capitist pigs for putting profits before the working class!
Ford should continue to pay their wages even as their jobs become obsolete. Did we learn nothing from our history of mistreatment of the buggy whip workers who lost their jobs 110years ago?
Teach there are going to be big changes as our economy stops burning carbon
And immigrants coming g to NYC ? Their are many different opinions but in today’AM Metro NY which is the free paper given away at allsu way stations the headline reads
Texas Exodous
NYC welcomes biggest convoy of migrants spurned by Lone Stsr Stage government.
Article also reports many 9/11 calls along the way of people wanting to get off.in TN and NC
Brandon says, “fuck you, you trusted us.”
Give 100s of billions to Ukraine.
Forgive 100s of billions in student loan debt.
Pay people not to work.
Raise taxes on those that do.
Inflation? What inflation?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Ohhh the NYC story is getting better. Both the onboard security and the charter bus company have been interviewed and warned about not allowing migrants to get off the bus. Of course kidnapping is a Federal crime and could also cause cases in civil court. With venue in NYC could get interesting. Lawyers already talking about making it a class action case.
If the illegals boarded those busses voluntarily knowing they were headed to New York how does one come up with the crime of kidnapping?
Oh sorry. Forgot who was I’m dealing with here.

Billions in Ukraine??? You never botched about trillions and thousands of casualties being spent to fight the Taliban. I worry more about Russia and Putin than the Taliban who can’t even find the USA on a map. And can only hurt us financially by jacking up the price of heroin. Look what Putin did with gasoline
Put down the pipe, Johnnie boy and praise Buddha.
The Tals are actually more of a threat than Russia. If you would read stuff other than bad web sites you might be able to figure it out. On second thought, just stay with comic books.
We all “botched” about the trillions and American lives sent to fight the Taliban, where were you? You worry more about Russia and Putin NOW that Pedo Joe has attacked them by proxy. But if you can stop smoking your weed long enough to recall it was the Taliban the murdered 3000 Americans on 9/11. Remember. They managed to find the USA on a map to blow up the Twin Towers, didn’t they?
You look what Putin did with gasoline. Are you suggesting he controls our price of gas? Because if you are you don’t know Jack shit.
Sorry Johnny-the amount of “carbon” is continuing to increase world-wide.
“Ford to slash 3000 jobs…”
No doubt to be off-set by hiring 3000 more child laborers to dig for lithium in China. Thanks, Brandon, for making us less energy independent
Ever wonder why?
When anyone mentions “Green Jobs” this is what they’re talking about.
No jobs.