…is a wonderful walkway so Other People can be forced out of their cars, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Common Cents Blog, with a post on Biden forgiving lots of student debt.

…is a wonderful walkway so Other People can be forced out of their cars, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Common Cents Blog, with a post on Biden forgiving lots of student debt.
It’s been just over a year and a half, and Biden has given us:
?? Never-ending COVID “emergency” that ushered in disastrous and expensive policies.
?? Humiliating and deadly Afghanistan surrender that paved the way for Putin aggression in Ukraine.
?? #StudentLoanScam that is clearly outside the law.
?? Trillions in reckless and needless spending that will be a burden for future generations.
?? Tax increases on virtually everyone, violating his own campaign promises.
?? Record inflation and gas prices.
?? A broken southern border that is endangering migrant women and children, as well as communities across America unable to accommodate the floods of people.
?? Stripping America’s energy reserves.
?? Weakening America’s standing in the world in face of growing dangers.
?? Crime soaring throughout cities across America, from DC to New Orleans and everywhere in between.
?? An America even further divided, where people wonder how they can even safely co-exist with people with whom they disagree on politics.
I read that the bomb attack in Afghan was allowed by our government.
Yeah, that’s $1,000, minimum. Minimum.
Thank you for promoting CC! Some recent posts:
Blake Masters (R-AZ), trumpist candidate for US Senator from AZ, was “100% pro-life” for his primary run, but suddenly, without warning, morphed into a “commonsense abortion regulation” RINO, LOL.
His campaign website has been scrubbed of his support for a “federal personhood law”. In interviews he now claims the personhood law would only apply to the 3rd trimester.
So what does he really believe? Was he lying in the primary or is he lying now in the general election?
Masters is an acolyte of billionaire investor Peter Thiel.
If a person changes his position he’s a liar? Wow, that’s tolerant. Should we list every time pedo joe changed his position on something? Cause man, that guy is a total liar.
He is still 100% pro life or don’t you read everything? He’s not for the federal personhood law. Didn’t we just have a SC decision pointing out abortion is not a federal power? Then what would make one think a federal personhood law would be legal? Funny how you used to be for a federal law on abortion now you’re not. Are you a liar too? (Don’t answer we know).
Hi Elwood. I see you are trolling your usual way. This time in order to keep all eyes off the illegal and immoral payoff by FJB the fake pres has decided to pay off students loans with your money you’re trolling hate for one of your usual targets: Christians. You always bully those who won’t/can’t fight back. A true piece of shit. Haha. Gotta love it. They steal money from plumbers and Uber drivers and pay the college tuition of rich kids at Harvard law. Next year they will be bitching about “income inequality” again I bet.
I assume Elwood is all in on this massive wealth transfer from the poor to the rich. He usually is as long as it helps the left. Ask him about the 5 million illegals FJB brought in this year!!!
Anyway, I just dropped in to once again thank Elwood and his band of communist thieves, liars and grifters for our unprecedented increase in income from pedo joe’s policies. I’m not even going to enumerate the millions in government financed real estate via 2.0% loans and free grants. And our weekly income from the crazy feds who beg us to take these filthy illegals then pay us outlandish rents is laughable since it’s Elwood’s money and his family’s too. It makes me tingle all over to know that Elwood personally supports a clown that has poured millions into my company and personal bank accounts. Thanks again Elwood.
What I really love is that FJB will unleash all those IRS guys on the people applying for the tuition rebates because the IRS realizes they will all deliberately lie to lower their income to qualify thereby becoming tax cheats. I love it. And they will all be those “middle class” guys Elwood is so compassionate about. LOL.
Keep on making an ass of yourself Elwood. Making false hypothetic claims about the desires and inspirations of Christians shows your compassion, sympathy, care and all that false shit you claim to possess.
A heart full of hate, a brain full of shit and a mouth full of lies. Elwood, the quintessential leftist.
[…] THEN, he asks again […]