Greg Abbott is such a giving guy, you know
5 more migrant buses from Texas arrive in NYC as Abbott calls out Adams’ ‘hypocrisy’
Five more buses arrived in New York City from Texas on Wednesday, the most buses in one day to reach the Big Apple.
The new buses are only the latest to make the trip — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sent more than 1,000 migrants to New York since Aug. 5, his office has said. (sent)
Abbott called out Adams’ “hypocrisy” in a Wednesday New York Post op-ed, saying the mayor “likes to pat himself on the back for welcoming migrants with open arms to his sanctuary city. That is, until he actually has to follow through on those lofty promises.”
“Adams talked the talk about being a sanctuary city — welcoming illegal immigrants into the Big Apple with warm hospitality,” Abbott wrote. “Talk is cheap. When pressed into fulfilling such ill-considered policies, he wants to condemn anyone who is pressing him to walk the walk.”
Still needs to send a bunch to Reheboth Beach, Delaware. And leave some off right at the White House
Abbott is not the only one in support of the stunt. Texas mayors and lawmakers have laughed off complaints from major cities, pointing to years and years of dealing with the crisis on their own.
“You see New York, you see Washington kind of drowning with a few buses,” McAllen, Texas, Mayor Javier Villalobos told Fox News. “We used to get over a thousand-something people a day.”
“The city of McAllen was able to deal with thousands of immigrants a day,” Villalobos said. “I think they can handle a few hundred.”
Yeah, but see, liberal cities don’t really want to deal with them, they’ll protect some from deportation, but, would prefer most stay Over There.

I think k it is great that new immigrants are being bussed to where they will be happiest.many of course perhaps 1/2 are choosing to not go as far north as New York but getting off in Tennesse or North Carolina.according to WSOC channel 9 over 1400 have arrived since May.the Christian Bible instructs that they be treated equally to citizens.
Teach have you personally seen other articles about this? How do you feel about this bussing into your area?
hairy writes: the Christian Bible instructs that they be treated equally to citizens.
Please show me where in the bible is says the United States GOVERNMENT is supposed to treat illegal citizens equally to citizens?
This should be an interesting read from the resident China BOT.
Hairy has said that before. Leftists are famous for misquoting the Bible when it suits their needs, yet rejecting it entirely in their own lives. They get away with it because so many nominal Christians in America are Biblically illiterate and the churches they go to keep them that way.
Pretty sure Hairy doesn’t care too much about the bible but is cramming hypocrisy down your collective throats.
The bible means whatever each sect/cult/individual wants it to mean.
Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth believes (and preaches) that gays (the preacher calls them “fags”) should be lined up and shot in the back of the head. It’s in the bible!!
Part of their doctrine based on the King James version:
It’s in the bible!
That anyone would base ANY law on religions texts penned by bronze age goatherders is ridiculous.
Dear Elwood:
Your ignorance is astounding.
The Old Testament was fulfilled with the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ.
Christians live under the New Testament.
That some try to use the Old Testament as a basis for acts, moral and otherwise, is just a demonstration of their ignorance. That you join them is not surprising.
I tried to explain that to both Dowd and Hairy before, James Lewis when they continued to quote Hebrew law to us as “biblical” rules. They fail to understand that as Christians we don’t stone people and such. But since they’re heathen gaia worshiping fools they can’t understand. So screw’em.
They also act (pretend) that their pagan earth worship is not their religion but we all see through that bullshit too.
Those who reject God don’t believe in “nothing”, instead they fall for everything!!!
Climate, Covid, stolen elections, men becoming women, men having babies, zero inflation and of course nuclear secrets in Melania’s undies. They are just targets for grifters and grifters themselves.
I report, you decide.
We’re impressed that your beliefs do not make room for executing other citizens.
Many christians, especially in the expanding evangelical movement, claim biblical inerrancy or infallibility. Any reasonable person knows that cannot be true.
Sounds like a lot of room for interpretation there, doesn’t it? Do you consider any of these believers to be “ignorant” of their own religion.
26% of the 210 million US christians believe the bible word for word. That’s some 55 million Americans. How do we educate them not to kill gays, kill kids that mistreat their parents, kill adulterers etc?
Thanks Rimjob.
Now do the people who believe in man-made global warming.
You’re right – we’ll just base laws on the the Climate Change Cult’s religious beliefs.
John-you meant new illegal immigrants, correct?
Too ironic-as opposed to the cult following the Church of Climate Astrology? Opposing viewpoints not allowed, the “faith” is based solely on things not seen or verified, ect., ect?
Apparently self-awareness of their hypocrisy is not one of their strong points…
EVERY “sanctuary city” should be receiving it’s own busses of illegals.
Governor Abbott’s response is “there’s plenty more from where these came from. Suck it. They’re your problem now.”

#Bwaha! Lolgf
Don’t mess with Texas.
God bless Texas.

Since we have the 9th largest economy in the world, they might notice.

This is possibly the most popular thing Gov. Grabbit has done recently. If he had governed like this for the early part of his tenure, he might have been a very popular governor instead of a rino with lots of money behind him.