In fairness, there’s more than plenty of blame to go around, starting with China for mucking around with coronaviruses and letting one go, on purpose or by accident. And Anthony Fauci and the NIH for funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology. All those governors, counties, and cities who shut things down in a biased manner, as well as other countries who shut it down
For the first time ever, the median rent in the U.S. topped $2,000 a month in June — and the increases show no sign of stopping.
Those rising rents mean that households representing a total of 8.5 million people were behind on their rent at the end of August, according to Census Bureau figures. And 3.8 million of those renters say they’re somewhat or very likely to be evicted in the next two months.
The combination of soaring inflation, the end of most eviction moratoriums and rental assistance payments and an extremely low vacancy rate has pushed rents up — and many renters out.
The average rent was $1,474 in 2019. It was $1,019 in 2009, so, 10 years to rise almost $500, vs 2 years for another $500. In fairness, this depends quite a bit on which source you look it. Most of these pieces on hitting $2K seem to be relying on a piece by Redfin, which had the median at $1,600 in 2019, a little spike then dip in 2020, then a 15% spike since Joe Biden took office.
And the homes that are available are often still out of reach. Rent rates are up nearly 25% since before the pandemic, with an increase of 15% in just the past 12 months, according to the real estate tracking service Zillow.
Same data as Redfin.
Evictions are up, too, according to the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. In August, evictions were 52% above average in Tampa, 90% above average in Houston and 94% above average in Minneapolis-St. Paul. (big snip)
To meet higher rents, 57% of renters said they relied on credit cards, loans, savings or selling off some assets, including raiding their retirement accounts.
Despite that, 14% of renters told the survey that they weren’t completely caught up on back rent.
No worries, Joe’s focused on everything but the economy.

It’s understandable why so many renters are upset. BIDENOMICS!!!
Also it’s understandable why Rimjob has been drinking so much lately. (Nothing to do w/Brandon)
Elwood normally comments like a partisan hack but lately he’s been sounding like a total psycho. One thing that amuses me is how he demands “evidence” or “proof” of something ( say election fraud or Covid lies) yet for years I’ve seen you guys give links, quotes and news articles to back up your assertions by he just waves them away and again demands more proof. If he can’t accept the evidence then what’s the use. BTW, why should we run around looking up and linking stuff he can do on his own. If he has the desire for the truth that is. If he’s gonna rely on CNN and the NYT and ignore everything else then screw him.
Exactly. No proof is enough. No evidence is acceptable. So no point providing it. In the years I have been coming here I have never seen Jeff accept any evidence provided or concede any point by another opposing commenter. It must be comforting to believe everything you are told with such absolute confidence. So, interacting with Jeff is not only boring, it’s futile. He will always default back to the Democratic party approved talking point on that subject.
Jeff is always somewhat nice to people when they first start commenting. After a few week he ramps up the abuse. It is apparent that he is scared of L’Roy. But he really hacked into you early, as I said, he is an abusive male and bully. He really does not care what proof you have, he discounts everything.
I don’t see how they remain afloat. There capital at the first of the year was equal to there coming obligations. Considering no income of any kind, what is keeping them alive. They only have two stocks and neither is going to produce at market. They did clear house, but that did not improve the bottom line.
I don’t see how they remain afloat.No shit.
This will have far reaching consequences for millions of Americans. They thought the rent moratoriums meant they didn’t owe the money. Now they will not only get evicted, but also sued for the balance of their owed rents. Those judgements can follow them for a long time and even block them from getting new rental units. If you were a property manager, would you rent to someone who has a history of not paying?
It will hurt, and that money has likely been spent.
Trump was the man in chsrge when covid hit the USA
Teach doesn’t seem to remember when he believed Trump when he told us that
It eas all under control
Only 22 people have it and they are all getting better
Trump was in chsrge of covid for tge first very important q2 months. Over 1 million Americans died with the highest death rates in those red stsges that didn’t Vax mask, or social distance. Trump supporters who bievedin his fantasy of drinking Bleach shining UV light up the butt and Ivermecyin died st the highest rates.trump eas Fauci’s boss, blame Trump if you think he shouldn’t have kept him in thst position.
Dude! Hitting the Nyquil a bit early today. Pace yourself.
Trump attempted to close the border, Dems would not have it. That was the one and only power and action available to Trump.
As to other actions, the CDC has finally admitted that nothing would have helped and that what the CDC forced on us was actually more harmful.
John, really, you are not very bright. You can not impress us with your brilliance and insight.
Hairy, you keep repeating things that are true to a degree, but you aways fail to complete.
“Over 1 million Americans died with the highest death rates in those red stsges that didn’t Vax mask, or social distance.”
Those red states, FL is usually named, with a high death rate also have a much larger older population. COVID kills the elderly more than the young. There fore it is to be expected that the death rate would be higher.
“Trump supporters who bievedin his fantasy of drinking Bleach shining UV light up the butt and Ivermecyin died st the highest rates.trump eas Fauci’s boss, blame Trump if you think he shouldn’t have kept him in thst position.”
As for the above rambling blather, the typing and spelling is so bad I can’t respond to it.