Well, really, why would EV stations be necessary in low income areas? They won’t be able to afford them, same as the lower and middle middle class folks. This is all to take care of his rich donors and supporters
Is Biden’s goal to build charging stations for electric cars leaving low-income areas behind?
The US government is throwing billions of dollars at building a network of charging stations to help boost uptake of electric cars. But some advocates worry the charging spots will bypass the disadvantaged communities that have until now found electric vehicles well beyond their reach.
In Indiana, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has complained that the state’s draft plan for the rollout of electric vehicle (EV) chargers has not properly consulted people of color, doesn’t specify any chargers in Black-owned businesses and focuses the new infrastructure on highways that cut through neighborhoods, rather than the neighborhoods themselves.
“We think the process is flawed and rigged against Black communities, Black businesses and other frontline communities of color,” said Denise Abdul-Rahman, Indiana state chair for the NAACP’s environmental justice program. “There’s been no real outreach here.
“We want the economic benefits of these chargers too, the modernized grids so we don’t have so many power outages, to get our school buses off diesel. We don’t want two Indianas and two Americas, one with roundabouts and clean air and charging stations and another riding around in fossil fuel cars and breathing in all the pollution. We want a just transition.”
Well, that’s interesting, the UK Guardian article starts out discussing blacks. Do the hardcore leftists at the Guardian think all blacks are low income? And the entire Guardian operation is unabashedly and openly leftist. And, yes, they do hold that racist POV, like most Progressives
“Often, communities of color aren’t consulted until the latter stages where they are put into a situation where they are seen as enemies of progress, stalling things that need to happen,” said Rhiana Gunn-Wright, director of climate policy at the Roosevelt Institute and an architect of the Green New Deal.
No worries, you’ll be told, and you can just deal with the skyrocketing energy costs. Kinda wanted to get to this part
Indiana plans to spend $100m on at least 44 EV chargers, potentially adding a further 28 if funds allow. The state department of transport insists it is committed to ensuring all people in the state will have fair access, predicting that 95% of people in disadvantaged communities will be within 35 miles (56km) of a charger.
Huh what? How much? That’s $2,272,727 per charger. How in the f*ck does that make any fiscal sense? I guess we’re getting the first inkling of how much money will be wasted, certainly lots of kickbacks to donors and such.
(Sacramento Bee) Hoping to avoid blackouts, the California Independent System Operator, which manages the state’s power grid, warned Tuesday that it probably will issue a series of Flex Alerts over the next several days. Flex Alerts are voluntary calls for conservation during the afternoon and evening hours, when energy use tends to soar. Residents will be asked to turn up their thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using dishwashers or other large appliances, and hold off on charging their electric vehicles, all during the 4-9 p.m. time frame.
It’s in the low 90’s here in Raleigh today, about normal, but, probably would feel like doom for Californians. I’m going to stop and get gas shortly on the way to the gym, no problem.

Where are the people in this neighborhood going to install their at-home car chargers?
Or here?
Yeah, these are poorer neighborhoods, but there are plenty of in-better-shape row house neighborhoods in Philly, better maintained, but still no more room.
You wanna charge your Chevy Dolt here?
I don’t recall the US govt spending any money to create a vast network of gasoline and diesel stations. Yet somehow, they are everywhere.
I don’t remember seeing any gummint assistance on my grandpa’s lease for his first gas station after WWI. There was a perceived demand and he took a risk. The old fashioned marketplace and it worked.