Strangely, the Washington Post’s Jack Jenkins failed to ask if any of them are practicing what they preach. If they’ve replaced their fossil fueled vehicles with EVs. Gotten rid of all natural gas appliances. Handwash and lined dry clothes. Etc
Bible demands action on climate change, Evangelicals say in new report
The National Association of Evangelicals has unveiled a sweeping report on global climate change, laying out what its authors call the “biblical basis” for environmental activism to help spur fellow evangelicals to address the planetary crisis.
“Creation, although groaning under the fall, is still intended to bless us. However, for too many in this world, the beach isn’t about sunscreen and bodysurfing but is a daily reminder of rising tides and failed fishing,” reads the report’s introduction, penned by NAE President Walter Kim. “Instead of a gulp of fresh air from a lush forest, too many children take a deep breath only to gasp with the toxic air that has irritated their lungs.”
But the authors admit that convincing evangelicals is no small task, considering the religious group has historically been one of the demographics most resistant to action on the issue.
The nearly 50-page report, released Monday and titled “Loving the Least of These: Addressing a Changing Environment,” opens with a section that insists protecting the environment is a biblical mandate.
“The Bible does not tell us anything directly about how to evaluate scientific reports or how to respond to a changing environment, but it does give several helpful principles: Care for creation, love our neighbors and witness to the world,” the report says.
Not that I’m evengelical (I’m Episcopalian), but, I might listen if they were practicing what they preach. Probably not, because, even if climate change was mostly caused by mankind, the climate cult is making all the solutions about higher taxes and fees, along with big government restricting your freedom and life choices.
Kinda interesting how the leftists at the WP usually hate Christians, but, are willing to prop them up when they take leftist beliefs.

Teach bases his scientific positions on what others say and do.
Teach for over 20 years the Episcopal Church is on record for believing in AGW
In fact the head of the American Eliscopal Church has said that climate change denying is immoral.
No doubt prayers are being offered in your behalf as we speak by your church
Johnny-this is supposed to be science. What one “believes in” is irrelevant. Try and keep up….
Higher taxes!! Higher fees!!
Teach the average price for electricity in the USA has been averaging an increase of less then 3% per year over the last 20 years even as the percent of green enegy increased 90% in the last 20 years.
The Hirsute One wrote:
Perhaps that has been because, until the dummkopf from Delaware took office, inflation itself over the last twenty years was very low. The last two years? Not so much!
That’s from the US Energy Information Agency, which is a federal government agency under President Biden, and is dated August 9, 2022. It took me less than a minute to find that information, ’cause Google is my friend; he’s a friend you should have as well, but, as usual, you bloviate things you could do something really radical and actually look up, and you keep getting things wrong.
Of course, as the left keep pushing and pushing and pushing for plug-in electric vehicles, the energy grid is not ready to supply the sparktricity needed. In the Pyrite State, they’re urging electric car users not to recharge overnight, because of the higher residential energy consumption between 6 and 11 PM, but if they wait until after 11 PM to plug in their Chevy Dolts or Tesla Muddle 3s, they won’t get a full charge, a rather bad thing in long-commute and traffic jam heavy California.
Of course, if they can’t charge at home during the peak hours, they can always pay triple and hit a commercial 440-volt fast charge station, spending their entire lunch hour waiting for the silly thing to power up, eating such nutritious food like 7/11 death dogs and a bag of chips.
If the power grid can’t handle the heavy sparktricity demand in hot weather, what’s going to happen when temperatures get abnormally cold, and those heat pumps — if not the emergency heat cycles — are running constantly to keep them from freezing? Electric car batteries lose charge faster in cold weather.
Of course, the power grid can, and should, be expanded, but that costs money, and those costs will be, as always, passed down to the consumer, meaning yet higher prices for electricity.
There’s one simple lesson you’ve just never, ever been able to comprehend: there’s no such thing as a free lunch! All of this stuff has costs, and all of those costs will eventually fall where they always fall, on the individual American consumer and taxpayer.
Gasoline under $3 here.
Dear Elwood:
MO average is $3.45.
As usual you’re a fukin’ liar. Gas prices are $3.46 in MO according to AAA.
You do realize we have computers and can check your bullshit?
All I know is what I saw at the Shell on Watson Rd yesterday. $2.99 for regular. I didn’t see BM there, though so I’ll trust my own eyes.
As usual you can fukin’ suck my big balls, BM*
Checking other MO stations online…
Read ’em and weep, BM.
3301 Mid Rivers Mall Dr
St Peters, MO
(636) 697-1054
$2.95/regular 12 minutes ago
1601 E Cleveland Ave
Monett, MO
(417) 235-3630
$2.99/regular 1 minute ago
301 Highlands Blvd Dr
Manchester, MO
(636) 686-7400
$2.98/regular 5 minutes ago
Sam’s Club
3660 E Sunshine St
Springfield, MO
(417) 882-4487
$2.98/regular 20 minutes ago
Thank You, President Biden!!!
* Baby Murderer
SCORE ONE FOR THE GOOD GUYS! Ohio Supreme Court refuses to hear appeal – Oberlin College owes $32 Million
Oh paleeze. If you believe the climate change hysteria, please don’t call yourself Christian. In so doing you are saying God created junk. Our sovereign all mighty God knew exactly how many people would occupy this planet and you can bet He didn’t err in His calculations. I’m more inclined to believe it’s man’s hell-bent need for destruction is causing imbalances.Chemtrails, drones, weather manipulation etc., all manmade junk. Don’t blame regular folks and DON’T blame God.
What? Episcopalian? Mr Teach, we will be happy to welcome you into the one holy, Catholic and apostolic church!
It is sad to see nominal Christians join death cults. The end result of climate control is population control. The same people who want to control your behavior also want to control how many of you there are. And None of the climate control goals make any sense as long as the population of the planet keeps growing. America, Like Europe and Japan, have already controlled our population through mostly self control. If we stopped allowing immigration, our population would be stable.
But now most of those churches take cash payments from the government to host immigrants.
“No doubt prayers are being offered in your behalf as we speak by your church”
H, speaking of church disagreements…..
I guess you’ve never heard of Martin Luther…..
Letting an obviously mentally challenged teenager stir you into action speaks ill of you.