Yes, Chicago is an official sanctuary city. They even have an official document about it
What does it mean that Chicago is a Sanctuary City?
Chicago’s Welcoming City Ordinance means that the City will not ask about your immigration status, disclose that information to authorities, or, most importantly, deny you City services based on your immigration status.
Let’s go to the wackiest headline I could find
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sparked controversy due to a program designed to bus asylum-seekers to northern “sanctuary cities,” and on Wednesday he said one of those transports arrived in the city of Chicago.
Abbott’s office announced that the asylum-seekers were dropped off at Chicago’s Union Station, saying that Chicago will join Washington, D.C. and New York as a location for his administration’s “drop off policy.”
“President Biden’s inaction at our southern border continues putting the lives of Texans – and Americans – at risk and is overwhelming our communities,” Abbott said in a statement.
Why has it “sparked controversy”? Isn’t Chicago welcoming of illegals? Should have dropped them off near city hall
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says her administration was aware of the plan, and that they are working to find shelter and other services for individuals bussed to the city. An estimated 60 asylum-seekers were transported to the city, according to Lightfoot’s office.
“Chicago is and will continue to be a welcoming city,” the mayor’s office said in a statement. “We are collaborating across various city departments and with local, state and community partners to ensure everyone who arrives in Chicago is greeted and treated with dignity and respect.”
Hmm, Chicago is probably going to get a whole lot more buses
Lightfoot blasted Abbott’s administration for lacking “shame or humanity” because of the program.
“As a city, we are doing everything we can to ensure these immigrants and their families can receive shelter, food, and most importantly protection,” her office said. “This is not new; Chicago welcomes hundreds of migrants every year to our city and provides much-needed assistance. Unfortunately, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is without any shame or humanity. But ever since he put these racist practices of expulsion in place, we have been working with our community partners to ready the city to receive these individuals.”
It’s racist to not want the borders of your state over-run because Democrats and the current administration are enabling being over-run? Is Texas supposed to keep all the illegals, the vast majority of whom are not eligible for asylum? Let Chicago bear the cost for a change. Let them share
Lightfoot’s office says that city agencies are working to put together temporary “shelter and support solutions,” and said that they are eager to help “families who are seeking a better future away from harm and violence in their home countries.”
Well, I hope she’s not going to move those illegals to certain parts of Chicago, which are probably more dangerous than parts of Central America.
#BREAKING: Gov. @GregAbbott_TX announces the first group of migrant buses bound for Chicago, IL arrived tonight — joining New York and Washington D.C.
— Robert Sherman (@RobertShermanTV) September 1, 2022
Still needs to send a couple of bus loads to Rehoboth, Delaware. Preferably on a Saturday when Biden is at his beach house.

Good. EVERY “Sanctuary City” should have some. Or many.
In fact, “Sanctuary Cities” should be the ONLY places illegals are found.
I agree Alan we SHOULD provide free transport to whichever place they choose to live.
T be a better way of welcoming them here!
So far TX has transported over 6000. But the cost??? (Including political cash kickbacks is too high Has been over 12 million or about 2000 dollars per person. I think cheaper and as a better way to welcome them here, TX were to fly them 1st class(1000$) AND gave them each a 1000$ Visa gift card.
Wouldn’t THA
Being old fashioned I’d opt for a bullet to welcome any invader regardless of the ethnicity or their chosen state of incursion. That would cost under $1USD.
The Democratic party has decided that the USA doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to them, and they can share it with whomever they please.
As President Obama once famously said, “you didn’t build that”. It was true in so many ways. People on boards of directors of big old corporations had nothing to do with building them. They just got appointed to milk them. Same for people who run foundations, democrats all. And the same is certainly true to Obama himself. He never built anything and was descended from people who never built anything in America. Since he and his ilk didn’t “build America”, they have no stake in it continuing to be prosperous for their descendants. They may as well sell off pieces of it for short term gain. Bribery and corruption is all they know.
Before we can punish Illegal aliens for trespass, we need a country that is run by people who recognize the rights of native to endure here with a superior claim to it than the alien and especially the uninvited alien.
Trump got elected on that one promise alone: America would be run for the benefit of Americans. That upset a whole bunch of financial arrangements for the benefit of Bidens, Clintons, Obamas, Kerrys, Gores, and even Romneys and McConnels. And that is why the establishment will never permit him to be elected again, even if they have to kill him.
White European invade America, largely extirpated the native population, and brought over slaves and indentured servants to do all the work for them. We should be proud.
Anyone who feels that tRump was elected so that America would be run for the benefit of Americans is deluded. tRump was elected for christian, white conservatives who fear everyone and everything else. Cons deny it, but blacks, browns, Muslims, atheists, trans, women, Hindus, agnostics, Indians (feather AND dot), gays, urbanians, ruralites, southerners, northerners, westerners, easterners, the poor, RINOs and the wealthy are also Americans.
The majority of Americans do not want tRump in office. Recall the vote tallies in 2016 and 2020.
No doubt, a majority of white, christian, rural and suburban voters DO support trump. And in America, their votes count more than other votes.
Oh, I love it-“white Europeans invade America….brought slaves”..You mean the same story for all of human civilization?
Hey Elwood, I’m black and I was for Trump. My wife is black and so was she. Most of my friends are black and they voted Trump. Not that it mattered since here in NJ their votes don’t count if they aren’t for democrats.
I find it interesting that your ability to hate white Christians is so powerful it obscures all your ability to reason. When you do your silly lists of all those people you suppose (or accuse) white Christians of either hating or being afraid of we can only wonder what disease of the brain you have to think like that. What makes you believe you know exactly who every white Christian hates or fears, you’re the one crying about everything and yet your hateful cronies are currently running almost every institution in America and still that’s not good enough.
There is a big black hole inside of you Elwood. Nothing can fix it. All these years here commenting with all these decent conservative people and you can’t find common ground on one single topic. Not one. But they are the problem? Plus, you keep accusing us of hate and fear but the only ones here who insists on hating and fearing is you and Hairy. You both seem to have the ability to ignore the truth if you don’t like it. Perfect example: we were told for two years by biden, fauci and the rest of the leftist parrots that the vaccine would stop us from getting and spreading Covid. Turns out that’s not true. But you refuse to admit they lied to us and you still insist people should get the vaccine that does not work. How stupid do you have to be to keep saying and doing that Elwood?
Would you hand them a bullet???
No, John, a better way of welcoming them would be to arrest them for illegally crossing the border, send them back and teach then how to come here legally. Or we could bus them to your house…
Abbott must be running for office.
Of course. Grabbit usually lists a tad to starboard around election time.

Yes, we killed the Indians, if you would bother to read you would find we got in a war with them and we won. It was tough for our forefathers, but with hard work they persevered. Big deal.
Then when the Africans got in their war between each other, they found they could take the excess slaves to the coast and Europeans and Islams would buy them. This was mostly Yankees who sold them South on arrival to New York. The second man to buy slaves in the US was black and 75% of free blacks owned slaves. Look up Melrose Plantation. Big deal, I am not upset about slavery, it happens. But you have a gut full of white guilty that makes you look cowardly and pathetic. I am proud of my ancestors.
Now, we have irreconcilable differences and will be fighting again. I can see your yellow streak running away now.
David’s comment was spot on. Slavery has existed for thousands of years and did so in most cultures, it still exists in some isolated areas. My ancestors were on both sides of the issue since many of them were Irish, Viking, Indian, and Jewish. In this country, it is history, has been for a hundred and fifty plus years, and a subject that really merits little consideration.

Slavery is part of our collective history. We fought the Civil War over slavery! In the US, slavery is long past, but the thread from slavery extended through reconstruction, Jim Crow etc. Racial segregation in schools wasn’t outlawed until 1954, the Civil Rights Act enacted in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965.
White families have almost 7 times the median family wealth of black families. Cons used to blame this on blacks being stupid and lazy, but since that’s become unacceptable they now blame Democrats! The poverty rate is over twice as high for blacks than whites. Black unemployment is higher than white unemployment.
No, only those with white guilt cry about slavery.
No, the civil war was not fought over slavery. If you read the emancipation, you will find that Lincoln assured slavery in the US.
Segregation in schools was prevalent until the 50s. That is 3 generations ago and a ton of money is thrown at blacks. If they can’t prosper they are stupid and lazy.
Rodney Diva is triggered, LOL! When triggered, con-men spout even more lies!
Rod: the civil war was not fought over slavery
Don’t kid yourself and lie to others. The War WAS fought to protect “states right” to maintain slavery. Slavery was the central issue. The Emancipation Proclamation declared that most of the South’s 4 million enslaved would be free, once the Union occupied the state in which they resided.
Rod: If they (blacks) can’t prosper they are stupid and lazy.
TV connies often spout… “Anyone can make $100,000 a year, if they try”.
‘Nuff said.
Slavery is party of YOUR collective past if you’re a democrat. Republicans were formed to fight against slavery. Even though the Civil War was fought ((partially)) about slavery the most important point was states rights to exercise their powers under our constitution. The tyrant Lincoln ended that. Either we are free or not. Lincoln said not and killed almost a million Americans to enforce it.
The thread of slavery exists wherever democrats exist. They were the slave traders, the Jim Crow supporters, the founders of the KKK, lynching’s, racial segregation in society and schools (Lester Maddox was a damn democrat), the Civil and voting rights acts were both pushed by Republicans and filibustered by democrats.
Democrats created the generational welfare system we blacks live under today as well as the never mentioned generational crime/drug system. Democrats have dedicated their party’s existence to doing as much damage to blacks as they can and they still are.
Stop blaming other Americans for the sins, immorality and perversions of the democrats. IT shows you’re historically ignorant and intellectually retarded.
Democrats have spent 200 years dividing Americans to hate each other and yesterday’s rambling speech by the idiot in charge is just the same old crap.
You’re so funny!! Lincoln, a socially liberal Republican, was a tyrant. Are there any alive today?
Here’s a little gedunkenexperiment for you. What if the confederacy had won the war as today’s conservatives fantasize? Historians hypothesize that the border between the USA and the CSA would be heavily fortified so the CSA could prevent the enslaved from escaping northward into the USA. Both nations would try to expand westward leading to more skirmishes over borders, water and resources… and goodbye native Americans! Westward expansion by the CSA would add more slave states and necessitate an increased source of enslaved labor. But in the early 1800s most nations were legislating against the international slave trade, with many banning enslavement, so after winning the Civil War the CSA would find in very difficult to import bodies. By 1900 the CSA would be the only nation embracing slavery. How long would it last?
So how long would/could the CSA rely on enslaved labor for their economy in the face of global abolition? But it is legitimate to ask if the CSA had won the Civil War, would there have been the continued global push for abolition. Although chattel slavery is banned in most places today, in practice, several nations still have enslaved residents, namely forced labor, trafficking, forced militia, sexual exploitation: China, India, Pakistan, Russia, North Korea, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Indonesia, the DR, Philippines, Guatemala, Nigeria, Congo…
Both the USA and CSA would be a mess after the war, so it’s possible that further secessions would occur resulting in many nation-states, and of course more wars. The CSA would be home to the conservative Dems and the USA the home for the freedom-loving, liberal Republicans. No doubt the CSA conservative Dems would have continued their oppression of all non-white, non-Christian, non-male residents. It’s unlikely that either of the new nations would have had the will or resources to enter WWI.
It’s interesting that today it’s conservative Republicans who defend the old confederacy and rationalize chattel slavery. L’Roy, if you were alive in the early 1800s you would likely have been the property of david’s great-great-great grandpappy, no doubt a Democrat then.
L’Roy, you rely on this wobbly crutch too much. “The conservative Dems did it way back when. ” Liberal Republicans freed the slaves!” “Today’s Democrats forced black Americans onto their ‘plantation’!”
Conservatives, once Democrats, now Republicans, have spent 200 years dividing Americans to hate each other.
“When the Civil Rights act and voting right acts were enacted..” You mean those 2 bills that the Dems filibustered? I thought so
“White families have almost 7 times the wealth of blacks..” Yes, that’s what happens when most blacks are raised with one parent. In the 60s the illegitimacy rate between whites and blacks were relatively equal. Now, black families have an illegitimacy rate approaching 75%. One parent families have a much higher poverty rate, obviously. Guess what also happened in the 60s? The government started paying more welfare each time a mother would have another child. Brilliant! This is a black cultural problem, just like with crime. It s nothing to do “racism”.
Those bills CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN Democrats filibustered? Yes!
And illegitimacy IS a big problem!!
Since 1970, out-of-wedlock birth rates have soared. The rates tripled for black infants, and increased ten-fold for whites! Whatever is happening is happening to all. Note too, that the starting point for blacks was 24% and for whites only 3%. Now it’s 75% and 30%, respectively.
“stupid and lazy” about covers it. They were given a Golden Opportunity but pissed it away.
They don’t seem interested in returning to the tribes that sold them into slavery since they were non-productive defectives. The various African Leaders appologized but don’t want them back. Maybe if we gave them all Certificates of Advanced Education……
“stupid and lazy” about covers it. They were given a Golden Opportunity but pissed it away. Only a few have careers, businesses, or skills.
They don’t seem interested in returning to the tribes that sold them into slavery since they were non-productive defectives. The various African Leaders appologized but don’t want them back. Maybe if we gave them all Certificates of Advanced Education……
I am entertained by democratic party activists bemoaning slavery that ended in 1865, but turn a blind eye or even give aid and assistance to slavery today.
Slavery was a fact of life throughout the old world, everywhere. White Christian Europeans led a global effort to end it. White American Christians died by the tens of thousands to end it. Slavery still exists today in Africa and the Islamic world.
Democrats support and defend the right of human traffickers across our southern border and sex slavery is a fact of life in every major US City (all Democratic party controlled).
I couldn’t care less about slavery that ended 150 years ago. I just wonder why democratic party activists still support slavery TODAY.
Oh, an let’s not forget that Communism is simply the re-introduction of Feudalism… another face of slavery.
If you aren’t against slavery today, your objections to slavery are just hollow virtue-signaling and a pretext to theft.
Can you point out one Republican raising objections to slavery today?
I’m pretty sure I just did.
I’m sure you think you did.
Did I get you all triggered Elwood? Another long-winded insane rant Elwood. Republicans never “switched” anything with democrats. Democrats turned into communists. And being “socially liberal” by todays standards does not mea one cannot be a fukin tyrant. Nero was “socially liberal” for shit sake. Wasn’t he a tyrant?
Your mind is so cemented shut (apologies Dana) that you can’t open it with a pry bar. You can’t think reasonably any more old man. You’ve lived a life of ;lies and deceit. Trying to subjugate with welfare and bribery. Trying to destroy the American people, nation and culture with false lies (men can be women), perversion of our children (queer story hour), and perverting our laws to benefit leftists only and imprison anyone who disagrees. Your insane pedophile pres said as much in his first campaign speech last night. He’s trying to get Trump on ANYTHING! When they are down to misdemeanors you know they got shit. We thought Trump had nuclear secrets. What happened to that line of shit?
YOu’re a liar and a fraud and an anti American commie. YOu call Patriots fascists but you’re the real Tyrants and profiteers.
BM is triggered again!!
Actually, if convicted, hebephile DonJon is facing a felony (ironically, in an effort to “get” Hillary, hebephile DonJon signed the bill making his own crimes a felony!!). How rich is that?
YOu’re a liar and a fraud and an anti-American semi-fascist!!. YOu call Patriots communists but you’re the real Tyrants and profiteers.
How old were the girls you impregnated?
Looks as if triggered is Rimjob’s new word for the day.
How old was your grandson when you finally stopped serially assraping him?

How many days a week do you suck Porter’s dick?
Sorry J, they were Democrats. As the south has gone more Republican the amount of racism in the South has gone way down.
Dowd knows all that and has been told many times. He’s just a foolish and stubborn guilty white racist. He refuses to take the blame for his heritage slavery and tries to blame it on the Republicans who as we all know are the party of abolition. Even today the dems think we are so stupid we can’t get an ID to vote, rent our own homes and allow commie BLM niggers to destroy our homes and businesses because democrats don’t care about blacks! Except at election time.
If you believe that tRump won the 2020 election AND that liberals are responsible for slavery, you may be beyond help.
If you believe the south is less racist today because of the nuGOP you may be nuNuts! Brown vs Board of Education gutted forced segregation in the South. BTW, 8 of 9 Justices in the unanimous decision were appointed by Democratic Presidents. The chief Justice, Earl Warren, was appointed by Eisenhower, an anti-segregationist. Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson (Racist-TX) pushed for racial fairness – civil rights and voting rights – but were pushed themselves by courageous black American men and women. When LBJ signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act it was reported he remarked “We may have lost the South for a generation”.
It’s today’s GOP, especially that odious breed called MAGAts, that feel black Americans are not smart enough to vote in their own self-interest. You’ll find that sentiment expressed openly here. They consider Black Americans innately dim-witted, brutish and indolent. Do you agree with them? If you do agree, do you think it’s a result of genetics ill-suited for Western life?
FDR was not for racial fairness. LBJ only used blacks for political reasons, he hated them. Keep lying asshole. Really Jeff, you are pathetic and know nothing of the MAGA people.
Keep sucking, asshole. Or did I mean? Keep sucking asshole.
Really Rodney, you are pathetic and know nothing about anything.
MAGAts know nothing of America.
Diva Rodney,
Note that I called LBJ a racist, which he certainly was. Yet, he pushed and signed the bills.
Jill baby-cakes,
They were southern conservative white racists called Democrats. Today, southern conservative white racists are all Republicans.
The soul of the nuGOP is white, christian nationalism. Why? GOP elites found it works.
Some facts for you. Your precious Lincoln tried to get the 13th amendment passed, the original, he had no use for the subsequent version years later. The original would assure us that to this day we would have slavery in the US. That was not enough to get the South back under his tyrannical rein. The Lincoln came up with the idea of shipping blacks out of the US. Even the ones fighting his war.
Now you here about Jim Crow laws, ever heard of Black Laws? Those were the laws in the North from before the war of Northern Aggression. They kept blacks out of their respective states. In contrast, blacks in the South, if free, could live side by side with whites, socialized with them, could own businesses, and were the number one group in the Southern middle class. In other words up and coming till the Yankees took iver. Again, look up Melrose Plantation.
Lincoln was a terrible person, terrible president, oh, he was gay as well. Look up the books on Lincoln by DeLerinzo.
According to you, DonJon tRump was America’s greatest president, so pardon us if we don’t find your opinions on presidents to be very enlightening.
Don’t think we’re ignoring the redlining and neighborhood covenants that pushed black migrants into urban ghettos during the Great Migration. There has always been enough white racists to go around.
The rumors that President Lincoln was gay are just that. But what difference would that make? The Gateway Pudendum, Jim Hoft, the dumbest man on the interwebs, married his barely-legal Filipino lover, now his husband, Jezreel, a few years ago. So what?
So you hate Filipinos, that is new…
Yes, it makes a big difference if the president is a pedo, gay piece of crap. You know, like Biden.
Then red lining? If you can’t afford a mortgage, you don’t need one. Why did they have to go to the ghetto? Your white guilt is really bad, stocks getting you down?
Oh, there are no rumors, if you would read you would know these things.
You are going on about an old economic system that ended in one form in the US 150 years ago. It ended in the CSA earlier than that. But you are totally unaware of green card slavery, African slavery, Islamic slavery etc. Do something about all that.
Oh, Hanoi Jane has cancer!!!