And making energy utterly unreliable. I wonder why no reporter bothered to ask when the Governor and all the Democrats who voted for the bill are going 90% renewable at their offices and homes?
California legislature passes sweeping climate agenda, pledging 90% renewable energy by 2030
Tougher clean energy goals, a ban on new oil and gas wells near homes and schools, and establishing guidelines for capturing carbon and storing it underground are among the climate proposals California Democrats advanced in the final days of the legislative session.
Taken together, along with tens of billions in budget money for climate proposals, the policies marked one of the state’s most groundbreaking years for climate action, some advocates said.
“This was a watershed year on climate action,” said Mary Creasman, chief executive officer for California Environmental Voters.
Broadly, legislative Republicans argued the bills would destroy in-state jobs and require the state to turn to foreign countries to import oil to maintain an economy that still relies heavily on fossil fuels. Democrats, meanwhile, said the urgency of climate change requires swifter, more aggressive action.
Democrats really do not care, because it’s a cult
California has already mandated that 100% of retail electricity sales will come from non-carbon energy sources like solar and wind power by 2045. Current law sets an interim goal of 60% by 2030.
Lawmakers have now boosted that to 90% by 2030 and 95% by 2035.
The action comes as California is struggling to keep its power grid stable as the state transitions away from fossil fuels and record temperatures blanket the state.
The more aggressive 2030 targets will put even more pressure on the state to build more solar panels, wind turbines and batteries that can store that power for use at night. At the same time, electricity demand is expected to sore as California tries to get more people to swap out gas-powered cars and home appliances for electric ones.
This should be fun to watch, eh?

They will just come to Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado and beg them to build wind and solar plants and then transfer the power at HORRIBLE LOSSES(Electricity loses voltage the farther it travels).
Nothing new here. The Blue coastal elite states despise fly-over country and would have these states full of electrical solar panels and windmills to keep the lights on in the coastal elite Castles. Especially in areas that grow COWS that fart methane and use the land to grow horse and cow food. No more cows and horses for anyone other than ELITES who can afford the horribly high prices of ownership for their young debutante daughters.
Remember we are all Semi Fascist, Deplorable, knuckle draggers who are a threat to democracy.
Kind of funny that we live in a society where THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE is decided by a bunch of unelected leftist radicals in secret.
There is some good news. The FBI is even less trusted than ever before given the last 6 years of PARTISAN DEBAUCHERY.
If you remember I explained why the following events would happen the moment Putin invaded Ukraine. The west’s horrible overreaction in a time when they were reeling from Covid lockdowns, China continuing to lock down, severe supply chain issues, mounting inflationary pressures, Global warming activism on an unheard of scale, and the United States and the EU facing mounting pressure from the America first(Country first) movements that even now are sweeping nearly every EU nation as we speak.
We find this:
Russian President Vladimir Putin has won Iran’s support for his invasion of Ukraine. Russia and Iran have also signed a $40 billion energy pact. How will the Russia-Iran relationship change West Asia? Palki Sharma tells you more.
Putin might just win his giant bet against a fractured West
European leaders now face the unenviable task of persuading their voters that the economic distress they will suffer is a price worth paying
Aug 10, 2022 · Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed possibly supplying food, fertilizers and fuel to Mali in a phone call with the African country’s interim leader Assimi Goita on
Okay, why is Mali important here? Well, I would tender a guess that not a single American knew that France has spent 10 years in Mali attempting to stabilize that country and finally fled leaving the African country to its own devices.
In Africa, Putin’s War on Ukraine Drives Food, Fuel and Finance Crises
But there is an opportunity for the continent, as Europe is increasingly looking to Africa’s burgeoning energy reserves.
Reality Check. China has been colonizing Africa for 20 years. Russia is actively working in Africa. Iran has sent much of its black market oil to Africa. Meanwhile, the USA and the EU have spent the last decade fighting for Wokism while doing everything they can to destroy the energy sector in the short term. My words are not an indictment of Green energy, but rather the strategy behind implementing it at the cost of so much else.
WEF realizes that Finance runs the world. Or so they thought. They believed that if they controlled the finances of the world they would be able to control the world.
Putin and China gambled on the fact that the THREE F’s run the world. FOOD, FUEL, and FINANCE. Russia and China have gambled on Food and Fuel, directly challenging the USA and the EU, and the WEF which has staked its course on FINANCE.
And the winner is? President Vladimir Putin has said that Western countries are using Russia as a scapegoat for food and energy crises.
Meanwhile, in the EU and the USA, there is no desire to alter their precipitous course towards Green energy all the while fighting against the powers that have control of Food and Energy. Manuel Macron told his peasants that they must be willing to sacrifice this coming cold winter for the New World order.
Yet the peasants would rather have food on the table and fuel for their fires than the chance to finance a new electric car. The West is gambling and losing this war and in the end, it will be Russia and China that prevail because over 100 countries have ignored NATO and are still doing business with Russia because eating and fueling are more important than Finances advocated by a bunch of elites in DAVOS drinking fine wines and plotting the new world order.
FOOD, FUEL, and FINANCES are the order of battle for the hearts and minds of whatever NEW WORLD ORDER SURVIVES the next Decade.
MAGAts ARE semi-fascists, some are deplorable, some are knuckle draggers and ARE threats to democracy.
Is the “will of the people” decided by a bunch of unelected leftist radicals in secret? Yet it’s the MAGA cultists that refuse to accept the results of elections. It was tRumpist elites, some elected, some not, who schemed to overturn the 2020 election – MAGAt Congresspersons, hired gun lawyers, state Congresspersons and King MAGAt himself. Our current laws on abortion and guns conflict with the “will of the people”.
We get it. MAGAts want to rule America by any means necessary. MAGAts built America. MAGAts are America. MAGAts are entitled to rule.
Geez, never heard that nonsensical rant before, Rimjob.
Oh well it’s early. Have a few more drinks. You’ve all day to spout more of your imaginary fears.
November’s getting closer.

You misspelled “liberals”.
I was unaware that Hillary and Stacey Abrams were MAGA cultists. You learn something new every day. Well, not YOU per se, but the theory is sound.
What is a semi-fascist….is that half an authoritarian? What is the other half? Not authoritarian. Fascists want corporations to make certain things.
What is it that MAGA SEMI-FASCISTS wishes to produce? Would that be EVS? Batteries? Veggie Burgers?
No, I think that is a leftist position for corporations. What kind of pressure is MAGA putting on corporations? Would that be boycotting stores for not adhering to the right policies? Like WOKISM?
No, I think leftists are the Fascists. MAGA stands against corporate power. I will add that the right certainly wishes for more oil and gasoline. That is what makes us a threat to democracy I assume.
Please Provide a Definition of Semi-Fascist so that I can understand how to respond to your silliness.
Maga believes in the constitution. Free speech, the rule of law, Strong police, and a strong military. Maga believes in allowing our children to go to school without being arrested for not wearing a mask. We believe in educating our children and fostering an environment that allows them to flourish and flower and not be stifled into believing one thing and one thing only.
We believe in strong borders and we do not want to poison our own people at the rate of 100,000 deaths per year from drug overdoses most coming from drugs entering wide open borders.
We believe in jobs, freedom to do as you choose, and the sanctity of life, yet even as we do we allow our Red states to pass laws that allow abortion. We are willing to compromise. Biden is not.
Sorry that not everyone could go to Harvard or Yale. If they did who would work on your car? Mow your lawn, build your cabinets, and build your houses and apartments. Who would pour cement for your high rises and make your clothes and build toys for your children?
The world is full of knuckledraggers and the French during their revolution failed to realize that there is a hell of a lot more knuckledraggers than there are Dowd Elitists.
Sounds as if we agree on most things…
(Have children been arrested for not wearing a mask? When necessary children should wear masks.)
(What one thing are they being taught?).
(We should all agree that our immigration system/border/guest worker programs needs to be fixed. Our own people are poisoning themselves.
Fentanyl is manufactured in China, India and Mexico. Some is mailed or shipped to the US, some to Canada and smuggled in. Not much is carried in from Mexico by children. Fentanyl precursors are smuggled from the US into Mexico where it is manufactured and smuggled in).
(We all believe in jobs, and freedom cannot be interpreted to be license – should teenagers have the freedom to take fentanyl? – should you have the freedom to dump toxins into streams? Don’t approve of abortion then don’t get one. In practice, Roe v Wade WAS a compromise. Over 90% of abortions occur before the 13th week. Very few occur after 20 weeks, almost all to protect the woman. Certainly you wouldn’t force a 10 year old rape victim to carry her rapist’s child to term. What is your compromise?)
(Have children been arrested for not wearing a mask? When necessary children should wear masks.)
The Winter Springs High School sophomore, whose name was redacted on the Sept. 17 report, was arrested after refusing to wear a mask and abide by other school rules, which violated a probation order that required him to maintain good behavior in school, the Orlando Sentinel reported……………..what was he on probation for? Not wearing a mask.
Oct 11, 2021 · Grace Smith, 16, was arrested for trespassing after refusing to leave Laramie High School on Thursday following a suspension for not complying with the school’s mask mandate.
Unbelievably, some public school officials are doing more than imagining it. A leaked email widely circulated online reveals a security official in Loudoun County, Virginia actually coaching principals on how to obtain arrest warrants for children attempting to enter school without a mask.
May 20, 2021 · A Colorado school bus driver has been fired after getting caught on camera slapping a 10-year-old girl for not wearing a mask
Arrested…assaulted…suspended. The scars are the same.
And the Grand Tour. You choose to call us Semi-fascists because of policy differences such as abortion and FREEDOM and you blame the victim for their own overdoses.
You still did not answer the question. What exactly is a SEMI-FASCIST?
Why should anyone wear mask, especially children. Major pubs have said it is crap.
Then you mention the invasion of our country. No, we don’t need those people or their children.
You are good at lying.
According to my precise calculations, 2030 is slightly less than 7½ years away, and the Pyrite State is going to have 60% of its sparktricity from solar and wind power in that time, and 90% five years later? And, in that same time period they’re going to increase the demand for electricity by perhaps 40% by requiring all new car sales to be zero-emission?
Even if money was no problem, has anyone considered just how long it would take to build that kind of infrastructure? But, they again, what do liberals know? They’ve never actually built anything!
In addition to other electrical infrastructure problems, it will be harder for LPG&E to upgrade anything after state of california looted them in court by holding them liable for wildfires.
Yes Teach reaching those goals will be fun to watch
And you will have a front row seat.
Ykur own power company Duke has almost the very same goals, net zero carbon by 2050.
They have already cut their carbon by 50%
I think Duke was forced to do that by all those northerners, you know the smart people, moving to the triangle.
Lol, YES!! THE SOROS plan to export our excess commies from deep deep blue states to Ted states IS working. Trump beat Biden by 800000 votes. This migration (coupled with the higher death rate from covid of Trump supporters) will ensure TX becoming more competitive in the future. And of course demographics will count White guys are not fathering as many babies, age, nicotine. And animal fats are taking their toll.
Ci currently gets 35% from renewables, even with a big drop from hydo power caused by the mega drought. And no the goal is not 60% from wind a d solar it is 60% NON CARBON lol not allowed to move the opponents goal posts on them to stop them from achieving them
So John-all and that was on the back of your box of Cheerios?
“Higher death rates with Trump supporters” You mean like higher death tolls under Brandon?