Yes, it is a cult. Democrats seem to love joining them
A professor at Northern Illinois University (NIU) outlined to students that they all must wear masks while in his class, arguing that not wearing face masks indoors “is a manifestation of ableism and racism.”
“Refusing to mask indoors is a manifestation of ableism and racism, an exercise of individual privilege that tells the most vulnerable that their health and the health of their loved ones does not matter. Thus, masks are required here. They are NOT optional,” a message from Northern Illinois University physics professor Jahred Adelman says, according to a photo of a projector screen from the class.
The professor’s instruction on masks was made public after a student reported the matter through the Young America’s Foundation (YAF) Campus Bias Tip Line. YAF obtained a copy of Adelman’s syllabus, which outlines that “Masks are required AT ALL times in PHYS 253.” If students do not comply, they will be booted from the class, according to the syllabus.
“Masks are required AT ALL times in PHYS 253. Here and in your labs. It is not pleasant, but it is for your health and safety, my health and safety, and the health and safety of your friends and colleagues. If you do not follow this requirement, you will be asked to leave,” Adelman wrote in the course syllabus, according to YAF.
Northern Illinois University, a public university in DeKalb County, Illinois, eased its mask requirements in February but states on its website that “faculty members can require masks be worn in their teaching spaces.” Adelman has been working at the college since 2014 and currently serves as the director of graduate studies for the physics department.
Leave it to a mask cultist to turn the amp to 11, eh? Isn’t the COVID vaccine, and surely many boosters, supposed to protect the professor? Oh, right, raaaaacism. Meanwhile
White House: How about a COVID-19 boost with that flu shot?
The Biden administration hopes to make getting a COVID-19 booster as routine as going in for the yearly flu shot.
That’s at the heart of its campaign to sell the newly authorized shot to an American public that has widely rejected COVID-19 boosters since they first became available last fall.
White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said this latest round of shots will offer protection during the busy cold and flu season, with the hope of transitioning people to get the vaccine yearly. Typically, at least half of U.S. adults get a flu shot.
That’s right, it will never end.

Before you know it, hospitals are going to mandate operating room personnel wear masks, gowns and gloves! FREEDOM!
If we’re not careful the military (Nazis!) will force employees to get vaccinated against many potential “diseases”! FREEDOM!
We’ve heard that gov’t controlled school districts continue to force students to have their persons violated by injected “vaccines” into them! FREEDOM!
The Biden administration is never satisfied. Now they are trying to undermine public confidence in the flu vaccines too. Too bad government agencies sold their credibility so cheaply.
Of course, President Biden and his
handlersminions have pushed for emergency authorization for a new COVID-19 vaccine, to be administered ASAP, specifically targeted at Omicron BA.5, which has never been tested on humans!Our distinguished host quoted:
In which the Biden Administration tell us, unintentionally, of course, that COVID-19 is really no more dangerous than the flu! But we’ve known that for months now.
Covid killed 1 million Americans in two years. It takes influenza 15-20 years to kill that many Americans, even with only 50% getting vaccines.
For the last few months, Covid is only killing about 400-500 Americans per day, so hardly more than a 100,000 a year, and mostly the old and infirm. The uptick in deaths in the past month are of no concern! With some 100,000 new cases confirmed each day in the US, there’s nothing to worry about. Plus, who can trust the government, doctors and scientists, amIright?
If I were a conservative of a certain age, I would reject the gubmint encouraging me to get these dangerous vaccines!
You can always spot a liberal voter-they’re the ones driving alone in their cars with their masks on. Total morons.
No doubt they also lay alone in bed with a condom on….