I’m pretty sure most thought his unhinged rant would be extremely political, blamestorming the 73 million who voted for Trump, which in itself is a huge break in tradition. When’s the last time that you saw an elected president blame half the country during a political rally, much less an official scheduled POTUS speech? Did anyone think it would be this bad, though?
Nothing screams unity like a backdrop of blood red lighting and Marines positioned behind Biden as he shouts with raised clenched fists from the podium. pic.twitter.com/ZkjUPGF0WN
— Mia Cathell (@MiaCathell) September 2, 2022
(Fox News) President Biden Thursday aimed to frame the state of U.S. politics as a battle between “equality and democracy” and a GOP allegedly assaulting those principles in a campaign-style speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
The president’s address continues a recent pattern of increasingly aggressive and divisive broadsides against his political opponents. Biden recently said Republicans are embracing “semi-fascism.”
I did this photoshop months ago
I actually didn’t think Biden could go beyond it.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., attacked Democrats on a litany of issues, including inflation, in an address ahead of Biden’s Thursday speech.
“How many of you can afford to give up one month of your income? I bet not many,” McCarthy said during an appearance north of Philadelphia in Scranton, Pennsylvania. “But if you had a constant salary for the past year, you’ve had more than one month of your income taken away.”
McCarthy added: “Democrats have had total control in Washington… So let me ask you this. How have they done?”
What Brandon really didn’t talk about is inflation, crime, the border, etc. Some lefty journalists were less than impressed with Biden’s rant
CNN correspondent Jeff Zeleny added, “There’s nothing unusual or wrong with a President delivering a political speech — it’s inherent in the job description — but doing it against a backdrop of two Marines standing at attention and the Marine Band is a break with White House traditions.”
Political is one thing: declaring 73 million voters enemies of the state with members of the U.S. Military standing behind him for daring to oppose his policies of Big Government is something entirely different
This speech seems designed to justify a crackdown against those “democracy-threatening” ultra-MAGAs who happen to be Biden’s small-d democratic political opponents.
— Inez Stepman ???????? (@InezFeltscher) September 2, 2022

DerFuehrer Brandon’s speech was inspiring.
Heil Brandon!

This is absolutely THE MOST TERRIFYING IMAGE OF ANY POTUS speaking to America I have ever seen! The real fascists are the left. We’re wise to their deceptions and projections
If Brandon truly got all those votes the last time, why would he be this worried about Trump and his supporters?

Because the once Grand Old Party has become a cult aligned with a pandering narcissist
who is also a lying crook
President Biden is just telling the truth. You don’t expect the United States of America to stand idly as an amoral* grifter tries to destroy it, do you?
President Biden is obligated “to defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. He said of the cult, they offer only two electoral options, they either win or say they were cheated. That’s no way to run a democracy or a constitutional republic. Why even have elections?
We have an ex-president and his followers (including elected GOPhers) who idolized/s and cooperated/s with foreign fascists like Putin, Xi and Orban. This same ex, while prez, attempted to overturn a federal election, including fomenting an attack on the US Capitol Building as Congress and the VP were certifying the election results. And it’s recently been proved that the same ex had stolen reams of classified documents from the US government for who knows what purposes.
Perhaps the nuGOP and their legionnaires can come to their senses, but right now they are circling the drain with their leader.
*It can be argued that DonJon is not amoral but rather unimoral. His one moral is that it’s always about him, much like a 2 year old.
Deep into your cups on this one, hey Rimjob?
Seems to be the new meme for the dems because they can’t run on their “accomplishments”.
Check under your bed because they’re coming to getcha after November!

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Because the once Grand Old Party has become a cult aligned with a pandering narcissist
The Increasingly Unhinged Teach typed: …Uses Presidential Speech To Threaten Political Opponents
President Biden didn’t threaten political opponents he merely let the domestic enemies of America know where he stands.
Was Brandon chanting “Lock him up!”
I hate when he does that.
And just like that H/Hairy (probably refers to its lower regions, which is why female companionship is so hard for it to find – but I digress, please ignore that –
You have been granted the “Non-Sequitur of the Week” award.
I’d tell you to treasure it but I’m sure you will earn another soon.
Absolutely no proof Trump had anything to do with “overturning an election”.
Oh, my-“cooperated with Putin..” How so, J-boy? Anyone who builds the US military up and creates energy independence isn’t by any means “cooperating with Putin”.. But anyway, nice try….
Any chance we can get a copy of the speech in the original German?