The Cult of Climastrology will never, ever, not in a million years give up on their scaremongering. Just like they won’t give up their own big carbon footprints
Global Weirding: Humans Have Caused Chaos on Earth
Humans have disturbed the climate to such a great extent that we have created chaos on Earth, scientists say.
“Scientists say” is always amusing
Climate change as a result of burning fossil fuels, deforestation and pollution has caused an intensification of weather and hydrological extremes, which will continue to worsen.
If the cult wasn’t so extremist, perhaps we could do something about problems that are environmental, like deforestation and real land, sea, and air pollution.
Weather records around the world are being broken almost annually. The U.K. saw its hottest ever summer this year, Pakistan is experiencing some of the worst flooding in its history, and China’s Yangtze River is so dry from drought that the government is preparing to cloud-seed to make it rain. Wildfires have been plaguing California and Oregon all summer, causing mass evacuations and worsening atmospheric pollution.
Weather records only go so far back: how do they compare during the Medieval and Roman warm periods? Don’t forget, these cultists also blame cold weather records on a warming earth.
Auroop R. Ganguly, director of the Sustainability & Data Sciences Laboratory, told Newsweek this increase in extreme weather events has become known as “global weirding”.
“On the hydrometeorological hazards side, heat waves are getting (and are further projected to get) even hotter, cold snaps persisting even if growing less frequent, heavy precipitation getting heavier, and so on. The impacts can be far-reaching across multiple sectors such as ecosystems and coastal processes, aspects of the water-energy-food nexus, infrastructures and urban lifelines,” he said.
Yup, it’s a cult. Oh, his degrees are in engineering, not climate or meteorology. Also mentioned is Matthew Casale, Environment Campaigns Director at nonprofit group PIRG, who doesn’t have a degree in science.
“To stop global warming and prevent the effects from getting worse, we need a mix of individual and collective action,” Laura Deehan, state director of Environment California, told Newsweek.
“The more of us who walk or bike instead of driving, buy electric vehicles instead of gas-powered cars, put solar panels on our roofs, reduce energy waste in our homes and offices, the better off we will be. But individual action won’t be enough on its own; we also need every concerned individual to tell their elected leaders that we are counting on them to take action to address climate change right now. By acting together we can catalyze the widespread policy change that sets our whole society on a better path forward.”
Interestingly, Laura fails to mention what individual action she’s taken, and the article author, Jess Thomson, forgot to ask. Oh, and Laura is also not a climate scientist, having a BA in international relations. So, an article with “scientists say” includes zero actual scientists. Huh.

Calling it a cult has some merit, but the model breaks down once the higher and common education curriculums get infiltrated znd controlled. At that point, questioning authority is not an option. It would be like questioning if the earth is spherical. When all authority agrees and you have no ability to gather data independently, it doesn’t take cult-like belief to accept what you are told.
That’s the genius of using something like global temperature and miniscule changes in sea level as “proof”. Its irrefutable by common people just looking outside from one day to another.
On the other hand, it is like a cult because ALL of the people in charge know it is a scam. None of them believe it. Even Jeff just parrots what he is told and he isn’t even getting a percentage.
Teach why no more quotes from. Dr Roy Spenser of UALH?
You used to use him as your fav go to guy about modern (last 50 years) of global Temps?
Is it because he now says that almost ALL of the Earth”s warming over the last 35 years is AGW?
Do you feel betrayed ? Of course you never tell us why the earth is warming quickly
Dr Roy Spencer runs the world’s most authoritative measurement of the world’s temperature, using NASA satellites. Google has now demonetized his website, where he reports the results. It accuses him of spreading “harmful” news – which is that the planet is not warming anything like as fast as predicted.
If Roy Spencer says anything against AGW now he is not only demonetized but kicked off of Social Media. Simply compiling the data sets from the sattelites and posting them which shows little warming is enough to get kicked off social media.
HEIR GOEBELLS comes for anyone that does not conform.
Compliance is paramount to tyrants. That’s why pedo joe loves armed bureaucrats like IRS and DEA agents. Oddly he frowns on armed border patrol.
These guys hate MAGA with a passion. Nothing makes them triggered like the very thought of Making America Great Again. They are against that 100%.
Commenter: Dr Roy Spencer runs the world’s most authoritative measurement of the world’s temperature, using NASA satellites.
There is no reason to believe this.
The University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH) has one group that adjusts satellite radiation wavelength data into “temperatures”. Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) is another similar group. The UAH group is managed by Dr John Christy and formerly by Dr Roy Spencer.
The UAH satellite constructed “temperature” data gives slightly less warming when compared to RSS satellite-based constructions, several thermometer-based surface constructions and radiosonde (weather balloon) data.
Data 1978–> 2022
UAHv6.0 TLT: 0.134 C/decade
RSSv4.0 TLT: 0.213 C/decade
GISTEMPv4: 0.185 C/decade
Berkeley: 0.194 C/decade
HadCRUT4krig v2: 0.189 C/decade
Mean with UAH = 0.184 C/decade
Mean without UAH = 0.197 C/decade
There is no reason to think the UAH data is superior to the others. The data from satellites ARE adjusted more than surface data.
Through the 90s, Spencer and Christy published that the Earth was cooling, contrary to all other measurements. After they corrected their methods and data, their 2000 paper showed warming, but less than what others found. More corrections over the 2000s kept increasing their warming estimates. Their current data is presented above (0.134 C/decade).
Dr Roy Spencer also believes in intelligent design and that the theory of evolution is a religion, but that’s for another day.
Yet Rimjob would have us believe he knows more about scientific temperature measurements than Dr. Spencer.
Thanks for the chuckle from the guy who pissed away millions of other people’s money.

I report, you deride.
There is absolutely no reason to believe the UAH database is more accurate than the other datasets. Science deniers love it because it shows less warming than the others. Period.
In fact, the UAH data has had to revised several times for “inconsistencies”.
Dear Elwood:
The problem with surface data…
There is no reason to believe what Dowd just said.
You can find this same information on Spencer’s website.
Spencer has been a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). As well as his position at UAH, Spencer is currently the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) on NASA’s Aqua satellite, a position he has held since 1994.
Spencer just simply does not believe the numbers support the increase in temperature claimed by others to fit their agenda.
WHAT AGENDA DOES SPENCER HAVE DOWD??????? Why would it be important for him to prove that AGW is not MOSTLY MAN MADE. How does that benefit him since he keeps getting kicked off social media for making any negative comment about AGW?
What’s his agenda? How does he benefit?
How do those who support AGW and get LARGE GRANTS FROM THE GOVERNMENT Benefit for saying AGW is real gimme money?????
Dear H:
Here is what Dr. Spenser said about MMGW:
“The most important thing to remember about climate models which are used to project future global warming is that they were “tuned” with the assumption I started this article with: that the climate system is in a natural state of energy balance, and that there is no long-term climate change unless humans cause it.
This is an arbitrary and illogical assumption. The climate system is an example of a “nonlinear dynamical system”, which means it can change all by itself. For example, slow changes in the rate of vertical overturning of the world’s oceans can cause global warming (or global cooling) with no “external forcing” of the climate system whatsoever.
Instead, the climate models are “tuned” to not produce natural climate change. If a 100-year run of the model produces change, the model is adjusted to removed the “drift”. The models do not produce global energy balance from “first physical principles”, because none of the processes controlling that balance are known to sufficient accuracy. Instead, the models are “fudged” to produce energy balance, based upon the modelers’ assumption of no natural climate change. Then, the models are used as “proof” that only increasing CO2 has caused recent warming.
This is circular reasoning.”
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Weather records are ALWAYS being broken.
Translation: “Poor forest management practices cause worse fires”
(I may have paraphrased that last one.)
When those who preach this crap live as if THEY believed it, I’ll take them seriously. If they keep flying around the world to various “Climate Conferences”, I won’t.
Nice try, Johnny. You’ve been shown several peer-reviewed papers on other causes of warming, and the rate of change was much faster earlier in the Holocene.
All of the data sets, including RSS and UAH, cooling for almost the last 7 years, as CO2 has gone up,
Yet, all those datasets show warming of 0.5 – 1.5 C/decade over the past year!!
LOL, so it’s been “cooling” since 2015 but warming since 2014. Coincidentally there was a strong El Nino in 2015-2016, also coincidentally the date “chosen” as the start of the Great Cooling.
Do you think it likely the “cooling” will continue? I do.