…is an elevated house to avoid Bad Weather flooding, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Scepticism, with a post on the Australian Academy of Science trying to get Big Tech to shut down divergent voices.
Doubleshot below the fold, check out Chicks On The Right, with a post on 22K customers locked out of their thermostats in the People’s Republik Of Colorado.

Yes 22000 customers who had vuntarily signed up for reduced cost rates were locked out of thermostat control. This was done by the giant for profit Xcel company. Yes those capitalists put their own profits ahead of the comfort of their customers. HEARTLESS
of course none of the many mostly rural blue state Colorsfaians who were members not customers of socialistic electric coops were affected
“The giant for profit Xcel company”. Johnny boy-unless they’re charitable organizations, all companies are “for profit”. Please keep up…
In the immortal words of Lois Lerner:
“We’re the IRS.
Fuck you. Do something about it.”

Bwaha! Lolgf
She has a lot of writing on her. And people say literacy is in decline.
Hey, don’t sign up for a program which can take control of your thermostat. If you were stupid enough to do that, you deserve what you get!
There’s nothing like that around here, but, believe me, I wouldn’t sign up for something like that if there was.
Sorry Dana, Leftists will just declare an “emergency” and force everyone to loose control of their thermostat. You know how tyrants work. EV’s are great so all we’ll have are EV’s. Oil and gas are bad so we will have to switch (at our own expense) to electric that because of the demand will be 5 times more expensive.
It’s how they roll, man.