Interestingly, this story doesn’t mention the calls for violence from Biden supporters who now feel emboldened by Biden saying things like “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic” and calling them fascists and semi-fascists (which is rather ironic), extremists, terrorists
Biden speech denouncing Trump, ‘MAGA ideology’ sparks threats, calls for violence
President Biden’s fiery speech in Philadelphia denouncing former President Donald Trump and what he described as “extreme MAGA ideology” has sparked online calls for violence, including death threats against the president, according to documents obtained by Yahoo News.
Biden’s remarks also prompted immediate concerns from senior counterterrorism officials who said they fear that calling Trump supporters extremists would be viewed as a call to arms and would only inflame an already volatile threat environment.
“Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal,” Biden said Thursday night at Independence Hall, flanked by two U.S. Marines. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”
If you slam and slur 74 million Americans, well, you’re going to get the response you asked for
By Friday afternoon, posts on forums popular among white supremacists and far-right extremists called for the assassination of Biden, and named Jewish administration officials including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as potential targets. Declarations of civil war were also appearing, according to documents detailing some of the threats.
“On Gab, one user posted a series of violent threats accusing Biden of stealing the election,” according to a threat alert from Site Intelligence Group sent to law enforcement agencies and others on Friday. Trump and many of his supporters have long claimed, without evidence, that the 2020 presidential election won by Biden was stolen from Trump due to widespread voter fraud.
Site Intelligence Group, which tracks online extremism activity, issued several threat alerts detailing calls for violence in response to Biden’s speech. The potential threats were posted in online forums tied to the Proud Boys, neo-Nazis and other extremist groups.
I’m concerned they might attack and firebomb a federal justice center, loot and pillage stores, burn down black stores and areas, and create their own independent zone with lots of crime and violence, pushing store owners and residents out.
“Users on several far-right and ultranationalist venues made violent threats against President Joe Biden following his speech addressing political extremism on September 1, 2022,” said one of the alerts. “Users advocated for Biden to be murdered and predicted violence if he continues speaking about the topic.”
And how many Lefties threatened Trump? How many were willing to threaten Trump openly?
During Biden’s speech, four current U.S. domestic counterterrorism officials told Yahoo News they were concerned the president’s words would further divide the nation and lead to increased threats against government and law enforcement officials.
“I fear he is lighting a fuse that is not going to go well,” one senior Biden counterterrorism official said. “Sadly this is not a united speech but a very divisive one.”
Well, duh. And, of course, the Biden admin is using the violent rhetoric that they created with that divisive speech
“The President’s message couldn’t have been more clear: there is no place in our democracy for political violence,” the Brandon House statement said. “None. And that some of the more extreme elements in our society are now calling for more violence only proves the very point of his speech … that we are in a dangerous moment right now, a moment where simply stating the truth about the fragility of our democracy brings out the worst instincts of those who want to tear it apart. The President was right to call them out. The bigger risk to the body politic would have been to remain silent in the face of such a threat.”
And then he flew off to Camp David for the 7th weekend this year (20 in Delaware, 8 elsewhere than the White House), having done his job in 100% dividing America. And whipping up a Republican passion to vote in the mid-terms.
This image will be shared throughout history of the most evil and worst President in U.S. History.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) September 2, 2022

But, but, but, …
But, but, but, …
He’s kinda like Rimjob.

Doesn’t make any sense at all.
Bwaha! Lolgf
They are getting trounced in Novemeber and they had to come up with a playbook to potentially add seats in the house and senate.
Support MAGA candidates.
Get the establishment GOP to denounce these candidates after they win their primaries.
Invite the establishment GOP to join the left in fighting for TRUE DEMOCRACY, dividing the GOP.
Mitch McConnell took the bait. Hook, line and sinker.
Declare the entire GOP as MAGA republicans…Ultra MAGA.
Pound the table that these GOP/MAGA/ULTRA MAGA people are threats to democracy.
Make the 2022 elections about Donald TRUMP.
Find a reason to keep Trump in the news
RAID HIS HOME to fire up Trumps base and get them angry.
Depend on Violence from Trumps far right FRINGES extremists and then paint them Threats to democracy.
Have the President give a fiery, GOP is EVIL and a threat to Democracy after you have spent 6 months doing everything you can to piss off the extreme elements of the Maga Movement which is like 1/10 of 1 percent.
Keep hammering that MAGA is evil putting in the minds of voters that a vote for a Republican is a vote for CIVIL WAR.
Its a strategy folks. They HAVE NO ANSWERS.
Inflation is up, a recession is coming, the border is wide open, 100,000 people a year die from drug overdoses. Housing is collapsing, Interest rates are skyrocketing, We are on the verge of a war with RUSSia and CHINA and yet………….
The only thing that Biden and the left can do is RAID TRUMPS HOME and try to get you pissed enough for violence.
NO VIOLENCE MAGA. NO VIOLENCE. NONE. We win in November if we keep the eye on what the left is really doing. Destroying the economy and investigating everyone and anyone.
NO VIOLENCE GOP. NONE. NO Threats. NO hint of violence. That is the left’s playbook not ours.
Don’t fall for their trap. KEEP THE EYE ON THE PRIZE. NOVEMBER 2022 and November 2024.
Under Biden and the Democrats.
Inflation is almost 9 percent. Higher but the government uses tricks to trick YOU.
Remember July, August, September are the 3 months that they use to figure the upcoming cost of living or COLA adjustment. The lower inflation is during those 3 months the better for the government.
The Border is wide open and the leftist administration is allowing thousands of people per day to flood across the border into the USA. 100’s per day escape arrest and flee into the country most likely unvaccinated with the chance of carrying a disease of some type such as typhoid or leprosy or measles…etc.
Our schools under the LEFT and BIDEN are teaching YOUR children that they are evil racists that should apologize for being who they are. Even Asians, Hispanics and Muslims are evil now and considered caucasian and should apologize for what they have done to black people.
Cops are being assaulted and murdered and defunded by the left.
DAs in Democratic Cities let murderers out on NO bail. It is almost impossible to commit a crime in a Democratic-controlled city and spend any time in jail for it.
Crime is out of control around the country under BIDEN and the left.
Gasoline is only coming down in price because Biden is releasing a precious resource from our Strategic Oil Reserve meant for times of CRISIS and not for political reasons. Gasoline is coming down because people are not driving as much. Horray for the AGW cause, boo for the economy.
The FEDS and everyone who is anyone says a RECESSION is just around the corner…..Like about the middle of November despite the GDP already pointing to a recession with two-quarters of negative growth.
The U.S. economy shrank for the second straight quarter, sparking fears that the United States is in recession territory.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis, a government agency that provides industry statistics, on Thursday released its latest report showing gross domestic product — the total value of goods and services produced in a country annually, also known as GDP — decreased at a rate of 0.9% in the second quarter of 2022, after falling 1.6% in the first quarter.
Yet they claim we are not in recession so they pass a trillion dollar spending bill for the sole purpose of trying to stave off a recession until after the election.
The green new deal is meant to transform America. The problem is they are trying to do it too fast and as a result, they will crush America under the foot of their precious fear of CO2. CO2 is a building block of life. The more co2. The more fruits and veggies we can grow. The more trees we can grow to eat co2 and produce oxygen.
There are plenty of reasons to vote for Republicans. Very few if any to vote Democratic, no matter how many lies they tell you in the coming months.
Scratch a MAGAt (pronounced MAGGOT, if you didn’t know), expose a terrorist. It should be no surprise that MAGAts are pissed for being called out. Conservatives in general react emotionally rather than reasonably, and MAGAts are even less reasonable. They easily trigger to violence.
MAGAts have called President Joe (“I told him to shut up on TV, then took his job”!) Brandon and Democrats in general: Pedophiles, socialists, communists, senile, election stealers, anti-white, anti-America, cowards, sick, Nazis, traitors, baby murderers, assassins, gun grabbers, groomers etc.
MAGAts should get used to being called out for trying to destroy the United States.
Conmenter: The only thing that (Brandon) and the left can do is RAID TRUMP’S HOME
ANY other American who stole Top Secret government documents, hid them and refused to return them or even explain what he did with the missing ones (China? Russia?) would be arrested and interrogated. The Mango Marauder should be behind bars. Maybe that’s what he means by “executive privilege”.
How do you know he did any of this?
Brennan being investigated by the DOJ was saying surely the Russians and the Chinese were inside of Trumps house photographing documents.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOL……….Trump is defended by the Secret Service….a GOVERNMENT AGENCY TASKED WITH DEFENDING AMERICA. Are you saying these SS men cannot defend a few boxes of documents against foreign spies?
Explain how you know any of this happened other than leaks from the DOJ to the MSM to smear Trump before an election. You buy this hogwash? Well of course you do. China pays you well to destroy the integrity of America’s culture.
I seem to remember HRC had Secret Documents that she HID from the DOJ and nothing came of her. Her house was not raided, she was not imprisioned. She was never charged. There was no intention as Comey put it.
So if intention is the new standard was it Trumps Intention to steal imaginary documents that HE could DECLASSIFY but HRC COULD NOT…..HRC had the reasonable belief of intent, while Trump’s documents were in boxes locked in the basement and guarded by the SS. IF a COMMUNIST SPY broke in and stole these documents then I should think the SS is to blame. Not Trump. It’s not like his duty was to stand guard duty over his locked storage room guarded by SS agents.
Your funny dowd. Again you make everything about Trump, totally unable to defend the policies and agenda of the left.
Defend open borders, Crime, DA’s letting violent criminals on the street, Leftists attacking Police and federal buildings, drug overdoses caused by drugs coming over the open border daily. Defend teaching our children they are racist pigs.
No wait. Trump is evil is all you got. I get it. It must be hard trying to suck down the turd in the punch bowl and taking one for the team.
An ex president cannot declassify documents, and there is no hint that he declassified the ones he stashed at his golf club. We were unaware that the Secret Service was guarding that room.
The Secret Service did not take the documents. tRump actively took documents. Clinton had a server with emails on it. See the difference? The FBI announcement just before the election could have cost her the election, which, although she won the popular vote handily, she lost PA, WI and MI by a combined 70,000 votes or so. She wins those, she is president and tRumpism dies in the crib, although he would have whined for years about cheating. To our knowledge Clinton did not telephone MI looking to “find just 10,000 votes” or try to get PA, WI and MI to get a slate of “alternate” (i.e., fake) electors, or accuse the GOP of using cheating voting machines. Instead, on Nov 9 Clinton said, “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead.” That’s how the peaceful transition of power should work, but tRump had other ideas in 2020.
You’re entitled to disagree with the requirements of the Presidential Records Act. Prosecutors have discretion about whether to indict or not. If tRump had returned the documents when the Archives first contacted him there would have been no problem, even though taking the documents is a crime. Prosecutors have discretion. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.
Why are you commenting? You show either obfuscation or a massive amount of ignorance. Likely both. Trump declassified documents as president, he could take the documents until various legal actions are complete. You have zero knowledge of the contents and they probably pertain to the various illegal activity of the government and Dems. Also you don’t know anything of the records act. You only hate Trump for some psychotic reason.
The 2020 election was a sham and even Biden acknowledged that fraud occurred, that is what happens when you put forward a demented, corrupt piece of shit like Biden. I bet you loved his Hitler speech, gave you a boner.
As to Hillary, everything she did was illegal as per Comey. But he came up with a unique reason not to arrest her as he said she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law. Much like you.
Porter “Diva” Rodney,
Unlike you, “little Rod” and Teach I don’t get boners over guys.
Brandon laid out that tRump and his looney worshipers (like you) are pieces of shit intent on taking over America.
He trolled you loons, LOL. When are you, “Little Rod” and Lucas headed this way to start your killing spree? Or do you plan a sneak attack? I bet you start small, by murdering kids in a Dem/liberal neighborhood school.
Rimjob: Unlike you I don’t get boners over guys.
Just prepubescent grandsons.

Red Herrings and strawmen in the same response and YET YOU DO NOT DEFEND THE LEFTS POLICIES.
An ex president cannot declassify documents…….100 percent true. YET how do you know these were not declassified prior to him NOT BEING PRESIDENT??
Sep 02, 2022 · The FBI search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago turned up over 10,000 government documents and photos without classification markings, an unsealed DOJ inventory shows.
President Donald Trump said that he has ‘fully authorized’ the total declassification of any and all documents pertaining to Russia collusion, calling the investigation a ‘hoax.’
Aug 13, 2022 · “Donald Trump’s office told Just the News on Friday that the classified materials the FBI seized from his Mar-a-Lago estate were declassified under a “standing order” while he …
Trump Responds to Photo of Documents Released: ‘Lucky I Declassified!’
OH BUH>>>BUT>>>>BUT you can’t do that screams the unhinged left.
Compared to HRC…there is a huge difference I will agree. First HRC used Emails. EMAILS are now considered government documents and in fact even Obama’s library is being digitized so that actual hard copies of documents are no longer needed.
The emails and information on her server and phones were EVIDENCE SHE DESTROYED IN A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION and the CORRUPT DEEP STATE allowed her to simple vanish 30000 emails and destroy 8 blackberry phones with GOVERNMENT RECORDS ON THEM.
HRC could NOT declassify. Trump, could and DID prior to the documents being removed from the White House.
Sorry Dowd…..AGAIN DEFEND the lefts policies. INFLATION, LOOMING RECESSION, GASOLINE PRICES out of sight, FOOD PRICES making it unafordable to eat, CRIME EVERYWHERE, ATTACKS ON POLICE, letting criminals free on bond faster than the police can arrest them. DEFUNDING POLICE….teaching our children they are racist sluts in schools, forcing corporations to make what we tell them to make despite no markets and no materials to make them, Insider trading by the leader of the Democratic party.
That is what a vote gets you when you VOTE DEMOCRAT….a horrible USA rife with crime and open borders and unable to eat. BUT>>>BUH>>>>BUH TRUMP is all you got.
Conmenter: They are getting trounced in Novemeber
Now do Palin.
How about Kansas and abortion?
Now do the Senate.
Even the House is in question.
Keep whistling past the graveyard.
Even the House is in question.
From CNN:
The changing tide is probably not enough for Democrats to hold on to the House. Republicans need a net pickup of only four seats.
The generic ballot has historically trended toward the opposition party from this point until the fall election.
It can have a bit of a bias against the GOP too (e.g., in 2014, when Republicans were basically neck and neck with Democrats on the generic ballot late in the campaign but then easily won the House popular vote).
Additionally, polling still shows that Republicans are more certain to vote in the fall than Democrats. This is backed up by the fact that more people have been voting in GOP primaries than Democratic primaries, relative to 2018, even since Roe was overturned.
That said, the idea of a red wave, as many including myself were hinting at earlier in the cycle, looks far less likely at the moment.
I will agree there is no red wave coming. That is because each the Democrats hold about 185 seats that are literally impossible to flip…think AOC or Pelosi’s seat plus 183 more just like that.
The GOP only needs 4-5 seats to flip the house. Historically the party in power loses seats in the midterms. Only needing 6 flips is not even a remote stretch so thinking the house is up for grabs is a real stretch by the left.
However it is not improbable that the left could gain a senate seat or two. But which ones. Herschel walker? that seat is democratic already.
The right Believes they will Flip Nevada which has seen the left fleeing to the GOp en masse for a year now. It is certainly possible the Dems pick up a seat but it is just as likely the GOP will pick up a seat.
No one is whistling past the grave yard except the election MAFIA that is now starting to skew their polling to give backbone to defeated leftists with broken polling no different than 2016 and 2020.
Dark Brandon opened the Gates of Hell Thursday night – and the average Americans who considered him a senile old fool have begun to hate him. Rightfully so.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Ah sweetie, you were so filled with hate before Brandon made the scene.
Average Americans recognize how fukin crazy people like you are.
What drives your hatred? Is it that there are millions of average Americans who don’t believe your religion? Abortion? Gays? Blacks? Immigrants?
Do you feel disrespected by all these arrogant libs?
Is it your hope that the US military will side with the terrorist Republicuns and start murdering average Americans?
BTW, do you know what a Saxon is?
Man that is some statement. Sweetie? We know you are a bigot and racist, in fact, you are the worse racist I have met, and I met David Duke at LSU. He was actually nice compared to you. But the two of you are much alike, although he does respect women and you clearly don’t. Does Carol Ann threaten you. I could see that. You are not much of a man, remember, I have seen your bio and picture. As best I can tell from reading the history of your previous corporation, you were one of the main figures in its demise. That would be ok if it was just you who lost their life savings, but you clearly hurt many others. I am sure you will be given the opportunity to justify your actions in court when the stockholders get around to assigning blame. I look forward to that occasion. FJB.
I think this Dowd person is afraid of graveyards. In fact I am not sure he exists. When you google his corporation at one time there was a webpage on the internet that had him as part of the Founders.
Surprisingly he was the only person listed who did not have a photograph of himself. The webpage has since been removed. A man of such prominence is almost entirely missing from the internet. Even his college has no photographs of him. Lazy work by the FBI.
He has no social media presence. I wonder what he is hiding. You would think someone who was so involved in what his name implied would be actively hitting the platforms promoting his corporation and have little to no time for ranting and raving on a website that has no bearing on what he has supposedly devoted his life to achieving.
I smell a 100 percent FBI agent infiltrating and attempting to incite Rage in what they perceive are far-right extremists here. You know. The OP does not believe in global warming. That is a no-no for the deep state actors led by the brass at the FBI.
Just saying while I whistle past the grave yard.
Keep drinking and posting your nonsense, Rimjob.
It’s not everyone on this board whose company pissed away 100s of millions of investors’ money for 3 years and the only thing to show for it is a de-listing notice from Nasdaq.
Bottoms up.
Dowd has been triggered beyond his ability and has launched into the stratosphere of leftist lies, gaslighting and distortions, drowningpuppies. The old shit has seen way better days. He sides with idiots and fools and thinks with shallow immoral creeps.
The crap from the left that Dowd ignores/denies and the gaslighting denier he is.
When must a good citizen become a dissident? Is it when the FBI and other Deep State truth-twisters manufacture crises and manipulate elections? Is it when free speech comes under attack under the guise of State-labeled “misinformation”? Perhaps it is when the president-in-name-only reads carefully scripted messages (written by those who control his office from the shadows) attacking half the country’s citizens as “fascists.” Or when government and media “elites” falsely frame political protest as “insurrection” in order to justify criminal persecution and imprisonment of opponents of the ruling regime. Or maybe when the endless declaration of fake “emergencies” is used to justify the steady imposition of extraordinary State power over each citizen’s livelihood. Maybe it’s when the Intelligence Community operates a massive domestic surveillance network targeting Americans who have committed no crimes. Maybe it’s when secretly collected information mined from supposedly independent social media conglomerates and too-big-to-fail private banks is used to track and trace unsuspecting citizens. Maybe it’s when the value of the U.S. dollar is intentionally chipped away by central bank authorities enabling tax-and-spend legislators to expand institutional power at current and future Americans’ expense. Perhaps it is when the same federal government that insists on fighting wars all over the world in defense of other nations’ borders staunchly refuses to protect America’s own borders from invasion. Maybe it is when politicians openly mock freedom and the Bill of Rights as “selfish” relics of a racist past, while implementing race-based policies trumpeted as “progress.” Perhaps it is when the American government declares itself at war with the American system. Yeah, that seems like the right time to become a dissident.
America is a great nation. America’s history is rivaled by none. America’s people remain a melting pot of fighters and patriots yearning to be free. America’s government, however, is rancid. D.C. has become a den of narcissists, liars, and thieves. A lawless Deep State has made itself the enemy of all virtuous people. The bureaucracy’s failing cult of expertise has given rise to the urgent need for a new common sense conservatism grounded in individual liberty. Washington’s wayward class of inveterate liars requires a resurgence of fearless Americans willing to tell the truth.
Or we could all become like Dowd and believe the lies without question.
Don’t be a Dowd
Lucas the Baby Murderer has lost it.
No one merely protesting on Jan 6 has been prosecuted. If you listened to tRump, yelled and screamed “Hang Mike Pence”, marched to the Capitol but didn’t break into the building or assault officers with clubs or bear spray you likely walked away! It WAS largely peaceful – but not completely.
Yelling, screaming, cursing, waving tRump flags, chanting “Where’s Nancy?” was not prosecuted; breaking windows, doors, fencing, assaulting officers with flagsticks and fists, assaulting media, chasing Congresspersons and entering restricted areas was.
At least 10,000 (AP) up to 80,000 (Law Enforcement) were in attendance at the rally, getting revved for trial by combat by Rudy G, Mo Brooks and DonJon.
Some 800 rioters were arrested at the Capitol Building and charged with federal crimes of illegal entry, assault, obstruction of an official proceeding. Some have pleaded guilty, many are still negotiating sentencing and a few dozen are still being held. As of June 2022, 165 had been adjudicated.
I agree that about 200-300 people at the capitol were rioting and should go to jail. Some were hitting police with weapons and should go to jail for a long time.
99.9 percent that showed up for a rally were peaceful, even most that made it into the capitol were peaceful.
Again all you got is Trump. It is the single thing the left has going for them. Trump is evil. Not even in power, a private citizen and yet it is all Trump all the Time 24×7.
Sad for you.
Meanwhile, the US Economy is continuing to collapse as Apple and Amazon post losses. Amazon says they have canceled hiring and building more warehouses. Ford is laying off people to switch over to building your wonderful electric cars that can’t be charged and will have to use CHILD SLAVE LABOR TO STRIP MINE THE MATERIALS TO MAKE THE BATTERIES.
Inflation will be low this month and next for the COLA adjustment before it ballons through the roof and continues to crush poor and middle-class Americans.
Meanwhile, at the border, Joe Biden is personally inviting millions around the world to flood into our country many 1000’s of them violent, angry criminals with hate in their hearts against America.
Crime is rampant everywhere. The Democratic elected Attorney Generals let criminals go with ZERO bail so they can get back on the street and continue to commit crimes.
Our children are being taught they are racist pigs. History means nothing to the Woke mob of the left in our schools as they teach a distorted version of the truth.
Gasoline and food are almost impossible for people to afford and yet the left continues to push for even more expensive EV cars.
Rolling Brownouts around the country as the DEMOCRATS FORCE THE CLOSURES of Coal plants and the building of windmills that will take up farmland and grazing land used to feed Americans.
All they have is TRUMP IS EVIL…ergo if TRUMP is EVIL then so are his followers.
Come on Dowd, Defend the policies of the left.
Defend killing cops, killing babies, killing Russians and Ukrainians. Raping and killing children and women coming to the USA via Coyote bandits based on the left’s policies of open borders. I thought the left supported Women and Childre? No?
This is what the left offers you if you vote for a (D). Death and Taxes. It’s their new slogan. Die or pay more taxes so we can destroy America BEFORE CO2 destroys it. Sad since co2 is a building block of life the left has demonized as evil. Whats next? OXYGEN???????
As opposed to the 1-2 billion in damages from blm, about 600 police officers injured and about 24 killed? Sounds like Jan. 6th was a bake sale by comparison
As you well know, a defeated president trying to overturn an election is a more serious threat to the nation than the BLM protests and riots.
We understand that you refuse to acknowledge the tRump scheme.
But sure, BLM! Hunter! Emails! Blowjobs! Benghazi!
For the millionth time NOBODY INCLUDING TRUMP IS TRYING TO OVERTURN AN ELECTION. WE are trying to get you closed minded fools to AUDIT the fucking stolen election so it does not happen again!!!!!!!! Maybe you don’t care because the election was stolen from Trump but you should. Our republic is NOTHING without election trust and you leftists have been trying every trick in the book to erode that trust from not requiring the voter to prove they have a right to vote to putting drop boxes on the street, refusing to clean up voter rolls and allowing 2 months of voting.
WE understand that you DON’T UNDERSTAND Jack shit! If we wanted to over turn the election we’d start shooting politicians. It if were an insurrection we would have been armed. You really can’t be this stupid. You MUST be LYING!!!!!
“But sure, BLM! Hunter! Emails! Blowjobs! Benghazi!” None of that WHICH ACTUALLY HAPPENED matters to you you fukin moron. But something cooked up in Pelozi and Schumer’s mind has you triggered for two years.
You’re an idiot! FJB.
AZ conducted an audit by CyberNinjas, trumpists all. tRump still lost.
There is NO credible evidence to support your claims. The states that required recounts had recounts – all showed tRump lost. MAGAts have yet to find one fraudulent vote. Good work.
tRump lost the election and it wasn’t close.
YES, tRump tried to overturn the results of the election. He concentrated on AZ, GA, WI, MI and PA, all with Republicun legislatures. He encouraged states to OK alternative/fake electors, some of who likely spend time in the graybar hotel. tRump moves on to his next scam – his minions end up in jail.
According to tRump SuperLawyer Sidney “Release the Kracken” Powell the assault by the mob was to allow her team time to obtain a court emergency injunction to prevent the certification of Biden’s win. She mentioned pro-tRump justice Alito.
We understand that you’re hysterical as are most nuRepublicuns. You realize that the window you have to subdue Americans is closing. But relax, you’re winning! State level Republicuns are working hard to make sure that your vile minority can control “the people”. tRump is important but not an absolute necessity, although it will be hard to find another cucksucker with DonJon’s lack of moral fiber. You may have to go outside the Republicun Party – maybe a FOX star like Mother Tucker Carlson! Your kind would rally around that vile cunt, wouldn’t you? He doesn’t care for America, Americans or democracy. Ron deSantis, cunt Republicun that he is, may be too traditional for what your kind has in mind.
You’re, of course, a Republicun liar. You do not want free and fair elections at all, you want Republicuns to always win. If you actually believe that cunt DonJon won, you’re dumber or more delusional than I thought.
You’re a fukin moron. You’re an idiot! Brandon Lives!
You still have time to start shooting politicians and non-MAGAts.
What’s your evidence Trump was trying to overturn an election? Libs have to be the most tone-deaf people in the world. You mean like when the Dems spent almost 2 years trying to prove Trump wasn’t a legitimate president because of the yet to be found “Russian collusion”? Hey J-boy…what do you call it when a party tries to impeach a sitting President? Hmm…maybe it would be called overturning an election. You guys get dumber every day. I wasn’t sure that was possible…
Actually Congress DID impeach tRump. Twice. It was in all the papers. Once for withholding military aid to Ukraine unless they investigated Joe Biden and a second time for inciting the Jan 6 Capitol riot.
Impeachment is described in the Constitution. You should read it. It’s a rare occurrence – only three US Presidents have been impeached – Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and tRump, twice. The US Senate voted NOT to convict and remove the Presidents in all four cases.
Most lying is also protected by the Constitution, but extortion and incitement to riot are not.
Regarding his attempt to overturn a free and fair election and block the peaceful transition of power, tRump initiated over 60 perfectly legal lawsuits challenging election results in multiple states. He encouraged states he lost to assign rosters of “alternate” (i.e., fake) electors. He tried to get at least one Secretary of State (Raffensperger) to overrule the election and find tRump enough “votes” to win Georgia. He urged followers to attack the US Capitol Building in an attempt, according to his lawyer Sidney Powell, to delay the certification of the election by Congress and VP Pence, allowing the Courts time to review her emergency request to stop certification.
No doubt, if the Repubs take the House, their first order of business will be to impeach President Brandon on tRumped up charges and he will be acquitted by the Senate.
Clearly, tRump and his campaign had frequent and inappropriate contacts with Russians in the run up to the 2016 election. For example, in July 2016 Don Jr, Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, Russian-American lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin, translator Ike Kaveladze, and Rob Goldstone, who set the meeting up. Goldstone had told Don Jr “The Crown prosecutor of Russia offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father”. Jr replied, “if it’s what you say I love it especially later in summer.”
Jr was not part of the tRump campaign so his contacts with foreign nationals was NOT illegal. Kushner left the meeting after he learned what it was about.
SEX is the number one way of compromising someone into betraying their country. The Clintons should know how damaging sex can be.
Not defending people you send to a foreign country in service of your country is Treasonous.
Hunter Biden working for foreign agents and sharing a bank account with his Daddy the president is more dangerous to our democracy than Trump continuing to push the narrative that the election was stolen.
dozens of DEMOCRATS STOOD UP AND PROCLAIMED the 2016 election Invalid in CONGRESS. Crickets. Hell the montage of that was played on national TV during the impeachment of Trump. Crickets.
We acknowledge the Trump scheme. It is a transparent election. HOW AWFUL.
I’m still trying to figure out how that commie creep Falwell screwed Feng Feng a CCP spy for two years and she “managed” to escape the FBI back to Communist China but he’s still a senator. I know, if he was a republican he’d be in Leavenworth. But there’s not two tiers of justice with the democommies in charge.
Just like the FBI searched Baron Trump’s bedroom but not Hunter’s? Say whaaaat?
CarolAnn is confused about Falwell. Jerry Falwell Jr inherited the Presidency of Liberty University from his daddy (Theory of Relativity!). Jr was one of America’s most prominent Evangelical Christians who in 2019 asked Trump fixer Michael Cohen for a personal favor: to help get rid of photos described by Cohen as being the kind that would typically be kept “between husband and wife.” Falwell Jr had shown lurid pictures of his wife, Becki, to male friends and at least one Liberty employee. This may be common in the Evangelical Christian orbit, but most normal Americans would say, “Eww”, but maybe Evangelical Christians are different. Anyway, Falwell! revealed a photo of him with his pants unzipped with his arm around the waist of a young woman with her shorts unzipped. Liberty put Falwell on leave. It gets better. It also turns out that for several years Becki had been screwing the pool boy in Miami while Evangelical Christian and Liberty U Prez Jerry (the husband) watched! Again, nothing illegal and no one’s business. The Falwell’s had also (with their son Trey) invested in the pool boy’s purchase of the Miami Hostel. Later on the day this all became public, President Falwell resigned from Liberty U. In addition, son Trey resigned as Vice President (The Theory of Relativity!). Unsurprisingly, Falwell sued LU for damaging his reputation but later dropped the suit.
If you meant Eric Swalwell, he’s a Representative not a Senator, and was approached a decade ago by Fang Fang a Chinese “student” (spy) working her way through low level American politicians. She latched onto Swalwell from 2012 through 2015. The anti-tRump FBI notified Swalwell in 2015 telling him to knock it off, which the anti-MAGA liberal media immediately reported.
Fortunately, the Representative had not stolen any government documents or revealed sensitive information.
In contrast, in November 2012, General David Petraeus resigned as Director of the CIA after admitting having an extramarital affair with his biographer, Lt Col Paula Broadwell. In April 2015, Petraeus pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge (which is now a felony if committed) of mishandling classified materials for revealing files to Broadwell. He was given a two-year probationary period and a fine of $100,000.
“Nothing makes a fool of an old man faster than a young woman”. – Bill Clinton?
Why haven’t any of the states where the Big Steal took place and controlled by Republicans, been able to investigate and find Big Steal evidence?
We realize that in some red states, Repubs are passing laws so that Repubs can determine “who counts the votes”. For example, Georgia has made sure that a Sec of State like Brad Raffensperger won’t be able to resist the entreaties of a tRump or Senators Graham, Purdue (former) and Loeffler (former). If you recall, Raffensperger called for a hand recount that still found that Brandon won.
After Facebook’s Zuckerberg recently confessed to censoring the New York Post’s explosive Hunter Biden “laptop from Hell” story (evidencing a compromised and most likely criminally culpable Biden family) before the 2020 election in response to FBI pressure that the social media giant treat real news as “Russian disinformation” (thereby corroborating that the national security Deep State helped rig the presidential election), the FBI superciliously responded with the equivalent of a teenaged shoulder shrug and a haughty “so what?” According to the FBI, our domestic spy agency regularly encourages censorship and secretive control over the free flow of information. No big deal!
Except it is a very big deal. Recent polling shows that nearly 80% of Americans believe that President Trump would have won re-election had voters “known the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop.” In other words, the Deep State stole an election. This isn’t a huge revelation for most readers here, but it is a huge revelation for those who have stubbornly refused to admit how corrupt and rotten the 2020 election was.
Catturd says Biden is evil, but of course that’s not anywhere near true. Even when he had a brain, he was never more than callow, petty, self-promoting, dishonest and a hand-puppet for smarter men and women. Now, all he has left is being the hand-puppet.
We should all be asking who is really running the US government since the President is obviously incompetent.
“If you recall, Raffensperger called for a hand recount that still found that Brandon won.”
We all know that as a communist traitor your job is to lie often and muddy the waters but fact is we weren’t calling for a “recount”. Why would we? That just means you commies recount the same fraudulent votes AGAIN and declare the idiot a winner…AGAIN. We wanted an AUDIT and an INVESTIGATION into election fraud. Something even now you pigs won’t do because it will show you stole the election.
Just like you redefined what a vaccination is/does and what inflation is and what recession is you redefined a protest to mean an insurrection, but only if done by conservatives, without setting fires, burning down buildings and killing people.
Individual states oversee their elections based on state laws. If red states controlled by GOP legislatures want to audit their election procedures they can. They have chosen not to, instead choosing to pass laws that help Republican candidates.
One objective of nuGOP/MAGAts is to replace conservative REPUBLICAN officials such as Brad Raffensperger (R-GA) with MAGAts to rig elections, i.e., to do the MAGAt thing: ‘I just want (you) to find 11,780 votes’. They changed the law in Georgia, removing oversight from the Secretary of State and giving it to the legislature.
Your silly and obvious projection is once again showing. No MAGA people want to “rig” anything. We want honesty. And it doesn’t matter who oversees elections it matters that we are all in for honest elections. If you were audits would not be necessary.
We are specifically talking about the stolen election of 2020. You keep dodging the fact that regardless of WHO it is your team controls everything including the courts and the media. We can’t get a fair shake.
BTW, we’ve listed the ways the left stole the election her about 50 times. If you still refuse to see it it’s on you. You can be an election denier all you want. It’s too late anyway. We’re trying to make sure it doesn’t happen again. I guess you want it to. “By any means necessary”.
Why does “Make America Great Again” trigger you and why does it strike fear in you?
Bologna! MAGAts don’t want to make America Great Again. Anyway, DonJon had 4 years to Make America Great Again and made it worse. So no thanks.
Why do we fear the takeover of America by Christian Nationalists? Why should we?
We meant real evidence of stealing the election, not MAGAt shit. Try harder. The majority of Americans disagree with MAGAts about the Big Steal. It’s a nuGOP/MAGAt thing.
But a Big Lie can be just like The Truth if repeated over and over and over as DonJon tRump and his zombie-like followers do.
We DO understand your rage at being taken to the edge of Nirvana by your Leader and then losing it. We think your expectations were too high, making your raging depression so low. Best wishes.
“Anyway, DonJon had 4 years to Make America Great Again and made it worse.”
Did he? First the Mueller investigation for 2 years then the impeachment bull shit then the scamdemic. You’re lucky he got anything done like: a growing economy (without changing definitions), a strong military, basic law and order until the left decided to legalize riots, arson and looting, he was securing the border against great odds, our dollar was strong, inflation was low, gas low, etc. I could go on but it’s a waste of breath with a closed minded denier like you.
We do understand your denial and refusal to see the destruction the pedophile in the WH has wrought. A poor economy plagued by shortages, fuel prices, food and energy shortages, political corruption and international ridicule. Don’t worry, unless you steal another election Trump will be back in 2024. Or maybe DeSantis. Either way he won’t be a senile criminal. Or a damn communist.