…is a horrible carbon polluting beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on how wonderful Vancouver’s new electric fire trucks are working.
It’s MAGA week!

…is a horrible carbon polluting beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on how wonderful Vancouver’s new electric fire trucks are working.
It’s MAGA week!
Donk logic.
Rep: Biden illegally transferred student loan debt from PhDs to plumbers…
What’s that tell you?
Dem: Trump’s a semi-fascist?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Funny thing is, Biden still hasn’t told his supporters that forgiven debt is considered taxable income. That forgiven 10k can cost 3k in taxes, due this year, not stretched out over ten.
Part of tRump’s plan of Jan 6…
More donkey logic.
First woman: In my opinion a fetus isn’t human. And sometimes an abortion is necessary to protect the health of the mother.
Second woman: Interesting.
First woman: What’s interesting?
Second woman: You say you don’t think a fetus is human… yet you refer to the woman as a mother.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I don’t see how anyone can doubt the humanity of a fetus if they follow the science. It’s essentially the same as saying you don’t believe an infant is a human. They are both stages in human development to think otherwise is lying to oneself. Then, leftists are known for being deniers when the subject proves inconvenient to their phony narrative. Think stealing elections.
While we BBQ today, we should take a moment to appreciate the American labor movement and honor the hard-working men and women, unionized and not, who keep America running.
The decline in union membership since the Taft-Hartley Act (1947) correlates with the decline in national income going to labor as opposed to capital.
Some of the successes of the American labor movement:
Social Security;
the eight-hour work day;
the five-day, 40-hour week;
the right to overtime pay;
the minimum wage law;
an end to child labor (except in agriculture);
workplace safety enforced by OSHA;
worker’s compensation for on-the-job injuries and occupational disease;
paid vacations;
employer-sponsored health insurance;
federal oversight and financial backup of pension plans;
the equal employment provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act;
the right of collective bargaining
But yet the gap between the poor and the rich continues to increase, to the point of being unsustainable (for the poor!).
And to think the Dems work tirelessly to undermine the American worker. Open borders that results in lower wages, extremely high inflation, energy cost out the roof, assuring their children have as much illicit drugs as desired, rampant crime. What does the liberal do for the hard working man?
We have an immigration problem, not to mention a worker shortage.
We DO have inflation. Global. Supply chain, Covid, Putin’s invasion and policies.
We DO have high energy costs. More people, more usage, fewer resources.
We DO have too many drugs. Drug overdose deaths have been increasing over the past 20 years, about 5 times higher today than in 2000. There was a big jump starting in 2016 through today.
We DO have too much violent crime. But the violent crime rate is half of what it was in early 1990s.
But none of this is limited to the US nor is only recent.
We need to figure out a way to reward workers with the fruits of their labors. The poor, working and middle class are under siege.
And to think, Trump had all that under control. I am afraid corrupt Joe is responsible despite the world. Oh, the other day you were saying that slaves built everything, not American labor.
Porter Good,
But remember the Trump Plague? Over a million dead Americans, a recession, massive unemployment.
You don’t think enslaved men and women “helped” built the south?
Do you keep up? Really. We now know that Fauci facilitated the minor viral illness followed by the pathetic response of WHO. It is clear that due to the bleating like you that doctors were prevented from adequately do their jobs. Now please tell the world how this was Trumps fault or disease. Maybe it is you are so stupid that you can’t figure medical issues.
Porter Good, could you be any more of a lying idiot? You just blather on about whatever Mother Tucker and the Gateway Pudendum tell you to say.
Are you really claiming that doctors let a minor illness kill over 1 million Americans? And if the US gubmint had just handed out ivermectin few would have died??
You even have the normally level-headed Dana repeating your crap.
DonJon tRump was president and the buck stops there.