…is a pool needed to cool down from climate apocalypse, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on Illinois being crazy.
Doubleshot below the fold to clear the folder, so, check out The Gateway Pundit, with a post on the DOJ raiding the homes of Trump supporters on Thursday.

Update from Ukraine | Ruzzia lost it! Ukraine surrounded Isum – Video
Russians pull back as Ukraine advances…
Horrible news for American putin-ists/MAGAts.
How many MAGAts feel that putin would be a better president than Brandon?? Be honest.
Putin would have your enemies tossed out of 6th floor windows.
Teach links to The Gateway Pudendum who repeated the rumor that 35 (now 50) patriot homes were raided by the FBI. The odious Steve Bannon made the claim on right-wing radio but offered no evidence. Mother Tucker had in on FOX last night, but offered no evidence.
Gateway Pudendum repeated the rumor and now Teach links it.
Said Bannon: There were 35 FBI raids last night. Right. THIRTY-FIVE Senior Members of MAGA! of Republicans, supporters of Donald Trump that the FBI rolled in on. When they didn’t need to do it. Right? All these people have lawyers. The jack-booted Gestapo has to show up at their door and make a big display of this.
Does anyone have any credible evidence that this actually happened? Do you trust the swindler Steve Bannon?
We don’t trust anyone any more including Bannon. But we trust him more than you. You have been a never ending string of lies, distortions and gaslighting since Trump descended that escalator. You and your entire cadre of commies have created a nation of lies and deception. You lie about Trump, his supporters, pedo joe and his repugnant kids, the Wuhan flu, the climate and now about the fifth time you’ve gone after Trump you even lie about that.
At what point do you come out of your brainwashed stupor and admit it is UNAMERICAN to hound a citizen the way you have hounded Trump. We don’t do things like raid presidents homes and accuse them of treason with out the required proof. You don’t have it.
Now you want to start another civil war and guess what? You will loose this one just like you lost the last one. Democommie Dog.
MaAGA, mutherfuker.
Ask Rimjob why he lied about joining the Army during the Vietnam War.

We understand why you’re enraged. The man in whom you’ve been so heavily invested has feet of clay. But you had to realize that before now. When has DonJon ever shown even a hint of human decency?
On the other hand, conservatives have always been insecure, childish, violent, selfish, and angry. You become enraged when you don’t get your way. Force is the tool of choice for connies since negotiation and cooperation are not in their repertoire.
No, there will not be a civil war. What would you hope to gain? Revenge? What did your attack on the Capitol accomplish?
How do you see a civil war developing and evolving? Right-wing attacks on “liberal” bastions like public schools, courthouses, deep state buildings (IRS, FBI, NIH, CDC), infrastructure, unitarian churches, mosques, black churches, synagogues… Would you send roving gangs of armed thugs into black, muslim, hispanic neighborhoods, tony lib neighborhoods? Run cars with Dem bumper stickers off the road. Firebombing houses with Dem yard signs?
Your precious illegal government is the one pushing for civil war. We just agree it is time to rumble.
Why did in the world would you think MAGA would align with Putin? Do you have any credible evidence? Or is it the elusive “Russian collusion” or “agw “ kind of evidence? An American president who built up the US military and achieved energy independence would not be the kind of guy Putin would hang out with, to put it in terms that maybe you could understand..,
Because MAGAts and your MAGAt King aligned with Putin. Surely you knew this.
Even on this august forum winger commenters have called the Ukrainians Nazis who the great Putin is fighting. Even the stable genius Teach excuses Putin for invading Ukrainians, blaming Brandon for not giving in to Putin demands and polishing his ego. Even the stabler genius DonJon wanted to shit on NATO per Putin’s wishes.
Why do MAGAts love them some Putin?
Thanks FBI! Lol.

BWAHA! Lolgf
So J, where’s the evidence? As said , building up the military and energy independence are anti-Putin. “Right wingers calling Ukrainians Nazis..”. You mean like libs called Trump a Nazi about every day? “Wanted to shit on NATO..”
So did he or didn’t he? Even you can do better than that. I think, but then we know your gw track record…
Wingers (on this site) defend Putin by claiming he invaded Ukraine to rid them of Nazis.
tRump shat on NATO to please his Special Master, Vlad.
You may have missed…
Even you can do better than that. I think, but then we know your position on every other issue, i.e., deny.
If Ukraine had been a NATO country Putin would not have invaded.
So where’s the evidence, J? Trump’s personal views on NATO proves nothing. He was trying to get the other members to pay their fair share of NATO’s defense costs. Trying to get others to pay their fair share is wrong…how? And that is siding with Putin…how? By the way, was NATO “gotten rid of”? No, it wasn’t. “Wingers on this site defended Putin…”. Oh, my-so a few people said something so that means everything feels the same way? I didn’t think you could do worse than your gw non-evidence, but I was wrong. Funny-you’re not even aware that you took something that was talked about, but didn’t happen, as some kind of evidence. So, where’s the evidence?
tRump’s personal views on NATO means nothing?
tRump threatening to leave NATO is not evidence of him “shitting on NATO” which is what I said.
He was (unfortunately) president. Nothing would make Putin happier than the US leaving NATO and DonJon was in constant contact with his Special Master Vlad.
You’re a universal denier! I didn’t think you could do worse than your global warming science denialism, but I was wrong.
So what evidence would prove to you that global warming is a result of atmospheric CO2? You never answer.
So where’s the evidence?
Thanks Rimjob for the stupid.
Please don’t read.
Remain a dumbass.

Bwaha! Lolgf
How do you know an election is near? The media unleashes stories saying Trump will be indicted soon.

Bwaha! Lolgf