…is a bright blue sky causing carbon pollution heat waves, you might just just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Animal Rebellion sabotaging milk in the U.K.

…is a bright blue sky causing carbon pollution heat waves, you might just just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Animal Rebellion sabotaging milk in the U.K.

Bwaha! Lolgf
A few days ago Steve Bannon claimed 35 to 50 MAGA higher-ups were raided by the FBI and the rumor spread through the MAGA-sphere like monkeypox in a bathhouse.
Bannon claimed “jackbooted gestapo” made a “big display” of this.
Has anyone been able to confirm this? Did they lock up all 35 victims and stop their families, friends and lawyers from speaking to FOX?
Did the legitimate media, who reported Bannon’s rumor, suppress videos and interviews? And why didn’t the intrepid conservamedia follow up with proof?
Did Bannon characterize the serving of legal subpoenas as “jackbooted gestapo” tactics?
Sep 10, 2022 · A grand jury has subpoenaed several associates of former President Donald Trump in connection with the Department of Justice’s investigation into the origins.
What is the point of all of this?
The left is attempting to bankrupt people with a nominal bankroll. This is pure intimidation tactics by the left that says IF YOU HELP TRUMP YOU WILL GO BANKRUPT. Roger Stone is nearly bankrupt by his own admission. The General IS Bankrupt while eventually finding that the charges against him were illegal, immoral, and downright LIES.
Kill them….kill them all scream the left! Attorney Harmeet Dhillon appeared on Tucker said close to 50 high-level Trump supporters have been raided and served with subpoenas and/ or search warrants….. Trump allies have been targeted for ‘lawfare’ and “financial terrorism” as the Biden regime aims to bankrupt their political opposition, and, to perhaps have them assassinated through “swatting”.
Tim Pool one of the largest influencers on Social Media and now a Trump supporter because “The left has abandoned me” has been swatted 9 times in the last year. He gets swatted when he is doing a live show at his studio and the first couple of times it was dangerous as the POLICE BELIEVE THEY ARE arriving at an active shooter’s location.
Now the police just show up, look around and go on knowing it is a lie. Many people have been swatted over the years, started as a prank by gamers who lose to other gamers online. The snowflakes cannot take a loss.
BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Reads Off List of Trump Allies Targeted, Harassed and Subpoenaed by Biden Regime and Merrick Garland’s DOJ in Ongoing Political Purge.
When you lie about one thing Dowd, why should we believe you about anything you write?
So the DOJ subpoenaed people. Yawn. So no search warrants or raids like Bannon and the winger-media claimed.
You wingers deny it (you deny EVERYTHING) but there was a right-wing coup attempted after trump lost the Nov 2021 election. It was clumsy and it failed but it was attempted. It involved a conspiracy to overturn the election results at both the individual state and the federal levels. Since then, nuGOPhers have been working to “fix” where they fell short in 2020 – not by reinforcing democracy – but by changing who, at the state level, is responsible for counting the votes. “I just want you to find 11,780 votes”. No doubt, the right-wing legislatures in battleground states will find those votes!
The old GOP is dead – killed by don trump and replaced by true MAGAts and cowards like Mitch the Bitch and Cave-in McCarthy.
Purging our government of these unAmerican creatures by voting has become necessary.
If you feel that Marj Greene, Matt Gaetz, Laurie Boebert, Kari Lake, JD Vance etc, all who believe the 2020 election (but not their’s!!) were stolen, deserve to serve the American people, you’re nutz.
Right now, the only way a nuGOPher has a chance is by blowing DonJon tRump – a TV game show host who lost the White House, Senate and House for the GOP and conspired to steal the presidential election.
So please save us your bullshitness.
Dowd is most certainly either a 50-cent tin horn for China or an FBI plant.
DOWD wrote after I assume he read my post: So the DOJ subpoenaed people. Yawn. So no search warrants or raids like Bannon and the winger-media claimed.
I wrote: Attorney Harmeet Dhillon appeared on Tucker said close to 50 high-level Trump supporters have been raided and served with subpoenas and/ or search warrants
I just don’t know what to say. I understand now why most people don’t debate DOWD any longer. He simply fills this blog with lie after lie after lie. Mistruth and misdirection are his sword and Wokism is his shield. And when all else fail. He screams we are racists.
Gotta hand it to the 50 cent army. They have figured out the lefts playbook very well with this one.
“When the president does it, that means it is not illegal” – Richard “Dick” Nixon (1977)
“If the coup fails, that means it is not illegal” – Don “Dick” tRump (2022)
More Bad NEWS for you DOWD.
Billionaire Trump Donor, Largest Shareholder Of CNN’s New Owner, Discovery, Wants To Restore It To Impartiality
Insisted On Jeff Zucker’s Departure After His Affair Was Exposed. Personally fired Brian Stelzer.
CNN is no longer going to be the network that was ALL TRUMP ALL THE TIME: Apr 13, 2021 · CNN staffer admits network’s focus was to ‘get Trump out of office,’ calls its coverage ‘propaganda’ ‘I 100% believe it that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have been defeated in 2020.
Lies, lies and more lies. That is the left’s modus operandi.
Unlike you, we do not fall for propaganda. I never watch CNN anyway, but it would hardly be surprising that a MAGA-billionaire would try to turn a cable news network into OAN.
BTW, do you think FOX (the most watched cable news network) influenced the 2016 election, LOL?
BTW, riddle me this. Do you believe FOX is unbiased but CNN is biased?
Governor deSantis of Florida Gives Florida’s First Responders $1000 Bonus Checks!!
But not a single incompetent liberal reporter thought to ask the Governor where the money came from.
Republicans have always been hypocrites regarding gov’t spending. MAGAts are no different. Teachers are leaving Florida and deSantis is paying first responders to teach students.
Florida is 48th in teacher pay.
Education is for liberals anyway. All anyone needs to vote MAGAt is 6th grade Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmetic!
*No Republicans in the House or Senate voted for the bill, but they all use it to bribe voters.
So you’re against bonus checks fort first responders or just against DeSantis handing them out or piss cause your illegitimate pedo joe didn’t get credit?
Looks like you guys are gearing up for a big push to steal the mid terms in several states. The bullshit apparatus is in full gear and the “news” media is in 100% pro democommie rant. They are even touting that monster Fetterman in PA as some kind of Abe Lincoln/FDR hybrid instead if the fukin inbred he is.
MAGA election deniers.