While amusing, sending illegals to Philly will probably lower the crime rate. I still think Greg Abbott is missing a huge opportunity in not sending at least a busload or two to Wilmington or Rebohoth Beach, Delaware
Philadelphia braces for possibility migrant buses from Texas will be sent to city
Philadelphia officials are preparing the city to receive busses of migrants from Texas in the event Gov. Greg Abbott targets Philadelphia as the next destination for migrants being bussed to Democrat-led cities.
“The city is inventorying existing resources should those seeking safe refuge find their way to Philadelphia,” Kevin Lessard, a spokesperson for Democratics Mayor Jim Kenney, told Axios.
There has been no confirmation that busses of migrants from Texas will be directed to Philadelphia. Kenney’s office says it does not anticipate any notice if busses are directed to the City of Brotherly Love, Axios reported. Kenney’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment on Sunday.
Could this possibly be a fakeout? It’s only about 32 miles between Wilmington and Philly. And just another 93 miles to Rehoboth Beach. A mostly likely route would the buses coming up I-95 at some point, which means they would travel through Wilmington. And, if traveling through D.C., could cut over through Annapolis and take 50 across Chesapeake Bay, then back roads to Rehoboth easy peasy.
‘Sanctuary City’ Chicago Takes Illegals Bused in by Texas, Settles Them in Suburbs
Despite Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) claim that Chicago is a “welcoming sanctuary city,” she is now sending illegals sent by Texas out to the suburbs.
The Windy City began moving towards declaring itself a “sanctuary city” for illegals at least as far back as 2015, and since her election to the mayor’s office in 2019, Lightfoot has reiterated that policy and said that Chicago is a “welcoming” place for illegals.
Regardless, she has blasted Texas Governor Greg Abbott as a “racist” and a “xenophobe” for loading buses with illegals and driving them to self-appointed sanctuary cities including New York City and Chicago.
“This is about a cheap political point. It’s not about sharing the load. To Greg Abbott and his enablers in Texas: with these continued political stunts, (he) has confirmed what many of us had already known: he’s a man without any morals, humanity, or shame,” Lightfoot said early this month.
But now, despite her repeated claims to love illegals, Lightfoot has been found shipping the Texas deliveries to the nearby suburb of Burr Ridge, according to WGN 9 News. And town leaders there are both shocked and angered by the move.
Indeed, Burr Ridge Mayor Gary Grasso said that Chicago did not coordinate with them before dropping off dozens of illegals at a Burr Ridge hotel.
“I am concerned neither the village administrator nor I were told about this,” Grasso said. “We want to know: Why Burr Ridge?”
Illegals for thee, not mea.

A bus driver would probably take the I-495 bypass around Wilmington, but that would take them much closer to Mr Biden’s home in Greenville.
But yeah, after crossing the state line into the Keystone State, the migrants could see what kind of life awaits them as they pass through Chester, the slums of which crowd up against the left side of I-95 Northbound. The funny thing is that Chester used to be the punchline of jokes, until Mayor Jim Kenney and District Attorney “Let ’em loose” Larry Krasner helped make Philly so much worse.