Perhaps his handlers need to increase his medications? This is rather funny for a guy who takes a private jet and helicopter and never has to wait, and screws up all the other flights coming in and out of airports he;s at
Joe Biden Scolds at Boston Airport: ‘What the Hell Is the Matter with Us?’
President Joe Biden expressed frustration about the state of American airports on Monday, even though he made funding for trains a greater priority in his infrastructure bill.
“America invented modern aviation, but we’ve allowed our airports to lag behind our competitors’,” Biden said.
The president spoke about airports during a visit to Logan International Airport in Boston to promote more government infrastructure spending.
He griped that the United States did not have any airports listed as the best in the world.
“Today, not a single solitary American airport, not one, ranks in the top 25 of the world,” he said, before growing angry.
“What in the hell’s the matter with us?!” he shouted.
And he went on and on and on, shouting at clouds. Of course, his infrastructure bill only allocated $25 billion for airports, while tasking $66 billion for railroads, most Amtrak, which not that many take.
Afghanistan tipping ‘towards authoritarianism’, says U.N. rights expert
A U.N. expert said on Monday that human rights had deteriorated under the Taliban, describing a “staggering repression” of women and girls and a “descent towards authoritarianism”, while Afghan women urged the global body to act.
Richard Bennett, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan, called for radical changes in the country.
“The severe rollback of the rights of women and girls, reprisals targeting opponents and critics, and a clampdown on freedom of expression by the Taliban amount to a descent towards authoritarianism,” he told a Human Rights Council meeting.
Afghanistan Ambassador Nasir Ahmad Andisha who represents the toppled government went further, describing a “gender apartheid” in the country.
Well, gee wiz, who could have foreseen this after Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan plan? We had to get out at some point, and, really, as long as they aren’t training Islamic jihadis and attacking the United States, there’s a point where we have to say “it’s not our concern.” But, you had to know this would happen with the Taliban back in charge. Now, imagine that Donald Trump was still president: how would the U.S. media be covering this?

You know, this really isn’t Joe Biden’s fault. It isn’t Donald Trump’s, or Barack Hussein Obama’s, or George Bush’s either. The Taliban are who they are, and we knew who they were when we first went into that [insert slang term for feces here]hole ‘country’ to destroy al Qaeda and kill Osama bin Laden. We finished off al Qaeda relatively quickly, while Mr bin Laden managed to escape into Pakistan and hide, with the help of the Taliban elements in the Pakistani government.
We managed to kick the Taliban out of power, and do that fairly quickly as well, but the Taliban are as much of an idea as a faction of people, and after twenty miserable years there, we were never able to persuade the people that freedom and democracy were the right way to live.
The Taliban lived on, as an idea, even though the whole generation changed, and the Taliban guerrilla fighters survived because enough of the Afghani people supported them, both philosophically and materially, that they lived on despite twenty years of occupation.
So what if Afghanistan is descending into authoritarianism? This is what they have chosen for themselves! They wanted it, and now they’ve got it.
Western democracy was never imposed on Western civilization. It grew slowly, through fits and starts and sometimes retrenchments, over nearly a thousand years from Magna Carta, in Western and Christian societies, and with the notable exceptions of Japan and South Korea, has never really flourished in any country which wasn’t a Western civilization.
I first typed Western and Christian, but democracy has flourished in Israel as well. Then again, the Jewish diaspora that re-established the nation of Israel spent 1900 years scattered among Western and Christian nations.
Individual liberty and democracy will only take real root where the soil is ready for it, and one thing has been made clear by history: the soil in the Muslim dominated nations is not ready.
More fascism from the Brandon junta.
