…is an evil air conditioning unit causing climate apocalypse, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on NYC fighting crime with signs.

…is an evil air conditioning unit causing climate apocalypse, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on NYC fighting crime with signs.
The numbers are in, Mr. *President.
8.3% inflation and wages are down 2.8% this month.
Great job all around. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Bwaha! Lolgf

Bwaha! Lolgf
Ooops! Our bad. Sorry!
Oh and fuck you too.

Bwaha! Lolgf
And to think Jeff really pushed the vacs. Now we have major side effects and the thing does not work
DOW down almost 1300 points. Inflation 8.5%. Not energy independent as under Trump. Dems desire a civil war. FJB and all that voted for him. And all the RINOs just fighting Trump. Screw them as well.
Election Denier and QANONer couldn’t take it anymore and shot his family and dog. Then went outside firing his shotgun at the police, who fired back fatally wounding him.
Is this how the Civil War MAGAts crave starts? Killing your families?
Not Sure Dowd. Do you ride the Busses in China where the bus drivers get pissed and drive the entire busload of people off a cliff or into a river gorge?
Perhaps we can weld conservatives into their own homes and refuse to feed them like your mother CHINA did/Does.
Or better yet. Why not start concentration camps and round up anyone who has odd beliefs or beliefs that you don’t share? I know that is what you want to do.
It’s all worked so well for CHINA. And we both know that you long for CHINA in AMERICA.
It is mighty interesting and a bit suspicious that the only member of the family to escape being shot was the one posting hatred online:
Rebecca Lanis who escaped injury told the News that she was the author of a statement on a subreddit page called “QAnonCasualties” that blamed her father’s issues on the false but widespread conspiracy theory about — among many other things — Trump’s leading a top-secret war on a cabal of pedophiles and criminals.
She cursed QAnon supporters and said she hopes “the FBI tightens its grip on you” so such conspiracy theorists someday “rot in prison (and hell) for poisoning so many people.”
While it is tragic that people lose their families to mental health, I find it also tragic that DOWD comes here night and day….THIS FUKING POST FROM DOWD WAS WRITTEN AT MIDNIGHT…..and write posts with a singular thought. To make conservatives or his political opponents angry.
I wonder DOWD. How many Qanon shootings have there been as opposed to drive-by gang shootings DAILY? Antifa riots? BLM shootings of police?
You are sad DOWD but I am sure mother China pays you handsomely.
I read this story Dowd Posted. It was written by a mainstream media source. I will not name them and no it was not FOX NEWS. In the story, the author ADDS (and HELL) to the woman’s quote.
It is also the word of a daughter who blames her father’s rampage on Qanon with no one to corroborate her story. I personally pay no attention to Qanon. Don’t even know how to find them to read them and haven’t tried. I know it takes about zero brain cells to understand that the unelected bureaucrats in DC are out of control including the FBI and CIA and the DOJ. I don’t need some guy from South Africa telling me this.
The purveyors of vitriol come in all shapes including the mainstream media. Not a day goes by that every network is trash-talking conservatives, gun owners, Christians. Remember that a vast, vast majority of those sneaking across the border are Roman Catholic Christians.
The leftist in this country are lunatics if they think letting in millions of Christians who are fleeing Socialism and communism will vote for Democrats. Oh wait, that’s right. They intend to lock them onto the plantation by destroying the economy and then paying them because soon there will be no jobs.
Thats a conspiracy I believe in. It’s born out by actions and numbers. Not a secret cabal in hiding but actual deeds by the US government led by a Crazed old man wearing diapers.
Where We Go One, We Go All!!
Our Once and Future King Donald the First will return in all His Glory to Smite the Pedophiles in the Democrazic Party and the Elementary School Groomers in Florida. Pedophile Joe Biden will be tried and hanged! Abortion is Their Tool for Harvesting Baby Blood and organs! Open Your Eyes!! The One True God has imbued King Donald with The Vision and Truth. Prepare, Soldiers! Do Not Lose Your Faith! Gird for The Storm that is Coming!!
Communist China, the Jews, the democrats, the pedophiles and the Hollywood/media Cabal have Joined Forces in Their Final Push to Their New World Order where Patriots are their Worker Drones and Slaves!! Communist Chinese Covid was Invented and Spread to Weaken Us!! “Climate Change” was Invented to Control Us!!
It is Always Darkest Before the Dawn, but Our Salvation is Nigh!! The Enemy is Ramping Up Their Spurious Attacks on Our King! The Battle is NOW! Stay Strong!! Our Time is Here!!! Our Time is Now!! Q!!!
It couldn’t be scripted any better-James Taylor sings “Fire and Rain”, in part about suicide, at Brandon’s “Inflation Reduction Act” celebration, as the news came out on record inflation and the stock market tanking..Let’s go Brandon!”
PA state senator, QANONer and Christian Nationalist Doug Mastriano is the nuGOP goobernatorial candidate in PA…
This is the common thread running through today’s QANON stoking, election denying, anti-democracy nuGOP – control the electoral process to their advantage. Once in charge, they’ll be able to take more direct action to consolidate their power.
Always listen carefully to what militant conservatives accuse their enemies of – that’s what they have in store for you. It’s always projection.