It’s definitely a worthy goal, let’s be clear, and it would be wonderful if there was an actual plan, but, like with most of his stuff, it’s more of a talking point
Biden outlines ambitious ‘moonshot’ effort to reduce cancer deaths in the U.S.
President Biden traveled to Boston on Monday to promote the cancer-fighting effort he first launched in February, with the goal of halving cancer death rates in the United States in the next 25 years.
“I give you my word as a Biden, this cancer moonshot is one of the reasons why I ran for president,” Biden said, describing it as part of his “unity agenda” of initiatives that even political opponents could support.
“Beating cancer is something we can do together,” the president said, noting that the disease does not discriminate between Republicans and Democrats.
So, what is he supposedly doing?
Ahead of the remarks, the White House announced a new biotechnology and biomanufacturing initiative, which is intended to galvanize sophisticated medical research and manufacturing in the United States. An accompanying executive order calls on federal agencies ranging from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Homeland Security to focus on the effort.
The White House also appointed biomedical executive Dr. Renee Wegrzyn to lead the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, an agency created by Biden earlier this year, to “push the limits of U.S. biomedical and health research and innovation.” Wegrzyn will be the agency’s first leader.
The White House notice on Biden’s cancer-related remarks says that the National Cancer Institute has begun a four-year study intended to allow for cancer detection via a simple blood test, without having to resort to more invasive procedures like colonoscopies or biopsies.
Yeah, that’s pretty much all that is offered in the article. That trial is a good thing, especially for internal cancers. It might have been more worthwhile to allocate a lot more money for this than for the idiotic climate change scam stuff and so much other wasteful spending in the last few partisan bills.
This is what the fact sheet says
New Goals for the Cancer Moonshot
Based on the progress made and the possibility before us, President Biden today set new national goals for the Cancer Moonshot:
- Working together over the next 25 years, we will cut today’s age-adjusted death rate from cancer by at least 50 percent.
- We will improve the experience of people and their families living with and surviving cancer.
Taken together, these actions will drive us toward ending cancer as we know it today.
25 years is a long time to cut it by just 50%. That’s not a moon shot. But, in fairness, the rest of the fact sheet does have some details and more planning than what we saw under Obama. So, if he can get the ball rolling, fantastic. If future presidents keep it going, awesome. But, how about, again, allocating the money for this rather than other stuff that is dumb?

If you call forcing people to take an ineffective mRNA shot as a “beating”…I guess so?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Sorry. We agree on many things but the mRNA vaccine is not infective. It provided immunity for many people for a period of time and then reduced the symptoms to such a vast degree that hospitalizations almost disappeared.
Mixing science/medicine and politics doesn’t work.
How do you differentiate the subtle influence of the vac from the natural inclination of the virus to mute to less virulent forms.
The mutations were not all that “less virulent.”
As early as 4/21 Vanderbilt hospital reported:
In hospital – Unvac – 190, Vac 28
In ICU – Unvac 49, Vac 4
On ventilator – Unvac 17, Vac 0
I pay little attention to what the “Talking Heads” have to say. E.g. In 12/20 the CDC warned that the vaccines were not perfect and that some people would not be protected… the real effective number appeared to be around 15% would not. But this wasn’t pushed so a lot of people decided that the vaccines were not effective. The symptom reduction was a nice bonus.
Unlike Rimjob I provide citations.
Unlike Porter’s CumBreath, I don’t misinterpret citations.
Although Dr Walensky used the word prevent correctly, our dumbass, dishonest winger bullshitters who have no interest in the truth misinterpreted it to mean that the vaccines did not reduce transmission.
prevent (verb)
: to keep from happening or existing
So dumbass, the vaccines do NOT prevent any and all transmission but DO reduce transmission.
The vac does not stop, or slow or any other action verb. It does very little.
You’re an idiot.
Ah Rimjob you went and did it again.
In other words — they lied.

Could that be anymore clear?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Bwaha! Lolgf
Biden is working on a new movie with Disney Plus in which he stars as DIAPER DON surrounded by pink haired FemiNazi’s and AGW lunatics all helping to save the planet by driving the rest of the world insane.
In the script he goes to a local school and sniffs little girls hair and tells them that they can all be MEN if they want and have babies.
Diaper Don and the Groomers. Coming to a theatre soon. Right after he steals another election.
Cancer is over 100 different diseases.
Causes of Death, USA, 2020
Total Deaths: Number of deaths: 3,383,729
Heart disease: 696,962
Cancer: 602,350
COVID-19: 350,831
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 200,955
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 160,264
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 152,657
Alzheimer’s disease: 134,242
Diabetes: 102,188
Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,544
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 52,547
Cancer Deaths:
Cancer Type/ Estimated Deaths
Bladder/ 17,100
Breast (Female – Male)/ 43,250 – 530
Colon and Rectal (Combined)/ 52,580
Endometrial/ 12,550
Kidney (Renal Cell and Renal Pelvis)/ 13,920
Leukemia (All Types)/ 24,000
Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct/ 30,520
Lung (Including Bronchus)/ 130,180
Melanoma/ 7,650
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma/ 20,250
Pancreatic/ 49,830
Prostate/ 34,500
Thyroid/ 2,230
Lung, Colon, Breast and Prostate cancers are the “Big Four” in number of cases/year. Pancreatic cancers are the most deadly with a 10 yr survival of 1%.
Treatments for lung cancers have improved, but lung cancers still kill more Americans by far each year than any other type. Smoking (including cannabis) is the leading cause of lung cancer, followed by radon (1 in 15 US homes have exposure), air pollution and genetic predisposition.
So Rimjob, since you’re such an expert on cancer, has Galera been de-listed by NASDAQ yet?

That is an impressive listing. It makes me say….SO.
What is your point. Being on the inside, more than you, I can assure you that most efforts to improve those numbers are thwarted by assholes like yourself. Hospital administrators stop many efforts, IRBs definitely stop relevant exploration, yes I am aware of study abuse of prisoners, which makes me say….SO WHAT. Then we have other doctors interfering, PhDs like yourself stop many efforts for many reasons, like not getting credit.
In CV disease, it could be cured in a few short years but you run into companies like Pfizer which wishes to sell drugs of no use and fight cholesterol which does nothing. Yes, I am aware of many drugs from big pharma being generic now.
Now we have the demented, corrupt Biden the pretender in the way which will be tragic.
Porter Davi,
You are the one admitting to clinical trial fraud.
No one is stopping you from curing CV disease are they? Do it! How would you cure CV disease in just a few short years?
See that Beardsley bought 10,000 shares of Galera $1.07.
GRTX closed today at $1.82.
Rimjob: I am a founding partner in a consulting corporation and we’re doing very well. Thanks for your concern.
If you call pissing away $100s of millions of investors money, no dividends, no growth, a huge crash in stock price, and on the verge of being delisted by NASDAQ as “doing very well” you sound like Brandon.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
You have said something about fraud a few times, care to tell me what you are talking about. I might have said the brown doctors are big on fraud, but I am not brown. As to doing studies, you clearly don’t know anything about that. Perhaps you are the reason for your corporation’s demise.
You said you gave clinical trial sponsors the results they wanted.
No doubt you said brown doctors are big on fraud.
I am a founding partner in a consulting corporation and we’re doing very well. Thanks for your concern.
You run around making stupid statements. I don’t waste time clearing them up as that is what you desire. And we know exactly who you are and what you do.