If only you would agree to give up your fossil fueled travel, pay lots of taxes and fees, and abdicate your freedom and life choices to government we could solve this
Climate Change Is Making People Angrier Online
Climate change is making us angrier online. A lot angrier.
Hateful comments spike on social media when temperatures rise above 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research have found.
“It’s an indicator of how well people can adapt to high temperatures,” said Annika Stechemesser, lead author of the study published in The Lancet Planetary Health earlier this month. “If temperatures go too hot or too cold, we found that there’s an increase in online hate speech, no matter the socioeconomic differences, religion or political beliefs.”
Global warming of about 1.1°C on average since pre-industrial times has unleashed all sorts of extreme weather events across the world. This summer, drought and a string of heat waves hit Europe, China and the US. For humans, heat is associated with psychiatric hospitalizations, increased rates of suicide and more domestic violence, according to research.
And aggressive behavior online has been linked to violence offline too. Incensed posts have led to more violence toward minorities, including mass shootings, lynchings and ethnic cleansing, according to the Council on Foreign Relations, a New York-based think tank.
LOL. Really. It could not possibly have anything to do with people just generally getting more crazy online, right? Funny how they never mention the lunatics who glue themselves to roads and trains and buses and such. Or, spike the tires of trucks. Or so much other climate cult lunacy. Seriously, these cultists will link everything to their doomsday cult beliefs.

CLIMATE NAZI’S. Pure and simple.
Teach typed: If only you would agree to give up your fossil fueled travel, pay lots of taxes and fees, and abdicate your freedom…
If only you would stop lying…
Bwaha! That’s a good one coming from you.

I think they misspelled “angrier”. It’s spelled d-u-m-b-e-r
Agreed. Angry and dumb often travel together. Look at the faces of the Jan 6 insurrectionists. Or read the comments sections of winger-blogs.
Or maybe just read Rimjob’s comments.
They don’t get any dumber than that.
We’ve argued for a long time that the middle east is a hotbed of violence because it’s … well… a HOTBED! No wonder they’re pissed all the time.
And to make matters worse, Jesus put OUR oil under their sand!!!
Nobody would be angry about plans to somehow limit
global warmingclimate change, if those plans didn’t mean making working Americans poorer and further restricting our freedoms and liberties.Don’t forget, cost a lot of money AND be totally ineffective. You can’t change the weather.
And that’s the point, isn’t it? Few of us “commoners” are belligerent over scientific theories of Gravity, Cells, Big Bang, Quantum Mechanics, Dark Energy, Relativity, Evolution etc because understanding their basis costs little or nothing.
The theory of AGW has potential consequences. Transitioning from fossil fuels to other non-CO2 producing sources is a change with costs. No one likes changes or costs. But those feelings do not disprove the theory.
jeff, the dumbass, you don’t have a theory, you have a hypothesis. You need much more data and linkage to reach theory status. And you want get it because it does not exist.
Dearest Elwood:
“The theory of AGW has potential consequences.”
The problem is that the AGW theory doesn’t meet the requirement of a scientific theory.
It is not inductive. It cannot be tested. All predictions have failed.
What you have is a theory based on faith.
Faith is associated with religions.
I suggest you contact Flip Wilson and join the Church of What’s Happening Now.
Mr Lewis: It is not inductive. It cannot be tested. All predictions have failed.
Wrong. Wrong. Really Wrong.
Inductive? CO2 absorbs infrared radiation (heat). CO2 is increasing. The Earth is warming.
It cannot be tested? It’s being tested constantly. CO2 is measured regularly as is temperature.
All predictions failed? CO2 is increasing and the Earth is warming.
You are busy repeating what you hear from your “authorities”, who are lying to you. Yes, even Roy Spencer.
James Lewis did not say the earth at this time isn’t slightly warming. He stated it was not do to AGW. Please stop trying to move the goal posts and please keep up.
The earth warms, the earth cools. Been doin it for eons. It’s not caused by man. Never has been. But the visible destruction of our economy and country is caused by man. Men like you.
You believe in the same thing witch doctors have always believed in. Primitives like yourself have always sought answers about nature from non natural sources. Next you’ll be throwing Trump supporters into volcanos to please the god of AGW.
You all would have made great Aztecs.
Dear Elwood:
“Inductive? CO2 absorbs infrared radiation (heat). CO2 is increasing. The Earth is warming.”
No. That is deductive reasoning.
“Inductive reasoning is a bottom-up approach, while deductive reasoning is top-down.”
“It cannot be tested? It’s being tested constantly. CO2 is measured regularly as is temperature.”
Measuring and testing is two different things. You have no defined tests.
“All predictions failed? CO2 is increasing and the Earth is warming.”
The earth warming is an observation. Saying that FL would be under water is a prediction.
“…….Al Gore said in 2009 that “the North Pole will be ice-free in the summer by 2013 because of man-made global warming.”
In case you missed it, FL is still there and above water.
Say hello to the Reverend Flip for me.
Mr Lewis,
We will just have to disagree. You are wrong on all counts.
Flip Wilson died some 25 years ago.
Dear Elwood:
No we won’t agree. You have no facts and you can’t refute what I wrote.
Better yet, look at the faces of antifa and blm, those that caused real damage.
But really, I would like to look any evidence of an “insurrection” in the face.
It must still be invisible..
What won’t a nuCon deny! Knee-jerk denial is easier and less threatening than facing truths.
Many things are invisible to those choosing to be metaphorically blind.
What would you call a violent riot intended to stop the “peaceful transfer of power”?
(Yes, yes, we know… “If we really wanted to conquer America we would have!”)
Rimjob: Many things are invisible to those choosing to be metaphorically blind.
Guess Rimjob was referring to this.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
So, still no “insurrection” evidence? Shocking……
Pretty angry dude. Dumb too.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Climate change is B.S. just like BLM/Antifa, Equality Act, etc. These are all distractions to keep us busy while the NWO kills all of us with lethal vaccines. Solar energy is also B.S. because solar panels and lithium batteries are not recyclable. The wealthy NWO elites know this and are not going to have anything to do with it. Billions of lithium batteries and solar panels will destroy reservoirs, lakes, etc. If they cared about climate change they would not be spaying us with chemicals that is killing plant life as well as wildlife. I’m referring to Chem trails. Many pilots have openly admitting to it. Their open goal us to reduce the world’s population from an estimated 7.5 billion to 500 million. Wake the help up!
This explains the WEF’s depopulation plan. The vaccines are their chosen bio weapons to achieve their goal of mass depopulation. The Democratic Party is involved up to necks, basically they agreed to Agendas 2021 & 2030 approximately 15 years ago. The Mega wealthy has decided that we the people are no longer needed. Elon Musk allegedly created technology that will allow robots to think on their own. He sold it to an unknown group. My guess is he sold it to the NWO/WEF. Klaus Schwab AKA the NWO has admitted numerous times that they want to depopulate the world from our current approximate 7.5 billion people to 500 million. Since solar panels and lithium batteries are not recyclable, I’m sure they have no interest in solar energy and/or electric cars. It is common knowledge that billions of lithium batteries as well as solar panels in our landfills would poison reservoirs, lakes, etc. Their only agenda is to kill all of us. Just think, these alledged elites manufactured and sold the world environmentally unsafe products. Now that China is refusing to take our recyclable products, they feel its time for the great Culling AKA Planned Genocide. Also, remember that in the process they made trillions of dollars. The WEF has allegedly perfected Cloning and now they have the technology that they’ve needed to complete their agenda. This explains why they used the PCR Tests to collect DNA, this was just another piece of the puzzle needed to develop their Cloning program. China’s Yangtze River which has been a vital part of their hydro energy program is now drying up and is currently puddles. The Yangtze provides energy for over 400 million Chinese people. It’s also a vital part of their agricultural program, supplying water for hundreds of farms. This is a major reason that China wants the United States and illegal aliens are not required to get the deadly vaccines. China plans to use them as farm workers if and when they invade the United States.
Your inability to promote carbon as a monster is hampered by the fact that you have the wrong hypothesis. Your real desire is to eliminate our superiority in energy and to eliminate the automobile. In other words get rid of our way of life. That is why you cheer on the destruction of the country by biden. So change your focus from carbon.
You’re an idiot.
Please read my reply to Mr Lewis. I responded directly to 3 false claims he made.
CA: The earth warms, the earth cools. Been doin it for eons. It’s not caused by man.
The Earth warms and cools. And this particular episode of warming appears to result from CO2 that humans have added to the atmosphere. There is no reason to expect it to stop anytime soon.
After that, you just typed silliness. No thanks.
Dear Elwood:
“And this particular episode of warming appears to result from CO2 that humans have added to the atmosphere. ”
Appears? Appears?
And you want to destroy our economy on it “appears to?”
Mr Lewis,
Understand that since scientific theories are not proved scientists use terms such as “appears”, “consistent with”, “evidence supports”, etc. It’s all about probabilities and likelihood. We understand that those not conversant in scientific terms use this truth as a shillelagh.
Scientists are very, very conservative when it comes to conclusions.
Based on the cancer statistics, your oncologist says there’s a 95% chance your cancer will kill you in two years, and the recommended treatment has an 80% chance of a ten-year cure, but a 20% chance of life-threatening side-effects, what do you decide?
You act as if there is a 0% chance that global warming is real and a 100% chance that transitioning from fossil fuels will “destroy our economy”.
You ignore the science and embrace the myth because you don’t like the potential solutions.
You got carried away again. Remember we schooled you and all agreed that correlation has nothing to do with causation. CO2 elevation in the past occurs before any observable warming indicating that any rise in CO2 is secondary to the temp elevation, like we see in metabolism. CO2 is good for the earth and plants.
Now, you desire an experiment. Obtain two greenhouses that do not have material that would filter infrared. Measure temp in each structure. Infuse CO2 into one structure and measure any temp change. There is none. Do that and come back with video of the project.
There are dozens of videos on YouTube of these experiments. We’re surprised that a curious professional scientist and an expert on climate such as yourself hasn’t discovered this. Middle school kids can even do the experiments. So yes, teachers are grooming young students to understand global warming!!
There are two flavors of the experiments (which have been conducted for over a century). 1) Have two identical glass container with identical temperature probes and light sources. One contains room air, the other contains room air with added CO2. Turn on your lights and monitor the temperature probes. The CO2 container heats faster and to a greater degree than the room air container. 2) The set up is essentially the same but the containers are heated by light to the same temperature, e.g., 30C. Turn off the heat source and monitor the speed at which they lose heat. You know the answer. The CO2 container cools more slowly.
Since this has been known for over a century we’re shocked, shocked I say, that you weren’t aware of this.
Porter typed: measure any temp change. There is none.
If you have already conducted the experiment you should share your video.
Anyway, here’s a video of a grammar school level experiment described by Bill Nye (to give you acute hypertension).
So why do the CO2 infused bottles warm more than the room air bottles? It’s almost as if something in the CO2 bottles is absorbing infrared radiation and slowing its exit through the glass or plastic sides.
I thought Nye was your mentor, nut job. As to the bottles. Are you real? If you infuse a material into a closed system, you get a temp rise. It does appear you reviewed the green house experiments and now know the whole carbon thing is a hoax.