…are wet rocks from climate fueled extra high king tides, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on why Progressives undermine civilization.

…are wet rocks from climate fueled extra high king tides, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on why Progressives undermine civilization.
Brandon’s Gestapo.

Hardee’s tweeted after the Mr Pillow kerfuffle: “Now that you know we exist… you should really try our pillowy biscuits.”
If you’re suspected of a serious crime you might expect some trouble with the police. He’s lucky he didn’t get “persuaded” to give up his phone when he told the police, “No!”.
So Rimjob supports the fascist state.

Fuck the 4th Amendment.
You got another election to steal, right?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Rand Paul smacks down Fauci again.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Put fauci in jail.
We’re saved! Brandon’s personal Gestapo went after the notorious Pillow Guy, leaving his angelic son safe…
Only “con” men would think that Sen Paul did anything but embarrass himself.
from the cited article:
Mic drop. LOL. Will Rand ever learn? Sounds as if Randy should have read that book. LOL. Rand Paul’s audience is the low information voters of KY, period. BTW, Rand Paul attended med school and is certified through the National Board of Ophthalmology (a group that he INVENTED and is president, his wife is VP and his daddy-in-law is secretary).
The only con men here are you and your fellow conspirators who bilked $100s of million$ from investors in your company.