This Brandon?
Biden took Air Force One – 747 to travel 110 miles to vote after he celebrated passing a $700 Bill funding climate change.
— ????????Brenda???????? (@SmellyCat2Sunny) September 14, 2022
Let’s see: he took Marine 1 to Andrews on Tuesday, jumped on a fossil fueled jumbo jet, taxied, took off, landed, parked, jumped in a large fossil fueled convoy. Voted. Then did it in reverse. Most likely with the backup jumbo jet and several fighter jets. Would have been better to just take the helicopter.
Oh, and flew back and forth to Detroit Wednesday to tour the auto show, where, per his schedule, “The President delivers remarks highlighting the electric vehicle manufacturing boom in America.” Bet he didn’t show up in an EV convoy. Nor take one over to a reception for the DNC. And
Biden administration seeks to lower industrial greenhouse gas emissions — and that won’t be easy
With the passage last month of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the federal government has taken its first major steps towards reducing greenhouse emissions from cars, houses and power plants by incentivizing the purchase of electric vehicles, solar panels, electric heat pumps and other existing technologies.
But after transportation and electricity generation, the next largest source of carbon dioxide emissions is the manufacture and refining of industrial products like iron and packaged foods. These processes all rely on the burning of fossil fuels in order to facilitate chemical reactions, emitting massive amounts of greenhouse gases as a result.
Collectively, industry accounts for 24% of annual U.S. emissions, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, compared to 25% for electric power and 27% for transportation, and lowering those emissions will be especially hard. Cutting fossil fuels out of industry is a more complicated task than switching to electric cars or replacing coal-fired power plants with wind farms, as it requires changing the way everything from plastics to cement are made.
Gee, that won’t cause prices to spike at all, right? The article delves more into what they’re going after, what they’ll be told to do by the Brandon admin, and it all means your cost of living will go up and products will be less available. Be funny if all these manufacturers decided to withhold their products and services from the U.S. government. Pretty sure the security fencing around his Rehoboth Beach house will require metal and concrete. Be a real shame if the manufacturers said “sorry, can’t supply it.”

Con: I’ll take global warming seriously when those who claim it’s serious take it seriously!!
Congress should pass a law preventing Democratic Executive Branch members from traveling. They should do all their communications by video, telecons or telepathy. Absolutely necessary travel MUST be by carbon neutral means. Bicycles, horses, electric vehicles (charged from renewables only).
Although these policies will reduce carbon pollution by only 0.004%, it will encourage at least 70 million American MAGAts to finally take global warming seriously.
Our madcap Missourian wrote:
I’m sure that you’ve heard that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
I’ve heard this argument before: why push for something with such a very small benefit when we need huge reductions in CO2 emissions? But the argument is really, why should we so seriously inconvenience Our Betters, who are doing great work for us?
Interestingly enough, the congressman the left all hate so much, libertarian Republican Thomas Massie of Kentucky, owns and drives a Tesla! That, of course, was his free choice, and he, and I, absolutely support the right of Americans to choose to decide between a plug-in electric, a hybrid — my older daughter has a 2018 Toyota Prius hybrid — and a gas-guzzling Ford F-150. If the plug-in electrics manage to improve the technology enough to persuade most Americans to buy plug-in electric vehicles, then Americans, even rock-ribbed conservatives, will buy them.
But no, the sage from St Louis, along with so many of our other friends on the left, want to take that choice away from people, want to force Americans to buy plug-in electric vehicles, whether that is what they want or not, whether such vehicles fit their needs or not.
Still, we must not inconvenience Our Betters, the way they would inconvenience us, as they take the oh-so-important decisions which are, after all, For Our Own Good.
The Kook from Kentucky suggests that the US President riding horses to meetings would inspire Americans!
The governments, state and federal, DO have an obligation to work for what’s best for America. Without constraints industries would have continued to pollute our waterways and air – would have continued to generate acid rain. Without global cooperation the hole in the ozone would continue to expand.
Although the US winger class claims that global warming is a hoax, reasonable people recognize that it’s real and a threat, not just to the US but to all nations. Deny it all you want, but that’s the fact, jack.
Given this reality, what are 8 billion humans to do? We could find a way to remove gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere and/or find a way to decrease the amount emitted while finding new ways to support the energy needs of the nation and world. We could reduce the energy requirements with more efficient end user devices.
There are two basic ways for governments to correct market failures such as negative externalities – ban something (banning dumping of pollutants) or use market forces (taxes on cigarettes decrease lung cancer). The governments are trying to use market forces to incentivize changes in behaviors. Government has subsidized the US auto and petrol industries for many, many decades. We’ve known for at least 40 years why the Earth is warming and done nothing – this is a trillion dollar subsidy! Governments add lanes and lanes and lanes to freeways making it easier to live 20, 30 or 50 miles from work.
Our homes, our transportations, our industries will need to be more efficient. We know, we know, China and India are big CO2 polluters and the world will need their cooperation too.
Con: Slash federal spending! Slash payments to “others”! Slash foreign payments! Slash Medicaid (except payments for mom’s nursing home)! End NIH, FBI, CIA, CDC, IRS, EPA, NCI, NSA, DEA, FEMA, ATF, ABC, CBS, NBC, NBA, CNN, FHA, FCC, FEC, SEC, DOJ, FEMA, TSA, DOT, HHS, DOE etc (but not ICE). But don’t touch MY Medicare, Social Security or Defense Spending (~ 75% of federal spending)!!
We’ll take cons seriously on federal spending when THEY act like federal deficits and debt are serious.
Actually, I agree with Dowd on his little rant. The GOP is no more serious about reducing the debt or slashing any of these organizations than are the Democrats.
It’s all showmanship for the voters, who are like ping pong balls in a wind storm of differing opinions.
Yet I have to agree with anyone who makes the statement…. “I’ll take global warming seriously when those who claim it’s serious take it seriously”
The AGW NAZI’S continue to decimate our economy while flying in jets and driving big cars and going on vacations and having huge homes and bbq’ing on the weekends and eating out and buying in abundance. They do not lead by example. They do not even attempt to lead by example. Until they do………WHAT ABOUT ISM while cute does not alter the fact that the FBI is still the FBI despite threats from the right to overhaul it.
Remember Jimmy Carter overhauled the CIA in the mid 70’s. Its not unheard of. The FBI needs the same. Drastically. The DOJ needs the same.
I will not hold my breath when the 2022 elections are over and all the promises made by the right do not get fulfilled. I imagine they will do one thing. Impeach Biden and spend two years doing that while doing nothing else. Why? Because anything they do other than investigate will get Veto’ed by Biden.
The production of Portland cement emits a lot of greenhouse gases, as the raw materials are heated to 2,200º F in a huge kiln, producing a clinker which then goes through a grinding mill. But, hey, not to worry, while we have several cement production facilities in eastern Pennsylvania, along with a big plant in Roanoke, employing Americans, those facilities can easily be replaced by cement production in Columbia, Venezuela and Greece.
We already import a fairly substantial amount of cement from overseas, and in the late 1990s I provided the concrete, in a seven-day, 24-hours a day pour, for the then-new cement silos to receive imported cement at the port of Newport News. The Roanoke Cement terminal in Norfolk also received a lot of imported cement, and I can still recall the day everyone cracked up when Sonny, one of our four cement tanker drives, announced on the radio that he was headed our way with a load of Columbian!
But, it’s OK: I’m sure that the Americans working at the Hercules and Essroc cement plants in eastern Pennsylvania will understand when the government makes it too expensive to produce cement domestically, and celebrate in solidarity with their fellow workers in South America, right?
“But don’t touch my Medicare or Social Security…” Correct-because we contributed to those programs
Commenter: we contributed to those programs
Yes. And most of us take out far more than they ever contributed. And Medicare is supplemented by other tax monies as well. You hate Social Security and Medicare but not enough to end the programs. Republicans occasionally say their objective is to end these programs but it’s just “virtue signaling” to their troops.
nuCons are suddenly against the invasion and occupation of foreign lands to the point of not even wanting to help defend other democracies from Russian invasions! But nuCons virtue signal by “supporting” defense spending!!
And how many rich nuGOPs were at the trough for PPP “loans” that were forgiven? tRump companies. Several Congresspersons. Lots of nuCons.
The sad fact is that nuGOPs overarching concern is power (Dems only slightly less so). They would like to take America back to the 90s – the 1890s. Every man for himself. Every woman doing as she is told. Non-white, non-christians, non-straight, need not apply.
We get it. You want spending cuts as long as it doesn’t affect you. You’re a hypocrite, Biden’s a hypocrite, we’re all hypocrites. Get over it.
Oh, good-we get to hear J go silent when asked for proof of his rants.
But the best has to be “GOP wants to take America back to the 90s”. I see-as opposed to libtards wanting to take America back several hundred years with the use of windmills? And take us back several hundred years by mandating unreliable wind and solar? The lack of self-awareness is astounding.
But let’s see-“every man for himself and women doing as told”. Have any examples? Of course you don’t..
Mx Jill,
Still phoning it in. DENY!
Jill imagines that women had a great in the 1890s. Her lack of self-awareness is astounding!
Jill typed: to take America back several hundred years with the use of windmills? And take us back several hundred years by mandating unreliable wind and solar?
Any credible evidence for your rant? Of course you don’t…
No, it wouldn’t.
A) It’s compulsion, the same force we object to when government pressure industry to align with their religions; and
B) That would only be 0.000% of the fools who be-LIEVE! in AGW.
According to Teach, cons will take global warming seriously when those urging them to start acting as if global warming is serious! Many connie elites say the same thing.
Are you saying that is just a rhetorical device? Just another attempt to smear those who actually understand global warming? Quite the accusation against your fellow deniers.
Like Rimjob, those who repress inconvenient facts or produce fictitious evidence to nourish a politically convenient story are simply not honest.
Ditto for Buddha boy Johnnie.
We’ll take it serious when the cult has some serious evidence that shows warming to be so dire.
Notice the phrase “those who actually understand global warming”. As if it takes a genius to understand a hoax. You don’t need science to understand this issue, just look at the end game. The one and only solution to the problem is not science, not some recapture mechanism. No, the only solution is global tyrannical government. Even the green weenies admit this would do little, but it must be done. Oh, and voluntary destruction of the wealth of the West. But that is ok as it is only white enough who would suffer and they got what they have on the backs of brown people.
You’re still an idiot.
So it’s a hoax because you don’t like the implications? Yeah, that’s real scientific of you.
After 2035 manufacturers will cease building ICE vehicles. It is not the left that forced them to make that decision it eas their accounts. Looking at tge future accountants just don’t see profitability in large scale production of fossil fuel burning vehicles.
Dana have you had any personal experience using the new green concrete? I read it is no more expensive because less cement must be used
Dana there are less than 13000 total workers manufacturing cement in the USA today.i am unsure how many live in the states you mentioned. Switch them over to green concrete today.
So, any evidence the GOP wants take women back to the 1890s, as you asserted? Or that I think they had it better then, which I never said? Reading comprehension is your friend, remember. Do I have credible evidence? Of course I do-I’m not a cult member. You denying that libs want to take us back in history to when windmills were used? Going to a more unreliable energy source is a step back in time, sorry
I love when he gets hysterical and begins to rant and rave crazy shit. It makes pushing his buttons all worth while. Especially when he starts making shit up and asserting crap you never said. Feels like victory.
Sorry-meant to say yes!