Democrats are really not taking this whole “busing illegals/migrants to Democratic Party run sanctuary areas” very well, eh? Perhaps Sacramento should be next on the list, perhaps the Fair Oaks region on the outskirts of Sacramento
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked the Department of Justice to look into whether sending migrants to other parts of the country constituted kidnapping or other federal crimes.
In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Newsom asked whether actions by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending illegal immigrants from their respective states to destinations such as New York City, Washington, D.C. Chicago, and Martha’s Vineyard were illegal.
“Several of the individuals who were transported to Martha’s Vineyard have alleged that a recruiter induced them to accept the offer of travel based on false representations that they would be transported to Boston and would receive expedited access to work authorization,” Newsom wrote. “I urge US DOJ to investigate whether the alleged fraudulent inducement would support charges of kidnapping under relevant state laws.”
Do Democrats understand just how bad this makes them look to the average citizen? Obviously, they couldn’t care less what Republicans think, but, what of the Independents and little D Democrats, who could flip their votes, or just sit out?
Just got off the phone with the @WhiteHouse. I’m asking the @TheJusticeDept to investigate Ron DeSantis’ political human trafficking.
— Nikki Fried (@NikkiFried) September 15, 2022
Not that this actually happened, but, perhaps Nikki could ask the White House who transported those illegals/migrants to Florida in the first place. And then
They don’t want them.
— HomoConNYC (@HomoConNYC) September 15, 2022
This is on the uber-rich island of Martha’s Vineyard. They just have to move on, you know.

One can almost smell the desperation of the Democrats over the coming November elections.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Illinois governor really really cares about the illegals too.

Bwaha! Lolgf
What would the DNC do when DeSantis and Abbott responded in kind and started arresting DHS agents for transporting children across state lines? Not arrests by the federales, but by State law enforcement, where they’d “be in the queue” awaiting trial with all the other criminals that violated state law.
Mayorkas would run out of human / child traffickers in a very short time.
How can it be kidnapping when the federal government does exactly the same thing every single day of the Biden Administration?
We don’t have housing for 50 more people.
Have they looked in their servant’s quarters? I find it hard to believe that a place like Martha’s Vineyard didn’t plan far enough ahead to build low cost housing for their servants. It’s not like all those people are going to cut their own grass or wash their own toilets.
Funny how it turns out the rich, White, democrat leftists turned out to be the biggest racists of them all. Sanctuary state, indeed!
Why would anyone seriously object to moving illegal aliens to locations where they would not be considered illegal. This is an opportunity to create a new live in the leftist paradise’s of the Northeast Democrat controlled empires. What is objectionable? It’s humane!!
Only a white racist could object!
DeSantis needs to label this “The New Underground Railroad”. Helping people who are not White escape poverty and oppressions to Northern States where they can live free.
Their property should be “Ketoed” and given to Trump to build “affordable housing”.
MEGA you lying hypocritical bastards.
LGB wrote:
In foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia, it’s those well-to-do white liberals who provide the winning margins for people like District Attorney Let ’em Loose Larry Krasner, because, in America’s most internally segregated city of over one million people, the robberies, shootings, muggings and rapes don’t occur in their neighborhoods; they occur down Strawberry Mansion and Kensington and West Philly, not Rittenhouse Square or Chestnut Hill. It’s easy to be sympathetic to the plight of poorer, black residents when they aren’t residents of your neighborhood.
The left have sold the cockamamie notion that “mass incarceration” is a bad thing, when the real problem is that not enough people are incarcerated, for not a long enough time. Thus the city sees the black neighborhoods more concerned about their black neighbors being locked up than their black neighbors being killed. After all, the dead man is already dead, so he doesn’t care anymore, so why should we provide the evidence against the gang-bangers and wannabes who killed him?
And besides, in democrat enclaves like Philly the dead keep on voting democrat for decades, maybe longer. So there’s no loss in constituency through death.
It seems that the Democrats who are so very, very supportive of illegal immigration are far less so when the illegal immigrants become their problems, become lodged in their neighborhoods.
There were reports that people on the buses o NYC were not allowed off in NC
Should that be considered kidnapping ?
Dear H:
No. It was a citizen arrest of law breakers.
There are currently in the USA 11 million jobs needing workers. Should they be allowed to work? Forced to work like native welfare receivers?
Dear H:
But but but you told us increasing the minimum wage would get people to take jobs.
The children sent to Msrtha’s Vinyard will begin school next Monday. The adults mostly from Venezuala were promised jobs at their destination. Is that fraud?
Sorry, Buddha boy.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Our Johnny boy worries about “fraud” in Martha’s Vineyard. Curiously, he isn’t worried about illegals crossing the border.
Pro tip, John-if they don’t cross the border illegally, then you don’t have to worry about imaginary fraud in MV.
Dear H:
“The adults mostly from Venezuala were promised jobs at their destination. Is that fraud?”
No, that s aiding and abetting criminals.
“The adults mostly from Venezuala were promised jobs at their destination. Is that fraud?”
Yes, it is fraud. Fraud against the American people. Fraud against any citizen looking for a job. And fraud against the law abiding tax payer you fool.
You really are a bitch for the left!
Absolutely DeSantis will be charged with hundreds of counts of kidnapping and put on trial and sentenced to 10000 years in federal prison.
that is after all how the left rolls. If you can’t beat your political opponent. Raid the. Try them and lock em up.
Lock him up! Lock him Up!
Behead him!
MARTHA’S VINEYARD, MA — In the wake of the arrival of scores of migrants on the island, Barack & Michelle Obama gave orders to their staff to immediately begin construction of new cages to house the influx of foreign nationals at their luxurious Matha’s Vineyard estate.
“It’s a tried and true method that we’ve had success with in the past,” President Obama was overheard telling the construction crew. “We want to make these incoming migrants feel just as welcome as the hundreds of thousands of migrants crossing the southern border, which means they will be kept in cages built by me, obviously.”
Though the wealthy Martha’s Vineyard population seemed troubled to suddenly have to deal with the type of problems normally reserved for the common folk of the United States, the Obamas welcomed the opportunity to have more cheap labor around their palatial grounds. “It’s so hard to find good help these days,” Michelle Obama sighed during her morning inspection of the landscaping. “Having a regular influx of house servants may actually work in our favor.”
Thanks the Bee.