How many different ways are there to say that these people are nuts? This is some serious 7 beers short of a 6 pack stuff
Scorecard grades toilet paper brands in terms of climate change impact
Americans use an estimated 36.5 billion rolls of toilet paper every year and the average consumer will go through the equivalent of 384 trees just for toilet paper in the course of a lifetime. Deforestation causes a range of environmental problems, including loss of wildlife habitats and biodiversity. It also contributes to climate change, since trees absorb and store carbon dioxide, which is the most common greenhouse gas.
If only the toilet paper companies would do things like replant trees. Oh, and when are Warmists giving up their own use of toilet paper?
Amid a growing interest in which brands use the best sustainability practices, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), an environmental advocacy organization, analyzed the sourcing of the largest brands of toilet paper, facial tissue and paper towels on the U.S. market. Its resulting scorecard, released on Wednesday, gives failing sustainability grades to most of the biggest household names.
The four-largest name brands in the country — Angel Soft, Charmin, Cottonelle, and Quilted Northern — all received an F.
Will this stop anyone from using them? How about you Warmists, will you switch?
“As this year’s scorecard shows, the largest tissue brands in America are failing the climate, communities, and biodiversity by continuing to create their products from forests like the Canadian boreal, which stores more carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem,” wrote NRDC’s Ashley Jordan in a blog post explaining the ratings. The largest brands, she added, are made “almost exclusively from virgin forest fiber and fail to avoid sourcing from primary forests.”
And your bum thanks them, especially the morning after a spicy dinner
Of the 58 types of toilet paper scored by NRDC, 12 received either an A or A+ because they are made from post-consumer recycled paper. The vast majority of those are specifically eco-conscious products, including Green Forest, Natural Value, Nature’s Promise, Seventh Generation Soft and Strong, and Marcal 100% Recycled.
Most of those tend to be either more expensive, fall apart too easy, or not as soft. Or all three.
Some environmental experts say that replanting is not an adequate substitute for preserving existing trees. Cutting down trees can destroy wildlife habitats, which are not immediately replaced by a much younger and smaller tree in its place. A 2019 study also found that new trees have less nutrients, due to the effect of logging on soil. Replanted trees are often also all of the same species, creating a less rich ecosystem than what is found in nature and making the forest more susceptible to infestation by fungus or invasive species.
Aren’t carbon credits and offsets based on planting trees? Sigh. Anyhow, these people are just wackadoodle for grading toilet paper, paper towels, and facial tissues. They really are. These are people who’s lives are so good that they can waste time like this.

Shit happens.
Our esteemed host quoted:
Clearly, clearly! Governor Newsom and the state Assembly will have to mandate the installation of bidets in all new construction, and in all public restrooms.
Oh, wait, the Pyrite State is also suffering through a drought, and the water supply can’t really support a bidet mandate!
My nephew, who finally installed a septic tank and indoor toilet in his cabin — because his last girlfriend insisted, I believe — has an outhouse on his
mountaintophilltop property, and right outside the outhouse is a smaller maple tree. If there’s no TP in the outhouse, all you have to do is reach outside and, shazamm! you can grab a few maple leaves to use instead. Alas! maple leaves are slicker on the top than TP, so they don’t do quite as good a job of removing, errr, waste from below your waist.Fortunately, Nate’s outhouse does not face the cabin, but is perpendicular to it, because the door is an all-glass storm door. Not a lot of privacy while you poop.
[…] Pirates Cove: Not the TP […]