…are horrible plastic stools made from fossil fuels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on lies, damned lies, and climate statistics.
It’s shorts week!

…are horrible plastic stools made from fossil fuels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on lies, damned lies, and climate statistics.
It’s shorts week!
Teach: horrible plastic stools
So you think those barstools are plastic? You should get out more. There’s more plastic in the teenager’s bra than in the bar.
No one has said it better…
I Voted for Trump — Twice. I Was a Right-wing Pundit. I Was Dead Wrong About All of It I was all-in on Donald Trump’s lies, well after Jan. 6. What opened my eyes? Gather round and I’ll tell you
The Democrats do not have all or even most of the answers. But the nuGOP has none. It has become a cult movement behind the One True Leader, Donald John Trump, who will destroy America if he must.
Here’s the deal. A Trump presidency is the end of American democracy, as the nuGOP will no longer allow anyone else to win an election. If Biden or Pritzker or Harris or Newsom is elected they can be defeated in four more years because they are committed to democracy. The nuGOP is not.
That testimony is really a bunch of bullshit. Do you really believe that that bull shit is real? It is pure propaganda. And it is in the Salon, you can’t get more left wing.
If Trump does not prevail, then we are looking at the end of our country.
The brain washed troll believes everything any leftist writes from Stalin to pedo joe and nothing by anyone else. That silly cut and paste comment of dowds is a prime example of his inability to think for himself. Hell, I figure it was from a leftist version of the Babylon Bee.
I know I keep saying they are all liars but just look at it!
Rimjob posts a copy&paste of another propaganda piece from Salon.

Real convincing argument only for a dumbass such as himself.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Do you DENY that Rich Logis wrote the article in Salon? MAGAts just DENY anything that makes them uncomfortable.
Rich Logis is a real person and writes for The Federalist.
Like many conservatives, Mr Logis is outraged by the threat to America, Don tRump, and those that support him unquestioningly.
Anyone who believes trump won the election is delusional.
Election Interference: DOJ/FBI Carpet-Bombed

Bwaha! Lolgf
Bwaha! Lolgf
Does Governor DeSantis know about this? Disney just injected CRT into The Little Mermaid by making Ariel a Black girl in the new version!
As good conservatives point out, Hans Christian Anderson was Danish, therefore white, therefore the Little Mermaid is white!
And everyone knows mermaids are white.
Anyway, this is just “woke” Disney attacking whites. Imagine little white girls seeing this – how do they feel seeing a Black Ariel?
Representative Boebert (R-CO) at the Truth and Liberty Coalition in Woodland Park, Colorado, on September 9:
“It’s time for us to position ourselves and rise up and take our place in Christ and influence this nation as we were called to do.”
“We need God back at the center of our country.”
“We know that we are in the last of the last days, but it’s not a time to complain about it. It’s not a time to get upset about it. It’s a time to know that you were called to be a part of these last days. You get to have a role in ushering in the second coming of Jesus.”
America is a Representative Democracy AND a Constitutional Republic. Many of the Founding Fathers considered pure democracy equivalent to “mob rule” where the great unwashed could make law taking from the wealthy.
The MAGOP wants to drown the vestiges of democracy because the old GOP had become an isolated minority that had foregone trying to attract new supporters (voters). MAGAts may be ruthless and cruel, but they are not stupid. Any level of democratic principle is their true enemy thus, Stop the Steal!
And yes, the Founding Fathers rigged the system to temper the passions inherent in “mob rule” with the Electoral College system, 6 yr Senate terms, 2/3rd majority votes etc.
The MAGOP is just attempting the rig the system a bit more in their favor with voting restrictions, controlling the vote “counters”, state level MAGAt control of election laws AND the constant refrain that our democracy is obsolete.
We know how this turns out-what voting restrictions and proof that anything is actually restricted?
“State level control of election laws” . Well Mr. genius, that’s how the Constitution set it up. States can set their own rules as long as the don’t run afoul of federal laws.
Donald Q Trump has gone full QAnon. Where We Go One, We Go All! He’s been sporting a Q pin of late and is parroting QAnon “The Storm is Coming!” memes.
“The Storm” is that time when Trump recaptures the presidency, apprehending thousands of satanic cabal of pedophiles and cannibals who conspired to oust Trump. The captured members of the cabal will be executed in public. The Hollywood and Democrat cabal extracts adrenochrome from tortured children and and ingests it to stay young. According to QAnon acolytes, Child Protective Services (CPS) is the kidnaping arm of the cabal. There is an underground child prison under NYC.
Trump is the One who will destroy the cabal and its members as he rides into DC on the shoulders of his foot soldiers!
Hey government gun grabbers!
In my gun safes in the basement we keep:
2 30-30 lever action Winchesters
1 Remington 1100 12g
1 Colt .38 Police Special
1 Remington 1100 20g
1 Remington 870 12g
1 16g double
1 7mm08
2 30.06
1 .22 bolt action
Several 50 cal black powder rifles, 1 pistol
Limited ammo for most.
Thinking of getting a .243 for grandkids
Only the 1100s are semi-auto
I’m so shocked..so in other words no evidence of “voting restrictions” or evidence that voting was restricted, or that states are illegally altering voting laws? Or in the case of voting laws were you referring to judges and governors, mostly in blue states, altering election procedures when the Constitution says state legislators must do that? If that was the case, then you were correct