You just knew this was coming, right? It’s traditional. Expected. Invariable. Unfailing. The climate cult’s orthodoxy
Hurricane Fiona is a harbinger of climate future
For the second time in five years, Puerto Rico has been blasted with a massive hurricane, causing widespread flooding and power outages, and the increasing severity of these storms is caused by climate change, according to studies.
The island, a U.S. territory that has still not fully recovered from Hurricane Maria in 2017, was hit by Hurricane Fiona on Monday. Parts of Puerto Rico received 30 inches of rain, causing landslides and overflowing rivers. Some rural roads have become impassable and have stranded residents. As of Tuesday morning, 1.17 million of Puerto Rico’s 1.47 million utility customers were without electricity, according to estimates from
Hundreds of Puerto Ricans have been forced from their homes, and the storm is gaining strength as it moves eastward to the Dominican Republic and north to the Turks and Caicos Islands. The U.S. National Hurricane Center warned of “life-threatening” flooding in those nations on Tuesday. Now a Category 3 storm, with winds reaching 115 miles per hour, it has caused deaths in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Guadeloupe. (snip)
The Caribbean has always experienced hurricanes in late summer, but the storms have become more intense, on average, as a result of global warming. For each additional degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) of temperature, the air holds 7% more moisture. More water in the air leads to stronger storms. According to NASA, the average global temperature has risen by 1.1 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit) since the Industrial Revolution, as humans have emitted heat-trapping gases by burning fossil fuels.
Storms are also made stronger by warmer ocean temperatures, which provide the energy that powers hurricanes.
Just because someone says something doesn’t mean it’s true. Yes, temperatures have risen, but, there’s no hard proof obtained using the scientific method that it was mostly/solely caused by the actions of mankind, especially fossil fuels. If fossil fuels are so bad then why haven’t all the Warmists stopped using them themselves? The first recorded was Hurricane San Roque in August of 1508. And many since, because of where Puerto Rico is. Though, it doesn’t get as many as you would think because of different factors. The strongest was Hurricane San Felipe II in 1928, the only category 5, which killed 312 (Maria in 2017 was a category 4 at landfall).
Last year, a study of satellite images going back to 1979, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed that climate change had increased the chance that a hurricane would reach Category 3 or higher by roughly 8% each decade. A Category 3 hurricane is defined as one with sustained winds of at least 110 mph.
What about all the other storms since the beginning of the Modern Warm Period in 1850? Can we compare this to tropical systems in the Little Ice Age? How about the Medievel Warm Period and Roman Warm Period? Rather important to have those baselines and comparisons, to see if this is different. Of course, the climate cultists need neither science nor proof, because it’s all about scaremongering.

Remember when Trump tried to change the track of a hurricane simply by using a shape on a weather map?
No John, I don’t remember that. You were likely stoned. Go back to sleep.
Wow. Your mind has turned into garbage. You need to stop drinking.
Early voting starts FRIDAY – – Republicans fly those American Flags if you want to win. . . .
I have a friend in Newfoundland, and she might get hit!
Remember when libs claimed there was a Trump-Russia “collusion”? No evidence of that, no evidence of stronger or more frequent hurricanes
Of course there was evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, cooperation, association, collaboration… whatever you wish to call it.
You may not understand the meaning of evidence. That Donald Q Jr met with Russian agents to get “dirt on Hillary” is evidence.
Trump agent Roger Stone was in direct communication with the Russian GRU agents. Stone was convicted on 7 felony counts, but tRump pardoned him.
No, that is a lie. Trump was our best president.
Again Rimjob intimating Mueller lied in his sworn testimony.
Such a tool. LOL.

That’s exactly what tRump (aka King Jesus) says, too.
His followers seem to say the same things he says.
Alan and Csrol Ann would yku like a link to Trump’ doctored hurricane path?
Here is one BUT of course you really should double check yourselves using your fav search engine.
Feb 1 2020
Newly released NOAA emails reveal anger and confusion around Trump”s “doctored” hurricane Doriam map
I really am surprised you can’t remember SHARPIEGATE
now people will think ykur memories might be faulty.
And Caroline, hard to upset me with personal insults,I always reflect on why that insult was chosen. Was it because at sometime in the past it was one that hurt you the most?
I do vaguely remember sharpiegate. First it was a fraud which is why it lasted all of a day or two and second you didn’t say sharpiegate you left it open therefore up for guesses.
It was not meant as an insult it was meant as a snide remark but you are welcome to take it any way you want. BTW, I don’t drink nor use drugs. Never have.
FOX probably didn’t cover when Donald Q Trump presented a Hurricane Dorian track prediction that mysteriously reached all the way into Alabama just as tRump said it would!
Of course, the hurricane did not touch Alabama. Trump put pressure on NOAA to support his tweet about Alabama, which they did.
Trump misspoke and rather than admit his mistake, he “found” a hurricane track map with a crudely drawn bleb that included Alabama and then forced NOAA to agree. Chief of Staff Mulvaney called Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross and told him that NOAA had to support Trump’s version. NOAA released a statement agreeing with trump’s false claim. The Ministry of Truth!
Hey dowd, who the hell cares? That was yeas ago. Get over it asshole. You are so full of hate you smell like shit.
You can’t say anything good about that evil piss pants pedo joe so all you do is dwell in the past with Trump, Trump, Trump. Grow up already. America was a better, stronger less contentious place when Trump was boss. This old limp dick shit pants is killing our country.
The very fact you have nothing positive to say about Trump OR pedo joe proves you’re an idiot.
We think you just want to date Trump.
MAGA, moron.
The “left” says a lot of things that I do not agree with.
Do you agree with everything that the right says? Or would you simply laugh when Marjorie Taylor Greene says that the Cali wild fires were caused by space lasers controlled by Jews?
Is that another preposterous assortation or did she actually the fires were caused by space lasers controlled by Jews because I don’t remember seeing that on MSNBC? If so when and where and to whom?
If someone was serious and said that they’re a nut but other than that I’d laugh. The left OTOH gets “outraged” over silly stuff.
Do you think it was right for the Vineyard billionaires to have the military force the illegals into a military concentration camp? I do. Those fukers shouldn’t be in America to begin with. If they don’t like it send them the hell home.
It was a facebook post from 2018, since removed (or scrubbed).
In the post, which has now been deleted, Greene implied that the Rothschilds, a wealthy Jewish banking family frequently referred to in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric), space solar power company Solaren, and California officials all had a hand in profiting from the fires.
“Then oddly there have been all these people who have said they saw what looked like lasers or blue beams of light causing the fires, and pictures and videos. I don’t know anything about that but I do find it really curious that PG&E’s partnership with Solaren on space generators starting in 2009. They announced the launch into space in March 2018, and maybe even put them up before that.”
There’s no question that Greene is a nut.
Obsess much?
So you accused a person of some silly shit and used the old “it was scrubbed” excuse to NOT produce evidence? What would you say if one of us did that?
Discussing anything with you is an exercise in futility. If you don’t start out believing it, you will never be convinced otherwise and if you started out not believing it you will never be convinced otherwise. You are a single minded fool unmoved by facts or circumstances. You probably believe the people in Martha’s Vineyard were fully justified in having the military take those illegals to a military camp. Save MV because they’re rich, White leftists. You are all liars.
We just witnessed a guy run down and kill a kid because he thought he was “an extreme Republican”. But we’re the danger to “democracy” (spit). The only riot you ever think about was Jan 6 yet your people rioted for months, burning, looting and killing at will. But Jan 6 was an “insurrection” of unarmed old people and guys with buffalo heads on. You’re an unstable idiot.
Sorry, but L.G.Brandon, Kye, dave, drowningpuppies and all the rest are 100% correct about you. You are irredeemable.
Of course, California state government DID have a lot to profit from the fires, as they fined PG&E multiple millions of dollars for failing to keep their right-of-ways clear. And of course the California state environmental agencies made it difficult for PG&E to keep their right-of-ways clear.
CarolAnn typed: So you accused a person of some silly shit and used the old “it was scrubbed” excuse to NOT produce evidence?
Read this linked article, the facebook post is there.
She has other wacky writings.
Trumpists no longer recognize reality. And yes, tRump and his fervent believers (those who still claim he won the election) are a danger to American democracy. Trumpists are authoritarians.
You bitch about something stupid Trump said 5 years ago while you worship at the feet of your god Sponge Brain Shit Pants. Look at this example of your god prancing around like the senile fool he is.
Yeah, we’re WATCHING you alright Mr. President……
We’re watching you embarrass this country with our allies overseas.
We’re watching you bankrupt our children’s’, grandchildren’s’, and likely great grandchildren’s’ future with the amount of new federal debt you are ringing up.
We’re watching you break your promise to low income families, not to impose new taxes on them, but that’s exactly what this government-created inflation that we are dealing with, is.
We’re watching you open up our Southern border to millions of unskilled, uneducated people, along with dangerous cartel and gang members, making it so much easier to bring fentanyl into this country, which is the number one killer of people 18-40. And how many more Islamic terrorists need to be caught sneaking into the country, before you and your fellow dems give up on the idea of illegal immigration boosting the number of democrat voters in the future?
We’re watching you perpetuate the war in the Ukraine, to enrich the military equipment contractors, and watching huge lump sums of taxpayer money being shoveled to the Ukraine government, no doubt as hush money, to keep all of the dirty dealings of the DC pols in Ukraine of recent years with the Bidens , under wraps.
We’re watching Mr. President. And I’ve come to the conclusion that your true purpose in remaining in office and not being impeached for all of the above and more, is that you are there to make that phony clown Obama look good by comparison. LGB is right, you’re all liars.
CarolAnn typed: We’re watching you bankrupt our children’s’, grandchildren’s’, and likely great grandchildren’s’ future with the amount of new federal debt you are ringing up.
Annual deficits accumulate and form the national debt.
The annual deficit was $500 billion when Mr Trump took office and was over $3000 billion (that’s over $3 trillion overspent in a single year!!) when he left, the largest non-wartime increase in history. In fact, the 2021 deficit was less than the 2020 deficit and the 2022 deficit less than in 2021.
In tRump’s defense he signed huuuge welfare spending bills to fund payments to people and businesses hurt by the pandemic and responses.
CarolAnn: you embarrass this country with our allies overseas
America’s allies appear to be pleased with President Brandon. Ukraine is kicking Putin’s butt. European nations are lining up to join NATO.
The rest are just your opinions, so who cares.
More Rimjob nonsense.

Another silly rant from Elwood. Everything you wrote is either a lie or a distortion of the truth. But we understand that since everything you believe is either a lie or a distortion of the truth. It’s that way with all communists.
She may be kooky about some things, but she’s no worse than Democrats that think islands will tip over or that defunding police will reduce crime. And frankly, she’s more often right than not on most things. Unlike Elwood.
Allies DO NOT seem pleased with sleepy joe nor is the Ukraine kicking “Putins” ass. Unless you believe the American propaganda which of course you do since propaganda is all you read and listen to on TV.
We’ve been telling you about the fake plague but it wasn’t over till Monday when pedo joe declared it, right? He’s an idiot and you’re a fool for following him like some god.