…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A Bad American (new to the feedreader, go ahead and follow), with a post on the MSM being stupid over the Italy election.

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A Bad American (new to the feedreader, go ahead and follow), with a post on the MSM being stupid over the Italy election.
Governor DeSantis just thanked President Biden for federal help! DeSantis also promised that the federal government will use disaster funds to help Floridians.
Also, thousands of National Guard members are being called in to control the citizenry!
They are asking those who sheltered in place (defying the mandates) to let the authorities know where you are. Yeah, right! They’ll send in the National Guard to round you up.
We know how to read the news Jeff. Is that a new experience for you?
Fish-belly White,
Actually, I saw the Governor on TV. DeSantis was effusive in his praise of the Feds. Remember how connies abandoned Gov Christie when he walked in NU with President Obama after superstorm Sandy?
I do believe you can read, Fish-belly, but something happens from the time the image hits your retina until it’s interpreted by your “brain”.
Funny! Just earlier today.
Guess Brandon was even catching flak from his own party over this.
Nice try, Rimjob.
Hunter, the gift that keeps on giving.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Brandon finally topped “Stand up, Chuck”.
That boy just ain’t right.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Thanks for the h/t!
R.I.P. Dr. Tim Ball.
A true intellectual. Are you sure his death was natural, ie Hillary.
david7134 typed: A true intellectual.Are you sure his death was natural, ie Hillary.
Ball was 83. He had been a professor of geography from 1988 through 1996 and claimed he had a PhD in climate science (he didn’t). He was a fervent global warming denier and anti-evolutionist.
As always Rimjob plays fast and loose with the facts.
Read the above article from the Manhattan Contrarian.

What, do you hold a negative dossier on anyone right of Stalin? You can even find ways to slander a dead guy before his body cools. The commies got a windfall of bullshit propaganda when you joined the party.
You have to be the nastiest and most close minded clown on the net.
It’s not defamation if it’s true. (It is).
Mr Ball was a serial defamer, himself.
[…] Pirates Cove wants to know if we see THIS WOMAN, and, this woman, and, also, this woman […]