It’s rather surprising that CNN isn’t losing their minds over this
Liberal, female and minority: America’s new gun owners aren’t who you’d think
Several times a week you can hear gunfire echoing from Brandi Joseph’s scenic Southern California property. A licensed firearms instructor and dealer, Joseph decided to open Fortune Firearms in December to serve a growing and rapidly changing clientele.
“There is a huge uptick in female owners,” Joseph said. “Women are getting trained; women are carrying… liberal and conservative.”
Proof of that change pulled up Joseph’s long, dusty driveway in the San Jacinto Valley just before 10 a.m. for a Saturday social, of sorts. A group of seven African American women stepped out of their cars seemingly eager to start their first firearms training session.
“Our society and climate is changing… it’s just better to be prepared for your own safety and protection. That’s how we feel,” Laronya Day, who organized the outing, said.
Especially if you are living in a liberal area where the government enables criminal behavior
“Do you have some friends who would be totally turned off by this?” we asked Charlean Ward. “Absolutely,” she responded. “That’s their choice; I’m exercising my choice.”
Good for you, Charlean. And this could become a big problem for the Democrats looking to band/limit/tax lawful firearms owners and purchasers
About an hour east of Los Angeles, Yessica Mendez and her wife Crisia Regalado met with their instructor Tom Nguyen at Burro Canyon Shooting Park. But Regalado, 25, admits she at first wanted nothing to do with guns.
“Just the sounds… the vibrations of each impact… made me very jittery and shaky and I had to excuse myself out of the range,” Regalado recalled. “I don’t know, it just triggered something inside of me and it made me scared.”
Mendez, 30, was equally disinterested in guns at first. But in recent years she’s felt a growing need for self-protection.
“I’m a Mexican woman in a same-sex relationship; I need to feel safe. I need to feel protected,” Mendez said. “And right now the laws and the things that are going on don’t make me feel safe and don’t make me feel protected.”
It would be great if we only needed firearms for hunting and having fun at the range. Of course, there are always Bad People out there, and Democratic Party policies makes them more prevalent.
“I never intended to become an instructor, but the need from the community was there,” Nguyen said. “And there’s also folks from my own liberal community who see me as, ‘oh you like guns you must be a gun nut.’ But that’s not really it at all.”
Nguyen says his clients are mostly liberal and from all backgrounds, genders and sexual orientations. He prides himself on creating an inclusive student base.
“The more I educate those who are formally anti-gun the more they actually realize that there’s more nuance to it,” he said.
The nuance is that you have the Constitutional Right to a firearm
Both Mendez and Regalado now have their own guns and are working toward getting their concealed carry permits. But they avoid talking about their guns with friends, who they say are firmly anti-gun.
“They’re really not open to understanding,” Mendez said. Adding that she feels more comfortable discussing her same-sex relationship with friends than her guns. “I definitely am more closeted being a gun owner, for fear of retaliation.”
If your friends won’t accept you, then they aren’t really your friends, and don’t believe in the Constitution
Both Mendez and Regalado at first worried about the type of people they encounter at the gun range, many of whom, they say, advertise their conservative politics in what they’re wearing or listening to.
“It’s mostly all men, mostly all white men, older men like 70s, 80s,” Mendez said. “Seeing people looking at us, and kind of just staring… It always makes us more uncomfortable. Because we’re like, ‘oh my God are they going to come and tell us, like, get out of here… you don’t belong here.’”
Instead, they’ve gotten a different reaction.
“They’re like, ‘Hey, you’re doing well, but can I show you something that might help you more?,” Mendez said.
Mendez says not only has it changed her impression of those individuals, but she also believes it’s given some a different perception of people like her.
“When I (came) back the next day, (one of the men) was like, ‘Hey! I saw your wife out there – she looks nice. Tell her I said ‘hi’.”
And right there is a big problem: liberals, mostly the more hardcore, do not think they can be friends, or even friendly, with people who do not have the same beliefs. The Otherize them, and the Others are verboten. Republicans are considered to be Evil. Most Republicans couldn’t care less. We only care if you’re trying to get government to tell us how we live our lives.
The article goes on to note the high rate of purchase by blacks, Asians, Latinos, and that around half of them in the past few years are women. And a goodly chunk are being quiet about it, because they are Democratic Party voters. Good for them. Many Conservatives were originally liberals, who were boned by liberal policies. Like Democratic Party soft on crime policies.

Makes perfect sense. The lesson of democratic controlled cities is: you are on your own. They defunded police and threatened them with jail if they hurt a black person. Then opened the borders to hoards of poor unskilled third worlders and criminals with no background checks. Residents of those neighborhoods got the message loud and clear. Call 911 all you like. No one is comming. And federal police are all busy persecuting the Trump administration. Self protection from the Hell democrats have made is their only option.
From Steve Keeley of Philadelphia’s Fox 29 News:
As a Southerner would say, Mayor Jim Kenney, District Attorney Larry Krasner, and Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw have done a fine, fine, superfine job!
There are still three months left in the year, and the carjacking numbers are well into annual record territory. Is it any surprise that Philadelphians are arming themselves in record numbers?
A person’s automobile is a major investment, normally the most expensive thing they own other than their house. It’s not like someone stealing a wallet, with maybe a couple hundred bucks in it, and credit cards which can be quickly cancelled; a car or truck can be upwards of $40,000, and it’s something most people have to have. Not only do they lose what they have invested, but they have to go out and buy another. People need their cars, to get to work, to get groceries, to do most things in modern life, and people think that they have to defend themselves and their property from the local thugs stealing from them. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
Of course, being armed might not do them any good. The victims are caught by surprise, and their weapons are normally secured a bit out of easy reach, while the thugs already have their guns out. Most people aren’t trained in quick response or the use of firearms. But if it makes them feel better, it does.
Have any commenters here been the victim of a crime where having a firearm would have helped?
I was carjacked at gunpoint by a black teenager some 25 years ago and even if I’d had a pistol on the seat next to me at the ready it’s likely one or both of us would be dead.
Like with the rest of your comments, you probably made up that story.
Thanks, Rimjob.
Kenosha Kid.
Dear Elwood:
Please give us a description of how it went down.
Spoken like a true untrained gun owner.
Self-defense is about choosing the right time to react.
It is against the law to be a victim of a crime and shoot someone who is running away…….UNLESS…the unless is where being trained comes in. If someone robs you and then runs away….they are not a threat and YOU will be the one going to jail OR be caught up in an expensive civil action if you shoot them.
It is against the law to brandish a gun, as in having it on the front seat of your car in plain sight in many, many states. You cannot pull a gun and point it at someone in an argument unless they are attacking you and you think you are in danger for your life.
Most gun laws and self-defense are against the defender and in favor of the perp. I suppose this is necessary to keep people from mowing each other down on the subway….oh wait you can get raped on the subway but it is against the law to carry a weapon on the subway unless you are a thug. So no defending yourself there.
If someone is destroying your car on your property it is against the law to shoot them and questionable to brandish a gun to chase them off, which would be a stupid thing to do since they might pull out a gun and MOW YOU DOWN.
It is against the law to shoot someone who is breaking into your shed, car, or place of business when no one is present. (Kyle Rittenhouse did not shoot anyone for doing any of these things.) Shooting them for doing so will only land YOU in jail for murder.
Dowd for someone who claims you own weapons you are horribly uneducated in what it means to actually use a weapon to defend yourself.
The left is using SENSITIVE PLACES as a reason not to be able to carry a weapon. The thinking is that they can make laws to make almost every place but the forest a sensitive place, thus outlawing weapons without going against the SCOTUS.
I have a Concealed Carry Permit. There are many places that I cannot carry. A Store or business must post a sign that says no weapons allowed in a PROMINENT PLACE and it must be an authorized sign, not some sign made with a magic marker.
If they ask you to leave because you are carrying. You must leave or face trespassing charges and go to jail and lose your Permit.
Practicing shooting is also a Must. I put about 100 rounds a week down range with my Glock 19 or Sig 365. I can draw and fire and hit a perp in the head at 30 feet. In a real-life scenario, I would go for center mass. Well, at least a man-sized target at that range. The optimal distance you have to stop a charging bad guy before he bowls you over and turns a gunfight into an MMA ground and pound.
IF you choose to shoot in self-defense you need to be sure you are using hollow points as opposed to Full Metal jackets you would typically use for training due to costs. That is so they do not go right thru the perp and kill someone standing behind them. You also need to make sure of your surroundings. Jumping into a third-party encounter without fully understanding what is going on could land you dead or you could end up shooting the wrong person.
Knowledge is king. Training is a must. Otherwise just having a pistol on your seat is an invitation to join the other guy in the prison yard during exercise time.
My sympathy is muted since liberals generally have no issue with proclaiming their beliefs loudly and calling me names when I question them.
a car or truck can be upwards of $40,000, and it’s something most people have to have. Not only do they lose what they have invested, but they have to go out and buy another. People need their cars, to get to work, to get groceries, to do most things in modern life, and people think that they have to defend themselves and their property from the local thugs stealing from them.
For just a moment thee I thought you were referring to the climate nuts trying to force us from our cars and into new EV’s just to hurt the average guy economically. The similarity is astounding.
Most of my lib friends here already have guns. I do. My sons do. My daughter used to teach a gun safety class.
Why do you suppose that the US has the highest violent crime rate of any advanced nation?
Why do you suppose that the US has the highest suicide rate of any advanced nation?
Why do you suppose that the US has the highest rate of accidental firearms death of any advanced nation?
Why do you suppose that the US has the highest rate of mass shootings of any advanced nation? (The Onion: There’s Nothing We Can Do! says the only nation where mass shootings routinely occur)
More guns = fewer crimes! Is our problem that we still don’t have enough guns?
Less poverty = few crimes! Maybe it’s worth a try.
C’mon Rimjob you already know the answers to your repeated rhetorical questions.
Climate change, you silly fuck.
Less guns, fewer REPORTED crimes.
Less poverty, but we solved poverty.
Professor Hale politely asked you to stop spewing expletives.
Did he?
That horse has already left the fucking barn.
Did he also politely request that you start telling the truth?
I think he was referring to communication between normal people, that is not you. He does not have 15 years of your calling commenters wives whores and your other trash. But, don’t worry, the rest of us are polite to each other.
I was referring to everyone. The advice to be your better self is not limited to times when you are just around people you like. Nor it is limited to some people and not others.
It is never too late to resolve to be better next time. A horse that has left the barn can always return. Basic courtesy is about the kind of person you are, not about the person you are talking to. no one needs to earn courtesy.
I did not ask people to stop lying or committing other criminal infractions. One step at a time.
The Code:
Rimjob is the exception.
Does the 2nd Amendment guarantee gun ownership tights for rights for ALL citizens? Or just those whom the government decided are “good” citizens. If you go by the strict wording it seems to indicate that no infringements are allowed
Is that what you believe ?
Every black, every woman, every minority, every LGBTQ should be armed to protect themselves from the coming MAGAt riots.
Protect themselves FROM the coming insurrection, REALLY? They start riots. They commit most crimes. Most of them are in possession of weapons. Few of them can pass a background check.
Every black is armed you blind fool. Look at this guy.
Think he’s a “MAGAt” you stupid fool? No he’s a voting democommie encouraged by a-holes like you. I’m ashamed he’s black.
He’ll be out in an hour and disappear.
This idiot doesn’t represent all Black men. He does not represent you. The police officers rescued him!
Only racists think that all Blacks are criminal.
Should all white men be ashamed of stupid and criminal white men of which there are millions?
Should all white men be ashamed of stupid and criminal white men of which there are millions?
YES! Criminal white men are no better than criminal black men. Your question is racist.
The question is not racist.
The point is that whites don’t consider white criminals like Epstein, Flynn, Madoff, Adam Lanza, Capone, McVeigh, Gacy, Manson, Ken Lay, Bernie Ebbers, Richard Scrushy, Tom Petters to reflect negatively on all white men. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t criticize them.
Do you believe that Black men are inherently more criminal than white men?
Should all white men be ashamed of stupid and criminal white men of which there are millions?
We oppose background checks. They are unconstitutional.
In case you missed it: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Our most important amendment says nothing about background checks. What part of “… shall not be infringed”, do you not understand? Background checks, age restrictions, restrictions on actions, citizenship restrictions, etc are unconstitutional. In fact, one could make the case that the Constitution instructs that EVERY American resident should be issued a firearm!
There is nothing wrong with or unconstitutional about reasonable requirements for the exercise of rights in my opinion. I see where Elwood automatically dials it up to eleventeen and leaves reasonable in the rear view mirror. That figures since when one can’t intellectually debate Alinsky suggests he ridicule. Congratulations Elwood, you are now a full fledged Alinskyist propagandist.
We believe in “common sense” regulations like; 15 year olds shouldn’t vote and 10 year olds shouldn’t be taught sodomy in school. Maybe compromises like those are too fair and equitable for fanatics like you.
There are differing opinions on what is considered reasonable, and that’s the rub. We rely on the Supreme Court to decide what is reasonable.
A clear majority of Americans believe that thorough background checks and restrictions on AR-15 type rifles are “reasonable”. A clear majority of Americans believe that abortions are “reasonable”.
Politics is the art of deciding where the lines of “compromise” are set.
Your “common sense” may not represent everyone’s.
BTW, isn’t “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”, pretty clear? Yet, we restrict fully automatic weapons, certain types of ammo and try to keep firearms from felons, children, mentally ill etc.
BTW, the Constitution doesn’t dictate what is constitutional, the Supreme Court does.
After all, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” would mean what it clearly states.
But our “common sense” tries to keep guns out of the hands of children and violent criminals, and to keep fully auto weapons rare, but the final decision is up to the court.
A clear majority of Americans believe that thorough background checks and restrictions on AR-15 type rifles are “reasonable”. A clear majority of Americans believe that abortions are “reasonable”.
Once again Elwood, it does not matter what “a clear majority” thinks. It matters what is right. When you consider “a clear majority of Americans” have spent the last 50 years being propagandized in schools, by the media, by advocates and by the DNC against ALL guns I’m surprised it isn’t all Americans believe blah, blah, blah.
There is no reasonable reason to restrict AR-15 rifles unless you restrict ALL semi auto rifles. And there’s no reason to restrict ALL semi auto rifles unless you restrict all semi auto pistols. We own an AR-15 and a Ruger Mini-14 both 5.56x45mm. What is the difference? Looks only. I fire both (quite accurately too) and find them easy to use, fire and accurate. They are what I look for in a weapon as a woman.
Why should my AR be illegal but my Mini not? The only reason is because you will start wit my AR and come back later to get my Mini. It’s all a lie as usual. You guys really got to stop lying to the people. We are on to you.
Why did you bring abortions into the conversation? Abortion is not a constitutional right and has no business being treated as such. That said a clear majority of Americans do not believe all abortions at all stages for all reasons including pure murder in the name of birth control or as leftists use it anti black eugenics are reasonable.
As a man you should have no say about abortion. The only reason a man would support abortion is to force women to kill their babies so they don’t have to marry them. That’s what a lot of you men do. Mind your own body please.
Background checks INFRINGE the right to keep and bear arms.
Now the FBI has started doing something that is totally against the law. They are putting your background check on hold until the STORE gives you their name and address. Which is illegal.
Additionally, the ATF is now going to the homes of residents who bought a gun that was released to them after the 72 hours the FBI has to authorize or deny a weapon purchase. If they find something in your background after 72 hours and you have bought the gun the ATF is now going to your home and collecting the gun.
inefficiency and the speed with which the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (“NICS”) does its job, it may surprise you to learn that it’s one of the reasons NICS exists. This form is the one that is used to check your background. It is also now becoming a clever way for the ATF and FBI to learn WHO IS BUYING WEAPONS.
FYI if you want to buy guns and not fill out a form that goes to the FBI for a background check(NICS) then get a Concealed Carry Permit. I can walk into a store and buy a gun by showing my Permit and I do not have to fill out the NICS and wait for a background check. I have already had an extensive background check and been fingerprinted, my picture taken and a file started on me by the federal government.