This is a recent poll of Californians
38% say they are having a serious hardship with the current economy, 33% say hardship, but, not serious, and 29% say no hardship. So, of course, Newsom and the General Assembly are working on those concerns, making child abuse legal
Newsom Signs Bill Making California ‘Sanctuary’ for Child Gender Transition
On Thursday, California governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation that would facilitate child gender-transition tourism from other states.
The bill, spearheaded by Democratic state senator Scott Wiener, aims to make California a “sanctuary state” for out-of-state children to receive so-called gender-affirming surgery and hormone therapy without the knowledge or consent of their parents. The bill includes a number of provisions designed to insulate residents of red states that have banned child gender-transition from prosecution.
It prohibits California courts and lawyers from enforcing subpoenas imposed by other states demanding that healthcare providers disclose when they perform such medical procedures on minors.
Wiener has been behind multiple lawmaking efforts in the state to undermine parental rights. In January, he pitched a bill that would allow minors to be vaccinated without parental permission.
Under the gender-transition law, California courts will have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over any child and the person who accompanied the child to California to obtain the invasive medical interventions.
This is beyond insane, that the state is going to take the place of the parents and help a child, who really doesn’t know any better, do terrible things to their body that would be extremely difficult to reverse, and block parents from knowing and interceding. An unrelated person could transport a minor without parental consent across state borders. Sadly, there cannot be a federal lawsuit until a child’s life is destroyed, most likely.
You can bet that even many Democrats will be against this, and will turn many against Democrats. It’s pure insanity.

Might as well call this the Attorney’s Full Employment Act. Any child who crosses into the Pyrite State to get
physically mutilated“gender affirming care” without the consent of his parents is going to wind up getting the medical ‘care’ providers and the state itself sued and sued and sued.As stupid as I believe that physicians who provide
physical mutilation“gender affirming care” are, surely even they aren’t stupid enough to do so for an out-of-state minor without his parents written consent.Minors can’t sign a contract or drink, but they can decide to allow “doctors” to mutilate them…
Got it.
Heinlein was an optimist.
Transgenderism is a lie. Without exception, every human being that believes that they are the sex opposite their biological sex is delusional. It’s a psychosis. They are psychotic. They need help, not enablers. It’s no different than someone believing that they are a ghost or a dog or smoke. The people who are pushing this nonsense onto children are on a completely new, and horrifying level of mental illness. First it was bathrooms and locker rooms, now it’s life altering drugs and surgeries. If your child or student told you that they were a dalmatian, would you start giving them Rogaine baths, taking them to the veterinarian and schedule surgery to add a tail? These people are criminal abusers, and they belong in prison.
If you want to pretend that you’re something else, fine, by all means. Make believe is a wonderful thing, have at it. Just don’t expect the rest of us to pretend with you and we’re good. Drugging and cutting up kids? That’s just wrong and always will be.
Matthew wrote:
Not only are the left enablers of homosexuality and transgenderism, but several states have laws banning therapy to bring such people back to normal sexual feelings.
The difference is that homosexuality isn’t a mental illness or make believe for that matter. It’s certainly not genetic, just a choice. It may be an unconscious choice for some, like men who prefer redheaded women or women who prefer men with beards without really understanding why, but it is a choice and generally does not harm anyone.
The enablers of transgenderism on the other hand, no matter their political stripe, are causing great harm.