It just goes to prove yet again that people might care about the climate crisis scam in theory, but, in practice? It’s low hanging fruit when compared with real issues
How important is climate change to NC voters in the 2022 midterm elections?
At a public meeting in Leland last month, officials with Chemours glowingly discussed the chemical company’s plans to expand its operations at the Fayetteville Works complex. Outside, nearly 200 protesters sent a different message to the officials of the company that for decades, along with its predecessor DuPont, dumped toxic “forever chemicals” into the Cape Fear River, contaminants that eventually made it into the drinking water of thousands of downstream residents.
The outrage against Chemours that has gripped the Cape Fear region since 2017 when the StarNews first brought the contamination to light has been powered by a drumbeat of new accusations and state actions against the company and new information about the health dangers posed by PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) like GenX.
Throw in a string of national and worldwide natural disasters that scientists say are fueled by manmade climate change and it would seem that environmental activism would be a driving issue at the ballot box going into the upcoming midterm elections.
Well, no, candidates and political scientists say.
Sadly, real environmental issues end up in the same category as climate apocalypse, since a) most of the nuts are in the same group, and b) the cult has made environmental issues the same as climate doom. I’m concerned about those forever chemicals. Not climate Ragnarok.
State Rep. Deb Butler, a Democrat who represents Wilmington in the N.C. House, said there are plenty of kitchen table issues, from inflation and the state of the economy to the future of public education and women’s reproductive rights, that are dominating the conversation this election season.
“That’s certainly at the top,” she said of the abortion question that’s divided the country for decades and became even more of a hot-button issue this summer with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to allow states to decide the issue. “People are still very, very upset about their contaminated water, too.”
And concerns over climate change?
“It kind of takes a back seat to those present threats,” Butler said.
Clean water is environmental, not climate calamity.
That sentiment was echoed by her Republican challenger for the House District 18 seat.
“People want to be heard, and they’re concerned about a lot of issues,” John Hinnant said.
He said when he knocks on people’s doors and asks them what worries them heading into the 2022 midterms, climate change and the environment does come up.
“But it’s well down the line,” Hinnant said. “People care about it, but between the increasing cost to fill the tank, higher utility bills and rising food prices, those are their primary things.”
It’s the same every election cycle: people do not care about climate cataclysm in practice.
Anusha Narayanan, climate campaign director for Greenpeace USA, admitted environmentalists are facing an uphill battle to get voters to pay attention when there are so many other daily, economic and political struggles for them to focus on.
“People are exhausted by the pandemic, they’re terribly disillusioned by the government,” she told The New York Times in July. “People see climate as a tomorrow problem. We have to make them see it’s not a tomorrow problem.”
Maybe, maybe not. Most are just unwilling to make wholesale changes in their own lives to accord with their beliefs. To pay more taxes and fees, or see their cost of living go up. If the enviros were smart, they’d separate the environment from climate destruction. People would care more about the environment in practice.
So what will it take to get climate change back on electors’ radar screen?
More natural disasters or environmental degradations that directly impact them would be one way, officials said.
The climate cult would love more misery, death, and destruction so they can push their cult beliefs.

Teach believes that he can read minds and see the evil within
Reverse bussing of migrants!
Busses are loading in Queens NYC
With migrants hoping to find work helping to clean up the gigantic mess left by the hurricane
We Floridians don’t need bus loads of looters shipped down here. We have enough problems without your selfish commie solutions. Unlike the big blue cities we take care of our own. We don’t shoot them.
Veronica and I spent most of the day running elderly to and from doctors appointments and hospital visits. We also doubled by carrying bottled water to these areas.
MAGA, dummy.
Make-believe crises in the distant future (always 20 years away) are always less important than real life crises that are happening today. For instance: massive inflation and a national government doing the exact opposite to fix it. For Instance #2: Massively corrupt government. For Instance #3: A national government that is totally devoted to looting the federal treasury, not just for the money they find today, but creating money out of thin air, so they can loot that too, sticking the future with the bill.
How much disposable income do you think the future people will have to deal will things like climate change, immigration, Health Care, and student loans after the Biden administration gets through with them?
If only there were some reason why they feel that way… maybe lack of evidence?