Hey, I bet if all the climate apocalypse global elites pledge to make their own lives carbon neutral they could work to solve this. Make their own companies carbon neutral?
U.N. chief: Current climate change pledges ‘far too little and far too late’
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres issued a dire assessment Monday on the current world pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change, saying they were “far too little and far too late” to keep temperatures from rising above a critical threshold.
“The collective commitments of G-20 governments are coming far too little and far too late. The actions of the wealthiest developed and emerging economies simply don’t add up,” Guterres said at a press conference at U.N. headquarters in New York City of the efforts to keep average global temperatures from rising 1.5° Celsius or higher above pre-industrial levels.
The world has already warmed by 1.2°C due to the greenhouse effect caused by mankind’s burning of fossil fuels, and studies show that that amount of warming is already having a profound impact on the planet, including making hurricanes stronger and worsening drought, heat waves, wildfires, and extreme rainfall events.
While the use of coal and oil might have a small effect, it’s primarily natural variability
- 1877-78: strong El Nino event warms global temperatures
- 1880s-1910: small cooling, partially due to volcanic eruptions
- 1910-1940s: warming, partially due to recovery from volcanic eruptions, small increase in solar ouput and natural variability
- 1950s-1970s: fairly flat temperatures as cooling sulphate aerosols mask the greenhouse gas warming
- 1980-now: strong warming, with temperatures pushed higher in 1998 and 2016 due to strong El Nino events
If anything, that underestimates. You had a huge jump in the temps in the 1930s, and the 50’s through 70’s was actually a bit negative. Then a big pause in the late 1990’s for around 16 years. And, depending on the dataset you look at, warming since 1850 can be as low as .8C. But, this is not about science, or, we wouldn’t see
Egypt: About 90 heads of state confirmed for COP27 climate summit
About 90 heads of state have confirmed attendance at November’s COP27 climate negotiations in Egypt where they will address issues including energy transition and food security at opening sessions, a senior Egyptian official said on Monday.
“We’ve received a large number of confirmations from around the world, I think the last count was about 90 heads of state but the numbers keep coming in,” said Wael Aboulmagd, special representative for the COP27 presidency, without mentioning specific countries.
Egypt is taking over the presidency of the U.N. climate talks from Britain, and will host the talks from Nov. 6-18 in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
How many of them will be taking private fossil fueled jets, with large retinues of advisors and such to the swanky resort city? How many more will do the same? How many lower level Warmists will take long fossil fueled trips?

Teach typed: While the use of coal and oil might have a small effect, it’s primarily natural variability
Does Mr Teach believe his link SUPPORTS his views?? Yikes.
Climate pigs should put their troughs somewhere that will do some good. Imagine the good they can do if their climate summits were in Haiti and all that money being poured into local jobs and production. Imagine how serious they would be about pollution if their summit were in China, Pakistan, or India.
They aren’t allowed on China, Pakistan or India. After all, that’s where the actual environmental problems are.
What is the ideal temp of earth?
Caring about the environment is White People’s problem.
CarolAnn: What is the ideal temp of earth?
There is no such thing! Evidence supports that the Earth has undergone a number of glacial-interglacial cycles over at least the last million years. During the glacial periods (northern hemisphere covered by glaciers) the Earth is thought to have been about 6C cooler than today. But human civilization developed in only the past 12,000 years or so under a relatively stable climate. For humans, it appears the optimum is similar to what we have now, about 14C, since that’s what we’ve had during the Holocene. The difference between the first 5000 yrs of the Holocene and the Little Ice Age (LIA) was only 1C. Right now the Earth is about 1.5C warmer than the LIA.
Humans are seeing changes in weather patterns associated with only a 1.5C increase.
The optimum for humans appears to be 13-14C based on history.
So there is no ideal temp for earth? Then is there a span of temps that are better for human development? Life? Progress? I realize earth temps vary from -50 or more to +125 and more but the actual living temps are much closer. Plus the temps at which food production is optimal are even narrower.
People need food, energy and shelter above all else. What will the cult of climate science fiction do to maximize those areas? What is the leftist backup plan if crops fail due to fertilizer shortages? What is their backup if the electric grid (already stretched to it’s limit in many places) collapses under the weight of 300 million electric vehicles? What is the urgency to eliminate ICE vehicles in 10 or 15 years? Why not evolve into it? Like cars did?
I like most people do not believe a few degrees in only some areas over a hundred will destroy the earth. Especially when one considers the potential of technological developments in that field over that amount of time which could control or even eliminate even that small rise in temp.
CarolAnn typed: So there is no ideal temp for earth?
Global warming will not result in destroying the Earth; an Earth that has survived much, much harsher conditions than a few degrees C warming.
But selfishly, some of us worry about warming effects on human societies. And yes, we can adapt by moving cities inland and northward, and ‘hardening’ infrastructures (buildings, utilities). We need to know how to deal with migrants from less advanced regions who leave their lands to move away from the equator. Fresh water will continue to be a valuable commodity. We can develop crops that grow under less than ideal conditions. We can develop new vaccines for new zoonotic diseases.
Collectively, globally, we’ve made the decision (or lack of decision) to do nothing. We’ll adjust to warming for as long as we can. Only fools would rebuild on Sanibel Island or build a new house on the Florida coast. But we have have an excess of greedy fools! When daily highs in mid-America average 105F, and electrical demand drives prices, people will migrate north.
Our kids, grandkids and great-grandkids will thank us in the future for doing nothing.
Now, everything that jeff said is a lie or major distortion. Think, we can eliminate global warming by purchasing carbon credits. If you believe that you are a real dumbass.
No, humans are not seeing changes in weather patterns also with a 1.5 temp increase. No evidence of that.
“The optimum appears to be 13 to 14 based on history”. That’s interesting, because you said we’re about 14 now, which would already include the 1.5 increase. So, warming is good.
On top of that, no evidence that we’ve had a relatively stable climate for 12,000 years.
Maybe the cultists should hold their lavish affaires in Puerto Rico. After all thats bidens new sort of homeland.
BIDEN: “I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home politically.”
He had Corn Pop, now he has empanadillas Pop.
It’s great that the pledges are too late to matter. That means we can stop trying. I wonder if the Climate doom counsels understand that that is the logical conclusion of their constantly ratcheting up the level of doom every year.
Although the pledges don’t matter, the money they demand we all pay certainly matters.
Of course, the reason none of it matters is that China is building new coal powered power plants as fast as they can put them up and they don’t bother with things like CO2 scrubbers or even air pollution controls. The rest of the world combined going carbon neutral doesn’t even keep pace with China’s CO2 growth.
But my favorite is the US Secretary of State telling Germany that the destruction of Nordstream is a good thing because now they can use less energy this winter. Got that Germans? Just wear a sweater.
According to Bill Gates, Only 1/3rd of all Co2 emissions come from wealthy nations and 2/3rd come from developing, nonwealthy nations.
Yet the ills of the world are a result of the USA being wealthy…..SCREAMS CHINA…er I mean AGW NAZIS…..er I mean 50 cent ARMY commenters…..er I mean COMMUNISTS….er I mean Stewarts of our environment.
If the Secretary-General believes that the pledges are all “far too little and far too late,” then can we just forget them all and live like we wish?
Anyone notice that North Korea Fired a missile directly over Japan Yesterday.
The Same Day Russia, Sortied a Nuke Sub carrying the Tsunami nuclear bomb which is designed to cause a radioactive Tsunami.
At the same time intelligence reports showed that Russia was deploying its missile men by railroad cars.
Yet here we have once again the left led by quite obviously cognitively Impaired president Biden drawing a line in the Sand and saying hell no.
Ask yourself a question in the USA would you be willing to stop the woke war if it meant civil war. The answer by both sides seems to be NO.
Well ask yourself would you be willing to find PEACE if it meant no NUKALAR WAR? The answer seems to be NO.
The difference in my opinion is that while a USA civil war will drastically afect the world it will not render much of the planet uninhabitable and kill perhaps a billion people. A nukalar war will do those things many times over.
It is a common American misperception about war that it will always be fought by other people in other places. No Americans have any living memory about what a “civil war” looks like in their own towns and involving people they know. For such people, it is painfully easy to claim that they will pay any price to achieve their objectives. Once you have seen the green fields around Sarajevo turned white with grave markers, you feel differently. When you see a modern European capital city turned into a bombed out ruin, you feel differently. When you hear your own children crying with hunger, malnutrition, and wonder who will care for them when you are gone, you feel differently.
Of course, the Left isn’t known for having empathy for the people their policies harm. So this is another lesson that will need to be taught with blood before it is remembered. For the Left, it’s all about the “Benjamins”. Some must be sacrificed so that leftists can live like royalty. Communism has always been about the theft.
So True Professor Hale. So true. I think all Americans have forgotten what real war is like. We have grown used to seeing it on TV while we sip beer and eat beer nuts.
2.00 gasoline
No New Wars
Cheap groceries.
Strong Stock Market.
Low Inflation.
Ahh I am glad Trump is gone. Those were such trying times.
Hilarious-“too little, too late…”
Is he referring to the UN’s dire warning from 1989, or those issued in between, or now?
CarolAnn typed: So there is no ideal temp for earth?
Global warming will not result in destroying the Earth; an Earth that has survived much, much harsher conditions than a few degrees C warming.
So what’s all the hubbub about on the left?
But selfishly, some of us worry about warming effects on human societies.
A warming effect of a couple degrees? Nonsense. We need to know how to deal with migrants from less advanced regions who leave their lands to move away from the equator. Really? they are going to move away because it went from 98 to 101? We don’t think so. And we do need to learn to deal with foreign invaders coming to our country because they turned theirs into a shithole with socialist bs.
Basically, you made the case for ignoring the climate farce and going about our lives improving mankind as best we can. Panic is not necessary. Planning is and that plan should not include destroying the economic plan that feeds the most people, invents the most technology, supplies the most clean water and researches the best medical and scientific plans on earth. It’s called capitalism.
I’m glad to hear cooler heads may prevail and we all won’t be forced to drive EV’s if we don’t want them. But I worry the radical AGW nuts will cripple our way of life before they’re stopped.
CarolAnn typed: A warming effect of a couple degrees? Nonsense.
An increase of the mean global surface temperature by a couple degrees Celsius is not nonsense, but is actually quite serious.
Gas vehicles replaced horses and we survived. Natural gas replaced wood and we survived. Indoor plumbing and sewer systems replaced wells and outhouses and we prospered.
We’re used to change and the transition from ICEs to electric motors will be survivable as well. Fuelists claim that the transition from fossil fuels will destroy the economy, but there’s no reason it should. Did the transition from wood to natural gas destroy anything? We’ll survive energy efficiency. Conservatives fear a lot of things, but nothing more than change. Relax. No one will force you to buy an EV.
Fuelists claim that the transition from fossil fuels will destroy the economy, but there’s no reason it should. Did the transition from wood to natural gas destroy anything? We’ll survive energy efficiency.
“Fuelists”? Have you invented a new magical derogatory name for people you disagree with about fuel too? Wow. If there is no appropriate insult you invent one.
As usual you distort and pervert what we believe just as you insist on calling us “climate deniers”. We do not believe the transition from fossil fuels will destroy anything UNLESS IT’S FORCED TOO SOON and for the wrong reasons. Or does forcing 250 million EV’s on a country in 15 years without preparation or consideration make sense to you? The transition from wood to natural gas is not even close to similar in that we now have 340 million people already taxing the electric grid to the max and the politicians are forcing another 350 million cars on it. That needs lots of planning. Right now we see zero new and improved infrastructure for support. Plus gas lines etc were added “as needed” by local utilities. We now have the feds mucking things up with chargers and mandates because when all you have is a hammer etcetera. Since science, like medicine is now federalized and weaponized we face force not convincing. And as we have seen with everything from The War on Poverty to the Wuhan scamdemic when the left forces something it fails and they just walk away and blame somebody else(usually someone not involved in the scam).
We need a new Green Energy Tax imposed by the left at an add on rate of at least 20% to everyone’s federal taxes, fuel bills and as an extra on any new housing or commercial structures.
Really? A transition from wood in the past. Can you get any more stupid. Stupid seems to be the word most applied to liberals. The climate change is a scam. Just look at the proposed resolutions, that says enough.