If the science was so rock solid, the climate cult wouldn’t need to silence the opposition. It would stand on it’s own
United Nations Partners with Google to Silence Climate Skeptics
A United Nations representative revealed her globalist organization had partnered with Google to prioritize messages underscoring the gravity of the climate crisis.
Melissa Fleming, the U.N.’s Under-Secretary for Global Communications, said at a Sept. 29 World Economic Forum (WEF) event the U.N. is working with Google to “elevate the content.”
“You know, we partnered with Google, for example, if you Google climate change, you will, at the top of your search, get all kinds of U.N. resources,” Ms. Fleming declared. “We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled climate change, we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top.”
“So we’re becoming much more proactive,” she continued. “You know, we own the science and we think that the world should know it and the platforms themselves also do.” (snip)
Fixing the situation required reversing “an algorithmic shift that was deliberately taken to favor individuals over institutions,” which had placed at a disadvantage “the institutions who are there to serve the public for good.”
Social media users are looking for a more curated environment where they can avoid being exposed to the wrong messages, she asserted.
“I think there’s certain people who’ve totally got lost down rabbit holes and they’re going to hopefully find their way out at some point. But I do think there are all kinds of people in the middle,” she said.
In other words they’re making sure people do not see Wrongthink. I’ve known for quite some time that the algorithms for my own site are limited by Google. And Yahoo. Simply searching “hotcoldwetdry” only gives you a few hits, at best, with my web address, despite there being quite a few posts with hotcoldwetdry in the headline. I’ve seen the same for many other Skeptic sites, like Watts Up With That?, Real Climate Science, and more. They’re afraid that people might read the wrong stuff, and it is in the DNA of leftists to stop people from seeing it. Debate? Bah. Gore said the debate was over 2 decades ago, and, by that, he meant “no one is allowed to argue, no one is allowed to disagree.”

“1984” was supposed to be a warning, not a blueprint.
O. M. G.
If you support this idiocy, you are TRYING to provoke a violent outburst – because the non-violent means of resolution are failing. You have to be truly stupid to agree with this dimwit’s obsevations.
If you’re wrong, there’s no need silence you..
But this must be the section of the scientific method I missed in school….
Meaning you paid for (and received) the results you wanted, so the rest of us are just supposed to buy in. How about no? How about HELL NO?
I can’t believe you stupid white fools let that fat, ugly, smelly, commie, lezbo negress Lizzo play Madison’s glass flute while twerking. Are you people trying to make world class fools of yourselves or of America in general? Do you realize that was just done to embarrass and defame white people?
Next time you run across one of the two dozen white supremacists the FBI say are lurking around trying to kill people and one of them says niggers are stupid remind them of this national travesty and embarrassment.
White people can be so much stupider.
You are preaching to the choir brother. Jeff and his liberal friends are paralyzed by white guilt.
Mr White,
So Lizzo playing a flute embarrasses and defames all white people, whom you call fools? Maybe YOU found it embarrassing for some reason. Otherwise, why mock her as a fat, ugly, smelly, commie, lezbo negress? How dare you. She’s a talented songwriter and singer and brilliant performer. Conservatives hate seeing a black person proudly succeed. How conservatives hated Cassius Clay –> Muhammad Ali! He didn’t take crap from the white establishment. Neither did Martin Luther King! Conservatives hate when black men and black women don’t know their place!
Do you understand what Lizzo is doing (besides making beaucoup bucks)? She’s helping big girls not hate themselves by saying FU to men like you. FU. She plays the friggin’ flute, too.
It sounds as if you hate white AND Black people. Or just maybe you hate all people.
In industries that depend mostly on merit – two examples are entertainment and sports (also entertainment) – where, once the white establishment allowed blacks to participate, they dominated or held their own. No ‘affirmative action’ needed! In the NFL, blacks were not encouraged or allowed to be QB, now they dominate. The best golfer in history is Tiger Woods.
Do you really think that people in other countries care about this at all?
Thanks for demonstrating that “systemic racism” doesn’t exist.
Actually we demonstrated that ‘systemic racism’ does exist.
Sorry you missed it.
Sorry, child, it only exists in your imagination.
Like most things you post about.
Sorry that you missed it, sweetmeat. Or is it just another obvious fact you DENY?
So you are saying that if we feel grossly obese people are offensive, but can’t say that because she is black and that we feel all her presentations are great because she is black. So being black she is in a special class that can not be criticized.
Now, people did not like old Ali because he refused the draft, just like John Wayne and Frank Sinatra, both censored because they avoided the draft. But, Ali was black so being a special person we can not call him down. And, MLK was criticized because he would come into town and give a great sermon about peaceful demonstration but funny thing as soon as he left town we had big time riots, which really made whites desire to be friends with blacks, NOT. Then quarter backs have to have some brains, not many blacks could match the white players for brains at the time. But they learned, somewhat, and are used as quarterbacks.
No, I would say that Jeff’s form of racism is worse than the most terrible of white supremacist as you tolerate and excuse blacks, only for their skin color. And Tiger is good, but not the best, again because he is black you make him great.
Just saw your last sentence. People in other countries hate others more so than here. There was a war in Africa over nose size. In the 60s I heard a chant that went, god made the Blackman, god damn. And there were no blacks in Canada.
OBSESSION! by david. Buy it today at 7-Eleven.
HENCE why you should never use GOOGLE or one of their phones or any of their services. Every time you use GOOGLE you are giving them money to fund the CHINESE CCP and to deny people the Truth as they see it.
That is the MSM and Social Media’s motto.
Waah! Waah! Let the far-right denier cult negotiate a deal with Google, a private company.
When the MAGAts take over they will nationalize all media and tech companies.
With connies it’s always projection. They tell us what they plan to do.
…and Jeffty is wrong again!
Say what you will, his consistency is admirable.
Oh Stormy has nothing to say! But what’s new…
Wrong again, infant. All I noted was that you – once again – fail to even understand what’s going on. The tech companies are protected from lawsuits because they claim to be neutrals, taking no responsibility for what shows up on their sites, and then turn around and censor viewpoints they don’t like.
The fact that this is OK with you demonstrates your sycophancy and lack of judgement quite clearly.
GOOGLE is the biggest corporation on earth and he defends it. The self-loathing lefty who hates corporations will defend any corporation that the right has a problem with. The same guy that a few years back was trash-talking big PHARMA is now defending them with his life.
Remind me again how much the CCP in China pays you for each post.
Conservatives in the USA which might amount to about 125 million or so with family and friends will hardly put a dent in Google’s bottom line. But a company that works with the CCP and refuses to work with our Pentagon yet builds its offices in the USA and then pays a pittance in Taxes should raise the IRE of the LEFT. It does not. Why is that DOWD?
A Google spokeswoman said: ‘We pay more than 80% of our corporate income tax in the US, which is our home country………MOtherfukkers claim the USA as their home country but are helping CHINA while telling the USA to go fuk themselves.
Google paid just £44 million in corporation tax last year. That may sound like a lot, but remember that their total gross profit in 2019 was $89.96 billion In 2016 they paid 1.4 billion in taxes. DURING OBAMA’s PRESIDENCY WHICH IS WHY I SHOWED THIS NUMBER INSTEAD OF CURRENTLY WHICH IS LOWER.
APPLE PAID 15.6 Billion.
FUK GOOGLE and everything they stand for. I am serious. People who support GOOGLE are supporting a company that is screwing Americans every which way they can. It is really easy to change your browsers go to search engine to bing or ask or whatever else you choose that is not GOOGLE. HINT you find it in settings on your browser.
Never in history have the censors been the good guys, but today’s left can’t see that.
This from a man wanting the state to censor teachers for teaching history.
Is it censorship for a private company not to publish everything they receive? Is it censorship for a private company to push true search results ahead of untrue results? Sounds like a public service. Trump runs Truth Social and re-‘truths’ BS over facts that contradict his own BS.
You are perfectly welcome to scour both this fine site for comments of mine, or my poor one, to find an example of where I have stated that I want “the state to censor teachers for teaching history,” or any equivalent formulation. We’ll wait.
Then again, to quote JRR Tolkien writing about a couple of guards at Minas Tirith, “Perhaps you will wait long.”
To be fair, I have pointed out that all libraries carry only a limited amount of material: they can neither pay for nor store everything. And I have supported the school districts in the Keystone State which have declined to carry age-inappropriate sexually-oriented materials, including materials which normalize and glorify homosexuality and transgenderism, because the public schools have a captive audience, given compulsory education laws. But I have also pointed out, in the same article, that I absolutely support the right of a privately-owned bookstore to carry such materials.
Similarly, I have also noted, with approval, the policy of some Pennsylvania public schools to require teachers and staff to refer to students by the names, ‘gender identities’, and pronouns consistent with the names and sex listed in the students’ official school records, even if a ‘transgender’ student named Will wants to be called Lia, and for the school to notify the student’s parents if the student requests a change. If the parents approve the name, ‘gender identity’, and pronouns change to the official records, then teachers and staff must refer to the student by those changes. This is to protect the school from a lawsuit by outraged parents if the school goes along with the cockamamie notion that girls can be boys and boys can be girls.
Child, once again you miss the point.
You are apparently fine with others deciding what is true. We sane people are not.
Elwood can’t go one day without being triggered into some form of Trump fear. He is scared all the time. The country is totally ruined under the daughter rapist but somehow with Elwood Trump is the problem going on two years retired. If Trump single handedly cured cancer tomorrow Elwood would find some reason to complain.
And I love it when the greatest projectionists in history call others out for projecting. Tell me they aren’t self unaware once more.
They not only lie, they LIVE in the lie.
OBSESSION! , by CarolAnn, a new stench.
BTW, Carol. I gave PedoDon full credit for the vaccine program! He’s not all bad, just mostly. And he continues to be the leader of your movement/party.
Stormy McSweetmeat typed: You are apparently fine with others deciding what is true.
Sweetmeat, once again you miss the point. Surely, you’re not saying that you lack access to information! Now, you oppose editorial discretion because you believe things that are not true, which is your right. All ideas are not equal.
Should textbooks include the ‘flat-Earth theory’ so that school kids can make up their own minds?
Google: ‘are conservatives dumb’ and you get… First 5:
About 3,090,000 results
Are Republicans dumb like liberals say they are? https://dbknews.com › Opinion
Recently though, this simplistic view has begun to give way to a different one. The new theory holds that GOP politicians act not out of stupidity, but out of …
I Was a Liberal Who Worked at Fox News. Here’s What … – Time https://time.com › Ideas › Books
Apr 10, 2018 — I was getting to know and like many conservatives and at the same time receiving more and more hate mail from conservatives.
People See Political Opponents as More Stupid Than Evil https://journals.sagepub.com › doi › full
by R Hartman — Affective polarization is a rising threat to political discourse and democracy. Public figures have expressed that “conservatives think liberals are stupid, …
Do smart people tend to be more liberal? Yes, but it doesn’t …https://theconversation.com › do-smart-people-tend-to-…
May 10, 2016 — Several recently reported cross-cultural studies show the correlation between social conservatism and intelligence is lower than previously …
Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Went from the Party of …https://www.amazon.com › Too-Dumb-Fail-Party-Reagan
Matt K. Lewis is a columnist at The Daily Beast and the author of “Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Betrayed the Reagan Revolution to Win Elections (and How It …
Publisher: ?Hachette Books; Reprint edition …
Dimensions: ?5.5 x 0.75 x 8.25 inches