Does this help the mission in protecting the United States? No
The Air Force has released its first plan to reduce its carbon footprint and adapt to climate change
U.S. Air Force and Space Force officials released a climate action plan Wednesday that includes a goal of operating bases at net-zero emissions by 2046, an ambitious effort to rein in the sizable carbon footprint of the U.S. military’s air wing.
The plan, the first from the branches, also takes into account how the Air Force will need to adapt its operations to changing climate conditions, most notably within the infrastructure of its bases and where its energy comes from.
“Extreme weather and environmental conditions are already imposing high costs on Department of the Air Force installations and operational missions, while simultaneously posing new risks to our ability to train and operate effectively,” Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said in the plan.
He recognized the Air Force as the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the Defense Department. The overall carbon footprint of the U.S. military rivals that of some countries such as Denmark and Portugal, according to research from Boston University. Those gases are what drive global warming and contribute to the worsening effects of climate change, such as extreme weather events.
They actually think they’ll be able to operate their airplanes and such with zero emissions? Maybe if they stop flying them.
Some of that work has already begun. The Air Force has already broken ground on a rebuild of Tyndall Air Force Base on the coast of Florida that will be resilient to future storms and is set to cost around $5 billion when completed. By the end of 2024, leaders at every Air Force base must have the framework in place to assess each base’s climate challenges. The goal is to have resilience and renewable energy projects at the ready as more funding becomes available year over year.
Pouring money into this, while forgetting things like training and materials.
The plan also aims to include, within the next two years, climate considerations into the way it educates and trains Air Force and Space Force personnel.
Indoctrination. Which will supersede teaching them to do their job, ie, protecting the U.S.
The Air Force will also complete a pilot by the end of 2027 using microreactors, or small nuclear devices, that can provide energy for an entire base.
Now that would make sense, but, you know the climate cultists will stop this from ever happening. Regardless, this is just another way the Left is destroying the American military, making America more vulnerable, because they hate America.
In fairness, replacing all those fossil fuels would be great, as I’ve stated numerous times. Not from a CO2 point of view, but, all the other pollution that comes from fossil fuels. The smog. The smell. Leaking on the ground. But, whatever replaces it needs to actually be much better for the environment.

HAHAHA. The Air force’s plan for climate change is the same one they have every democrat administration: Fly less.
The goal is to have resilience and renewable energy projects at the ready as more funding becomes available year over year.
Democrats have thought of the DoD budget as a slush fund since the Clinton administration. Possibly before that to but that was before my time.
Do you know what nation and whose nation’s military is ignoring Global Warming? Russia.
How’s their un-woke, tough-guy military performing against little Ukraine?
Mr Teach typed: this is just another way the Left is destroying the American military, making America more vulnerable, because they hate America
So much BS in one sentence!! The “Left” is not destroying the American military, but reasonable people recognize that Global Warming is real.
How is this making America more vulnerable? Our proxies are kicking the “nuRight’s darlings”, Putin and the vaunted manly Russian military, out of Ukraine. It’s the nuRight that hates America and is poised to destroy us.
So Russia is weak because they don’t accept the climate hoax? Man, that is nuts. How about the fact that corruption weakens their military, as wokeness does ours. The left has been fighting our military since the 60s. Jeff, you really look silly.
OBSESSION!, by david
“Realize that global warming is real”. So? Warming is simply….warming. If the warmies walked the walk they’d embrace nuclear and focus on China and India, but they won’t. I’m sure we’ll deter war when our adversaries see our military men and women on electric scooters…
So, Teach and his hapless readers now believe the US military is weak! And it’s all the fault of ‘woke’ gays, women, trans and global warming!!
It’s become de rigueur for the MAGAt movement to disparage US institutions, including the once untouchable military.
Dear Elwood:
“How’s their un-woke, tough-guy military performing against little Ukraine?”
False dichotomy.
Try again.
Dear Lewis,
Just denial.
Try again. LOL
Dear Elwood:
“A false dilemma (sometimes also referred to as a false dichotomy) is a logical fallacy, which occurs when a limited number of options are incorrectly presented as being mutually exclusive to one another or as being the only options that exist, in a situation where that isn’t the case. For example, a false dilemma occurs in a situation where someone says that we must choose between options A or B, without mentioning that option C also exists.
False dilemmas often play a role in people’s internal reasoning process, when they misunderstand or misinterpret situations. Furthermore, false dilemmas are also frequently used intentionally for rhetorical purposes in various ways, such as to oversimplify complex situations by turning them into misleading dichotomies, or to frame issues in a way that pressures people to accept a certain stance.”
Now, try again.
Putin-loving connies have unfavorably compared the ‘woke” US military (women, gays, trans, global warming woke) to the “manly” Russian Army who are losing their shorts and fleeing. Putin is conscripting more because they are getting their asses handed to them by the US military-backed Ukrainians. The US has the largest, most advanced, best military, period. Live with it.
What are the other ‘options’ we’re ignoring? LOL.
But we ‘appreciate’ your attempt to change the subject.
As a strategy enabling their takeover of the nation, NuCons are spreading the notion that the United States and its institutions have foundered. You now hate the FDA, FBI, elections, FEMA, IRS, military, EPA, NASA, NOAA, SEC, FEC, NIH, CDC, DOJ, DEA, ICE, BLM, BIA…
There is a reason that our ex-president was such good ‘friends’ with Xi, Putin and Mohammad bin Salman. They used PedoDon to weaken the nation breeding internal distrust of our elections (a ruse engineered by PedoDon). If PeDoDon had NOT dishonestly claimed the election was ‘stolen’, neither would his cult. Ask yourself, who benefits most from a weak USA?
Now, try again.
Rimjob you were just schooled on the use of false dichotomies.

And here you are again using that logical fallacy to no avail.
Well done, dumbass.
You mean besides ALL of them? Specifically all of the countries in Asia, Africa, and South America. Even Europeand North America just pretend to take it seriously.
If the US military is just ‘pretending’ to take global warming seriously why are your panties in such a twist?
And those ‘massive’ militaries in South America and Africa?? LOL.
The US military spending is greater than the next ten nations combined!!! It’s 3 times greater than the next largest, China. It’s 12 times unwoke Russia’s!
It may or may not be wise, but America IS the world’s policeman.
Teach’s nu-anti-Americanism is disgusting, but typical for the cultish MAGAts.
The Dark Brandon has woke. He has been responsible for the destruction of the armies and navy of Trump’s friend and ally. An attack on an ally if Trump will not be acceptable to the Trump fan bois.
Nuclear power ? The last plant built was decades ago. No one wants one built near them, they destroy property values. The latest projected levelized costs of a new plant are over 30cents per kWh. Even red states don’t want them. No private insurance company will even insure their CONSTRUCTION
Bonds, let alone insure operation.
Good luck pushing that lemon even with massive government subsidies which of course is SOCIALISM. All the renewable projects are privately financed because THOSE will generate profits. And don’t throw a red herring of subsidies at it: 70% of subsidies go to fossil fuels. In recent years offshore leases for wind turbines sold for 12000 times as much per acre as fossil fuel leases paid to the Federal government.
Wrong again, Johnny. Fossil fuels by and large don’t receive subsidies. They receive tax breaks and depreciation allowance like thousands of other companies. Those aren’t subsidies because a subsidy is the government giving you money. Tax breaks allow you to keep money that was yours to begin with. Renewables receive subsidies because without them they couldn’t come close to competing. The media erroneously combines tax breaks and actual subsides under the term “subsidy” so as to fool those like you. Fossil fuels return 80-100 billion dollars to government coffers in the form of federal and state gas taxes. If technically a subsidy is the government handing out money, then fossil fuels returning billions to the government would be a…negative subsidy.
John, where in the hell to you get your “information”?
For some reason it wouldn’t copy and paste, but Federal subsidies per unit of electricity generated 2010 to 2019
Oil and gas…0.39
Dear Elwood:
“But we ‘appreciate’ your attempt to change the subject.
As a strategy enabling their takeover of the nation, NuCons are spreading the notion that the United States and its institutions have foundered. You now hate the FDA, FBI, elections, FEMA, IRS, military, EPA, NASA, NOAA, SEC, FEC, NIH, CDC, DOJ, DEA, ICE, BLM, BIA…”
Well, I see that you ignore the dictionary, which is par for the course for lefties.
But, I’ll try again.
As a verb, Hate: “…feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone).”
The word you were looking for, if you want to be accurate, is “distrust.”
As a verb, Distrust: “..doubt the honesty or reliability of; regard with suspicion.”
As a noun: Distrust: “..the feeling that someone or something cannot be relied upon.”
When we see the US AG directing the FBI to focus on school board meetings… When we see the FBI using 7 agents dressed in assault garb come to arrest a political opponent of abortion when the opponent’s lawyer has written to them that he surrenders… When we see the CDC floundering on answering the most basic questions regarding a disease….. When we see the head of the NIH lie, admit to it because it was for “our own good” and then lie again… When we see the same man get paid millions of dollars by the industry he should be wary of… When we see the military wasting time and money training the troops on CRT and LQGBT rather than how to kill our enemies… When we see the FBI ignoring riots that kill people and destroy property… When we see the government taking actions to drastically increase our cost of living… And the list could go on and on…
Well, maybe. Just maybe, even someone as brainwashed and ignorant as you can understand that there is a large degree of distrust of government in general.
But not hate.
Dear H:
“All the renewable projects are privately financed because THOSE will generate profits.”
I don’t think so. But maybe you can prove me wrong.
Got some links????